What were some flaws with this movie?

what were some flaws with this movie?

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No villain song

some of my favorite designs

Hercules wasn't a very well developed character, especially compared to Meg.

I don't believe the culturally enriched gospel soundtrack fit the Greek mythology setting.

I would have liked something more epic and symphonic, the neogospel was really out of place

Trying to be shrek

it fit it perfectly

i bet you also hated the tarzan soundtrack u pleb

It fits perfectly in the princess and the frog, but for Greek mythology it's straight up fucking retarded

Actually I felt that the music felt out of place at times too like in hurc's montage sequence


music doesn't belong to a certain race

It's not so much the race when more so its about the feeling and internal vibe of the music. When you listen to gospel music you don't imagine Greek aesthetics being part of the sound.

>music doesn't belong to a certain race

Not about race, it's about setting. They tried something different and it didn't work.

I can't imagine Jason And The Argonauts or Ben Hur with fucking gospel, it's beyond retarded.

Complete and utter disregard for the material it was adapting. Like I get they're not going to have Zeus go around on one of his rape spress but making Hades the badguy is just so hackneyed.

Especially when in Hades is actually the LEAST EVIL god in the Greek pantheon. He only ever really did that shit with Persehphone which depending on who's telling it was her own damn fault and a couple of dick bags who tried to kidnap his wife. Orpheus also only had himself to blame

Hades didn't make Hercules his personal sex slave.

thats what makes it so interesting though

i can totally imagine jason and the argonauts with gospel though
there's no way they could cover half the shit in the myth and still make it for kids

Let's see, Zeus is a family man instead of an unfaithful philanderer, and Hera's not the jealous, vindictive she-beast she is in the ACTUAL GODDAMN MYTHOLOGY... and of course Hades is a villain because DEATH AND HELL IS SCARY WAHH. Implications that Herc completed his twelve labors BEFORE shacking up with Megara and having a child, what with Scar's pelt clearly being a reference to the Nemean Lion...

Oh, and no villain song.

They put 2 things that don't mix well together for the sake of just being different

Gospel and Greek Mythology do not mix well.

Actually I think they do for the more light hearted style hercules did

It's about as accurate as any other Disney adaptation. Aladdin and the little mermaid stories are nothing like the films depict them.

>Gospel and Greek Mythology do not mix well.
>Domestic Total Gross: $99,112,101

Also it's quite obviously superman

If you did some changes it would have been a Superman movie

But "2 things don't mixing well together" is your opinion and conception of what happened.
They do not mix well because you say they don't.

And that is where it failed.

The Lion King knew how to be lighthearted at times but also how to just be epic and grandiose at times. The song that plays and the scene when baby Simba was brought out is still one of the best known, most epic moments in Disney history.

Hercules was just gospel shoveled in to be culturally diverse

It seemed too lighthearted at times.
Mostly because hercules doesn't really do anything besides being a hero, just to please his father and enter godhood.

There is no way Hades made this elaborate plan but didn't check if Hercules is truly dead for all those years.

No it wasn't considering hercules doesn't just use Gospel music. It goes from strings orchestra to grease style faux 50ies

And that music fits. The culturally diverse muses and gospel are what sticks out like a sore thumb

How does faux 50ies pop rock fit over gospel

It's lighthearted nature made darker scenes like Meg's death seem weird.

James Woods wasn't in every scene.

How the hell was Meg actually breathing after having her body completely smashed by a flipping massive column?

There is no way a clever guy like Hades is going to let his bumbling minions do this without checking it out when his life is at risk. Even weirder is in the animated series, Hades knew Herc was alive.

When the titans are released, all the gods together can't do shit, yet Zeus in the past was able to do this no problem.

Were you too retarded to see that the movie was intentionally filled with modern anachronisms

>implying I Can Go the Distance isn't one of the most epic songs in the Mouse's catalogue

It even has traditionally ebin trumpets and flare for you

reminder that the animation director was responsable for that legendary rock & roll movie

Phil is a waste of Eric Goldberg's talents. Sometimes I wish it was focused more on a grounded story and setting, and a little less on comedy. But James Woods is fucking perfect so eh.

Kinda misused the Greek setting.

>thinks Lion King has better songs than Hercules
We already knew you had no taste, no need to dig deeper.

The ending feels rushed with all the titans getting whooped in five seconds even though they just defeated the entirety of Olympus.

yeah when logically as a demigod hercules should be far weaker, I mean just in terms of skill sets he should suck even if to some he would be physically stronger.

The want vs need is pretty fuzzy

It was basically a mix of Superman (fitting given how superheroes are basically the new mythic heroes) and Rocky (cynical trainers and going the distance).

