You didn't say big McThankies from McSpankies

you didn't say big McThankies from McSpankies

Other urls found in this thread:

>Don't let our food be denied

How the fuck is that clichéd?
Why is Jimmy so retarded?

Uhh dude this is salt


That's what I said, sodium chloride

Hey, We like to have The Triple Long Extremely Juicy Shitty Fuckable Sweetest Ass Cover Fishing Fishy Mush Deadly Spikey Viral Cummy Yummy Inflated Bacon Burger

Jimmy needs to learn that big complicated scientific words are too much for normalfags to handle


Jimmy needs to learn that there's a difference between being smart and being a smartass, as well as follow the code of conduct at work rather than think he knows better

And that the cash register is used to manage inventory and profits

>Jimmy transformed McSpankies into a death trap that went around on a murder streak
What the fuck Jimbo

Reminder that Skeet died for your sins and Jimmy was Skeet's autistic retarded Judas.

Skeet employed children into labor and paid them below minimum wage

>Skeet tried to help some kids in his town by giving them a job to make some extra cash and learn how the real world works.

How quickly you forget, Sup Forums


Skeet's being a manager, should've trained him proper procedure and explained why. Instead of 'ya gotta do it this way'

Also, child labor laws prevent children from working fast food in the first place.

Way to justify child labour buddy. He is exploiting Jimmy's naivete for profit

He paid exactly minimum wage, don't disrespect Skeet. Also, the only reason they needed the money from the job was to pay for gold Jimmy melted to power one of his inventions.

I miss Sam posting

Jimmy needs to learn about context, when sodium chloride is refined to use on food is more correct to say salt

Jimmy is a meme genious, he has knowledge about science but none about grammatic or anything else

Tell me user.

They lied about their ages. You can't blame my man Skeets.

Carl said he was 11 and still got hired.

Dr Pig wouldn't employ children, Skeet is a horrible asshole.


Jimmy violated the NAP

You violated by DIC


Skeet was just a simple fuckin working man. He hires some kids, he gives them a chance, and in comes Jimmy acting like he's too good for working at a fast-food joint, when that's LITERALLY the only job he's qualified to work. He didn't deserve this. No soul pure and untainted enough to find joy in working fast-food deserves this.

It's called SALT.

this show was ugly and annoying and this epic meem is unfunny. please, just stop embarrassing yourselves

Technically, getting embarrassed is almost impossible on this website. since most of us are anonymous and ergo don't have a reputation to worry about.

You've been reminiscing about me for HOURS!
You're outta here, yeh.

what the hell is going on?