Captain Britain and MI13 Pt. 1

I mentioned yesterday I'd storytime some Captain Britain for the user that requested it so let's jump right in























I've actually never read this story so I'm getting to enjoy it for my first time. I think I had just grabbed this for a friend and forgot about it.
























AWWW HELL YEAH! Thank you, OP!


You are most welcome. Anything I can to make people's days better.

















Oberon is such a badass.

Malicious code my ass. Also, for everyone in this thread I don't think I'm going to quite wrap things up in one thread. The run I have is 16 issues (15 plus Annual) so would you rather I just try to get it all today in two threads or do half now and half tomorrow?



I always considered this part of the Skrull Invasion more terrifying than what was happening in the States.


Malicious code again? WTF

I agree. Something about the Skrulls plus magic seems like a force to be reckoned with. They would eat the Chitari



>all today in two threads or do half now and half tomorrow?
Whatever's best for you,'re the one doing a solid.

I'll wait and see how I feel once I reach the halfway point.


>I'll wait and see how I feel once I reach the halfway point.
Right on, OP...I'll also try to keep this alive so anons can find it this evening as it's such the jam.










My man