As for the OP's question, I suppose that aside from the whole thing being a lighthearted and extremely loose take on Greek mythology, the lead character didn't really stand out despite being based on the most iconic Greek legendary hero, the story had some less than graceful transitions (Herc feeling down because he's not being a true hero->going on an off-screen date with Meg instead of watching the two fall in love through a scene or a montage (although the scene they do get was nice, and a montage would have been the movie's third)=odd transition given that the former doesn't come up again until the end), and speaking of what is in parentheses, more should have been done with the love story if that was going to be so prominent after the movie's halfway point. It also doesn't help that the threat of the Titans and Hades came off as rather anticlimactic despite all the buildup.

The Gods are always huge bitches in Greek mythology, it's always their half-human bastards doing all the crazy shit and cleaning up their messes. Zeus started going for mortal girls specifically instead of other Gods or Titans because that way his offspring would be strong enough to kill monsters but not powerful enough to be a threat to him like he was to Cronus. Mythological Herc always had the physical abilities of a full God, his mortal side just made him vulnerable, his "death" burned that mortal side away leaving only the god behind.

Can't believe no one's posted Lindsay Ellis' video essay yet: youtube.com/watch?v=KznZcK7ksf4

the shitty cgi from the Hydra, i still can't believe they let this through for a feature film

I thought it looked cool.

I honestly thought it looked fine taken on its own, it just clashed with the rest of the film.

the songs are shit

Lindsay is a beautiful, hot mess.

The soundtrack is fucking genius and shows they actually knew their shit when it comes to greek plays. First off you have the religious themes, Hercules' muses sing about gods and myths so why not use a musical genre that was also born out religion? The mere presence of the muses was a cool move, because even ignoring the religious anachronism it was typical of Greek tragedies to have a chorus that would act as narrators or even break "the 4th wall" interacting with the characters of the play, which is exactly what the movie does when they all sing together about Meg's feelings about Herc

The movie's point isn't to be an epic anyway, it's a parody, a fun retooling of ancient myths filtered with a modern eye, hence Hercules becoming a literal celebrity instead of a typical hero. My passion for the ancient Greece only reaffirms my love for Hercules

>ft. james woods

thank god for that

It had to conform to being both kid friendly and meet expectations of a Christian majority audience.
Underworld God - Evil
Sky God - Good
Sky God's son - Hero
Love conquers all

I hope you don't complain too much with the Hunchback of Notre Dame.

Hades was too weak, should of been able to give zues a good fight solo.

Hunchback is like the bizarro Hercules. Both have tonal issues but while Hercules is very lighthearted, Hunchback is very dark.


>The Gods are always huge bitches in Greek mythology
>...because that way his offspring would be strong enough to kill monsters but not powerful enough to be a threat to him like he was to Cronus

No, they're just extremely fickle and vengeful

Zeus is constantly thinking with his dick, and his wife Hera is passive aggressive and jealous. Since Hera is weaker than Zeus, and can't take out her revenge on him directly, she targets his lovers instead.

>It's always their half-human bastards doing all the crazy shit and cleaning up their messes
True but they also case a fair share of shit themselves. Hercules of legend for example is extremely impulsive, but also very remorseful. Most of Hercules adventures are the direct result of him repenting for something he has previously done.

>Mythological Herc always had the physical abilities of a full God, his mortal side just made him vulnerable, his "death" burned that mortal side away leaving only the god behind.
I'm pretty sure Hercules didn't actually become a god.

Ovid writes:

After his mighty labors he has rest
His choicest prize of eternal peace.
Within the homes of blessedness.

Source: Edith Hamilton. 1942. Mythology: Timeless tales of gods and heroes.

>Within the homes of blessedness.
So it sounds like he went to the Fields of Elysium then. Also is Hercules part of the Heroic Race of Man?

Little mermaid isn't that far off actually.
A lot of early fairytale adaptions just scrubbed away the unpleasant stuff. Later they said fuck it and just did their own thing, Frozen went so far with it that calling it an adaption would be offensive.

>didn't actually become a god
Half-gods weren't anywhere nearly god-like in their capabilities.
That's why it was possible to retro-actively make historic figures half-gods for the romans.

Everything after Meg's song is bullshit.
The rest is great.

It wasn't as bad as the 3d scenes in aladdin, regardless, I commend them for trying to intergrate 3d and 2d animation at that time.

It brings Intro to Mythology students out of the woodwork to "correct inaccuracies," as though there was a singular canon instead of a multitude contradictory narratives and that the sources we have were not themselves often adaptations with "inaccuracies."

Well, when the gods fought the giants in the original myths, only Heracles could kill them. Without him the gods would have been trounced. I guess it was the same thing here; might have even been a reference.

Hercules is his Roman name everyone else goes by there Greek names.

Meg's song wasn't long enough

I have the high ground, Hades.


Except that choruses in Greek tragedy are normally composed of the demos of the polis, not muses.
And the myth of Heracles is not a Greek tragedy.

