Best looking women: nordics

>best looking women: nordics
>best looking men: Mediterraneans

>worst looking women: anglos
>worst looking men: anglos

>tfw standard ugly Anglo

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does it stink?

>>best looking men: nordics

>worst looking men: anglos



eat your burrito jose


Eat Ahmed's cock, Sigurd

german irish americans are the masterrace so it doesn't really matter what you think

all correct but best looking women: American qts

>implying you wouldn't let him cum in your pink boipussy

You mean brown right? Because that's an anus full of shit.


Hey don't blame your looks on us, Jamal.

>tfw anglo med mix

Women love guys that just have their shit fucked up tbqh familia

>windows phone

best looking are white tall blue eye fark hair

no med
no dark

>best looking women

>worst looking men

>Best looking women: Mediterranean
>Best looking men: Nordics

>Worst looking women: German
>Worst looking men: Indian

THAT'S how it should be.

I'd say Nordic for both genders.

*5 SEK har blivit insatta på ditt konto*

Lol no

>best looking women: Croats/Slavs
>best looking men: Dutch

>worst looking women: Anglos
>worst looking men: Sri Lankans

I don't speak Swedish, but I will gladly accept your money kind ice German.

I think Mediterranean women are more attractive desu.

Especially so if you're considering their psychology and how they carry themselves. But even without, when people talk about blonde/red hair and covet shit of that nature in a non-expel the browns kind of context, it makes me feel that they aren't even white.