What is the single most tired premise for a cartoon?

what is the single most tired premise for a cartoon?
I think
>character has a being/pet/alien/whatever that he hides from people/disguises it as human/animal

>person becomes popular/rich
>immediately becomes huge asshole

transported to another world trying to get back
bumps into love interest first thing
not only is MCa fish out of water but now MC is part of a prophecy

Character assumes shit will go down when someone else realizes something

They go through fucking everything to make sure that someone doesnt find out.

>straight man who has everything but the girl
>wacky sidekick pops into his life and fucks up everything every episode but snaps back at the end and gets the attention of the girl

>little kid idolizes older heros
>tries to become one himself
This one just needs to fucking STOP.

Boring Guy and the Annoying Retard

>two friend characters whose main defining trait is that they both like food a lot and are always hungry
this is boring as fuck

I've been waiting for someone to bring this one up.

How many cartoons are there with that premise?

squirrel boy advertised itself as that.

it's not very common but it's always incredibly annoying to see, because the characters implied are extremely one-note and are oftentimes insufferably stupid

Scooby Doo

Yo but the Brak Show episode with that was fantastic.

i would have to say everything,
i saw that episode of OK KO where elodie makes her appearance and that part in the end where it's shown that elodie actually still cared about enid was just way too predictable.

it was pretty weird tho

why did she betray enid like that in the first place?

>Guy character and girl character acti like they don't like each other.
>Girl character who is best friend to guy character is oblivious to his obvious crush,

>what is the single most tired premise for a cartoon?
I didn't know this was tv fucking tropes

>Main character is extraordinary in some way
>Has to go to school and do ordinary kid things

>MC's are a trio of 3
>one is the girl/love interest

Cartoons are on tv

for a cartoon? yellow sponge undersea

name 8 webcomics that do this?

>Teenager gets powers
>Has to juggle school and being a hero
It can be done well but I've been sick of it ever since I was a kid.

>Teenager gets powers
>School blows up through acquisition of power
>School is either cancel due to repairs or mc has to take online classes

>Chosen one

Sluggy Freelance
My Cardboard Life
VG Cats
Some other one

Yeah, we need more "I'm doing this because it's the right thing" and less "I'm doing this because I'm supposed to."