Heh, caught it on TV a few days ago.

-The "Herc doesn't fit in because he's too strong" beginning was weak.
-Some of the songs were awkwardly placed.
-The pacing felt slightly off at times.
-Hades wasn't really threatening, himself. Instead, they made him send monsters after Hercules, even though Thebes was already being harassed by monsters.

Otherwise, it's a great film. I'll always think of it fondly.

So your complaint isn't the actual music being fitting or not, but that you're triggered by blacks. Got it.

There's still a general lore. Grimm fairytales were an oral tradition by german families. That doesn't mean having red riding hood be a wonder woman analogue with granny as the villain isn't going to raise some eyebrows.

I though more humans than just Hercules fought in the gigantomachy.

The main flaw is that Hercules was a boring snooze of a protagonist and it completely guts the entire movie

The second is that they did absolutely nothing creative or interesting with the ancient Greece / Olympian gods despite the premise having more potential than any of the Renaissance.

The only thing that really works is Hades, Meg and the blending of styles with the Gospel muses. The movie would be unwatchable otherwise.

Didn't he marry some Goddess or nymph after he died? I'm pretty sure Herc got in bed with like a dozen chicks (and some boys) in his adventures.

Just Heracles, as it was the prophecy for one mortal.
He marries Hebe, Goddess of Youth after he ascends to Olympus.

>LEAST EVIL god in the Greek pantheon


It was way too dark and scary for a kid's movie. Hideous monsters everywhere, literal screaming undead, and that tornado titan, fuck me.

I think that's a big part why the movie flopped, word of mouth spread pretty quick that it was a movie for teens and not kids.

Gospel is good hype music. I like hearing it outside of baptist christian settings.

What? It predates shrek by like 5 years

??? but Hercules came out before Shrek.

>It was way too dark and scary for a kid's movie. Hideous monsters everywhere, literal screaming undead, and that tornado titan, fuck me.

What? Even despite some of the monsters and indead, it was almost entirely whimsical and lighthearted. Hunchback and Lion King were much darker.

It was the weird bridge between real Disney and stuff like Treasure Planet

>It was way too dark and scary for a kid's movie
Did you even see it as a child?

Several things.

>Cutsifying the Grecian Myths
>Making Zues a good dad.
>Making Hercules the son of Zues and Hera
>Demonizing Hades, despite it being one of the most enjoyable renditions of him. Hades is NOT a villain in Greek Myth. He is, in fact, the most benevolent and hard working of all the greek gods. All the rest give fuck all about the human condition and dick around mortals all the time. Hades just makes sure people go where they belong and has a happy life with the goddess he loves and also is a bit of a romantic.

Also Hades named his dog 'Spot'.

Also as other said, the gospel soundtrack was totally out of place for a greek mythological setting.

I honestly thought the Hercules and Xena cartoon movie was better then this.

It looked ok in 98 or whenever it came out. Or maybe it didn't I dunno I haven't seen it in like 15 years

>Not evil

She is one of the worst bitches in all the pantheon. Ask Arachne and Medusa.

Poseidon RAPES Medusa in Athena's temple. And as punishment, Athena turns Medusa into a Gorgon. Waits for her to get killed, then proudly wears her head on her shield for all time.

Then Athena turns Arachne into a spider out of spite after Arachne /beat/ her in a weaving contest.

>It was way too dark and scary for a kid's movie.
What the fuck are you talking about? I watched it when I was a real young kid and I don't remember getting scared by anything in it.

The whole "literally carbon-copy of Superman" angle they had going on, especially at the beginning, felt really weak. They never really did anything with it, too, so it felt like a waste of time. Things pick up when Meg shows up, though, and Zero to Hero is great.


Her voice is so goddamn sexy


Isn't Artemis better?

Maybe if you were a literal fucking bitch as a kid. I watched it when I was like 6 and it was my favorite Disney movie

To be fair Rape in antiquity isn't necessarily modern rape. Greeks and Romans apparently didn't have a word for sexual rape as we do. And the myths that are called rapes don't always involve sex leaving it debatable as to if Medusa means without consent on her part. Still not a just punishment.

>Turns a guy into a woman for accidentally stumbling upon her while bathing and forces her to be her new handmaiden foreveer

Artemis was a SJW cunt who needed a good dicking.

Even if it wasn't full on rape, it was a God. What the hell was Medusa supposed to do? Say no? Poseidon probably would have turned her into a flounder.

>You saw me naked
>Enjoy being ripped to shreds by your dogs as a stag

artemis is defined as vengeful and bloodthirsty

That mysounds like a tf comic

So she's the inspiration for all anime tsunderes? Also being her handmaiden sounds great desu, plus we're talking comparatively the least 'evil'

What god isnt?