Reminder that Aang killed another living creature

Reminder that Aang killed another living creature.

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yeah but it was a wasp

all life is sacred

Wasps are the enemies of all life.

This, all wasps, and geese can die

Fucking wasp, don't produce honey, they fuck campings and picnics, don't even take care of the pollination and the worst of all, they kill bees just for fun.

Kill these fuckers.

Bugs and arachnids are not living creatures, they are scum that should be stomped on sight
All bugs and arachnids need to be killed no exceptions

Didn't the buzzard wasps have some sort of honey in their hive? I guess it could also have been buzzard vomit.


They said that it had the taste of rotten meat.

Uh-ho. Looks like we have some upset chordates here, folks. They've probably just realized they have never really controlled this planet. Don't worry. They'll go back to being delusional soon enough.


Wasps make my figs, some can be spared.

>t. skymarshall omar anoke
bugs, arachnids and their supporters need to hang


Oh please, you morons wouldn't last a month without us.
Us invertebrates would likely be just fine without you chordata spinefags shitting up the place. Tunicates are cool, though. You guys can stay.

Mazer Rakham pls go

Assuming that's a Weta, I had no idea they were carnivorous.

insects are becoming more and more obsolete soon bees will be extinct will be replaced by machines and after we eradicate fly's and mosquitos malaria, west nile and other insect diseases will be wiped out

>those derpy-ass wobblers
For what purpose?

How big is this fucker?

that's a spiny devil katydid.

yeah so about aang

Why did that dog eat the smaller dog?

It's a dog eat dog world.


They fucking exist in real life
They eat dead animals and turn their rotten bodies and blood into MEAT HONEY

You can't fool me, insect. Your humanoid facade doesn't negate what you truly are.

Are those other bees dragging the downed bee back inside the hive in the middle of the fight?

That's clearly one of their leaders. Prepare it for extensive, violent, nonconsensual probing. Zim gets first dibs.

>hornet attack
>it aint bee's starts playing

No bee left behind

This is like a fucking movie scene. So sudden incredibly imposing and terrifying. I love it.

>drag your wounded brother in arms back into the hive
>feed him nectar to nurse him back to health
>two days later he explodes as hundreds of parasitic wasp eggs burst from his hollowed out carcass
>their parents laugh at your horror from outside the hive
>they could have killed you themselves anyway, they just wanted to see you suffer and enjoy watching their children destroy your home from the inside via the bodies of your loved ones

These wasps aren't that insidious. They just go into the hive and slaughter every last bee they can. They can kill hundreds/thousands per hour EACH.

>and geese

What did they ever do to you?

Ever get close to a goose? Ever try to feed one around other geese? Ever stop feeding one?

>Enter the carcass through the eyes
>bee's job is to mix animal flesh with a digestive fluid to break it down into an edible substance
>substance is then placed into pot like containers until it is time to feed immature bees

I have nothing to say about this. Except, I kinda wonder if their beehive smells like a corpse?

List of acceptable insects: honey bees, fireflies, crickets, butterflies (willing to let butterflies go)

List of acceptable arachnids: none

All others deserve eradication.

You're not supposed to feed geese, dumbass.

Yes, because they are assholes


What about ladybugs

Now I want to try meat honey, that sounds fucking brutal.

No, you're not supposed to feed anything in public parks. It creates a dependency complex and the chemicals found in most brands of bread is usually bad for their health. Fuck off.

Fool, you'd take the minions of Beelzebub over the grand creation of Lolth? You will make fitting sacrifice to the Spider Queen.

Literally bacon grease.

Now you're making the little jumping spider sad.

They fuck with crops. I was going to add cicadas, too, but a lot of people hate the noise they make.

I don't feed bread, I feed frozen peas.

And get off your high horse, people have been feeding birds in ponds for centuries. That's not a dependency complex, that's a reliable diet.

All I see in those eyes is hatred. Sorry, no exceptions.

You are fucking dense, my friend. You're not supposed to feed them A N Y T H I N G; that's why they have numerous signs around virtually every public park and commons saying "Do not feed the wildlife". They can survive on their own, they don't need your help.

>And get off your high horse, people have been feeding birds in ponds for centuries. That's not a dependency complex, that's a reliable diet.

Depending on the place, it can be an issue as many migratory birds that get fed in parks end up not migrating and end up being unable to survive the winter.



No moths?!

Did any of these hybrid abominations even exist pre-spirit invasion era?


Has he never accidentally stepped on a fire-ant?
Swallowed a spider wasp in his sleep?

Sometimes its unavoidable to kill living creatures

>No dragonflies

>"Don't mind me, I'm just going out for a- GOTCHA BITCH!!!"

Now where have I heard something like that before.

Why would the mantis ever approach anything 10x larger than itself? That was no flower.

>it's staring at me the whole time...

The best part is the big white mantis is the adult version of the smaller red mantis. Ah what could have been.

He was focused on something else.

jeez, that's really catthroat



Wasps don't have souls. Infact they actually steal souls as well as hopes, dreams, and the physical state of not having been stung and or bitten repeatedly.


You should've died, like in the book.

>not grass type

The hornet can only do that because they got lucky they' didn't mess with another type of bees.

This is the most unsettling fucking thing I've seen all week. Holy shit, I need to watch more fucking bug fights, they are brutal as hell.

Is this a full length special about the Japanese Giant Hornet? AKA the single most evil thing of all creation?

You have no idea how turned on I am.

List of acceptable insects: none
List of acceptable arachnids: none
List of acceptable plants: none
List of acceptable animals: none
List of acceptable living things: none


I believe so, those fuckers are so dangerous they can dissolve human flesh, they should all be exterminated.

When will they learn?
Because it didn't learn.

Aang also spent an episode asking his predecessors for advice on a moral dilemma, and then turtled up like a baby when they didn't tell him what he wanted to hear. Aang is shit.

Fucking hell. I know what the episode is called and what series it's from, but It isn't available on NatGeos website or Netflix and I can't find a torrent.

Why must I be prevented from learning?

Considering the only other thing they eat are stinkhorn, a fungus so putrid it smells like a rotten carcass this is pretty obvious.

>fucking with crops
Don't ladybugs eat Aphids which fuck with crops.

Boner, I swear to God, any further and I'm scheduling myself for electro-shock therapy.

That's what I always heard. People flood their gardens with ladybugs or mantids to keep pests down.


So THIS IS why Sokka said that the honey tasted like rotten meat.

why just honey bees
bumble bees are adorable

But its a wasp.

Any bees that pollinate, really, I shouldn't have specified. Bees are objectively better for the planet than humans, so I'm in no position to judge.

>Nutted but she still suckin my brains out


Look up "Buddha, Bees, and the Giant Hornet Queen":

>Hornet is roasted alive in choking CO2

Deserves what it got.

Honestly, if first contact is with a peaceful species that looks like hornets, there's going to be some very confused and offended aliens on the other end.

holy fuck. i really hope bugs don't feel pain.

>Not counting spiders

Unless you live in a black widow or tarantular high area, spiders are completely apathetic towards humans.

Obvious exception is given to stuff like the huntsman spider. In fact, just fuck Australia.

Also, I'd include the rest of the bees, but I really doubt you have some grudge against bumblebees and the like.

I actually did find it on a shitty streaming site. Nightmare mode activated.

It's their lookalikes that fuck with crops I think, the asian beetle (?) . They look like orange ladybugs, but they release all kinds of shit.