Where do alpha males hang out to discuss their far-right plans, views...

Where do alpha males hang out to discuss their far-right plans, views, and to discuss the glories of Fascism and National Socialism?

Chad here...I'm fucking tired of listening to you despondent losers whine, and I need to find out where my brethren are congregating.

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get back to r9k and stay there nigger

Post face

Hahaha FUCK off beta

I think most of them aren't alpha males

at a bar face to face like men

Are their forums any good?


Not here.

Definitely not there.

Quiet you fat faggot. I just got back from my MMA glad and my test is through the roof. I have no time to discuss chinese cartoons with you or your pathetic oneitis.

I'm here. Let's fuck some bitches.

I hear they hang out on Reddit. Maybe you should go there and stop coming to Sup Forums and find out whether that's true.

>Fascism and National Socialism
Go to cripplechan you socialist piece of shit.

I do plenty of that. We have big plans. I'm wondering how to reach other Alpha's outside of my geographic area.

Trump rallies, bars, the real world mainly.
user boards are for agoraphobic virgin NEETs

What do you suggest?

Reddits for numale faggots. Where the fuck have you been?


I wonder where I stand on the alpha beta scale guys? I have gotten laid a few times and I can't tolerate em enough to be in a relationship so I get sleazy and works on them like 40/60 percent of the time, but also I just sit there quietly when I'm not acting social to hook up

You know what the wierdest fucking thing is? I think this "alpha" "beta" thing has alot of to do with age.

Hear me out

i considered myself a pretty "beta" autist for a while, I have a gf and a job but I still felt that way

I just turned 30 and now, without any extreme trying on my part, I feel so much more confident and "in charge' at work and in my life? Its such a weird feeling. I have two young and hot co-workers who are now all over my nuts at work. I didn't get a promotion or a new car or anything like that. Its almost like I woke up and this happened>

Anyone have similar experiences?

Maybe I need to build a place for alphas? And by build I mean pay one of you suicidal nerds to follow my instructions and write the code.

World 23 priff

Tyler1's alpha discord. Not a single beta or anime poster here.

Here is how I define an alpha:

It starts with a pie. 50% of the pie is you being an expert at something career related.

The remaining pieces are as follows (divided equally):

1. Able to defend yourself using only your body and being physically fit
2. Ability to shoot and carry a gun
3. Ability to invest and deal with personal finance
4. Ability to meet, dominate, and control women (including wives/girlfriends etc.)
5. Personal appearance and fashion.
6. Understanding and participation in promoting far-right political agendas.
7. Ability to speak, network, and interact in person with other people.

I spend a little time on those seven things every month and I'm an expert in my career field.

Most men are pathetic autists. They learn one money-making skill, and then become fat, disgusting, pieces of shit in every other area of their lives, and then they wonder why 10 white women would rather share one black guy.

I was a beta in highschool. It took about 10 years of self improvement. I'm in my early 30's now and am easily in the 1% of top-tier men.

You can forget about spending 20-30 hours a week on hobbies and entertainment if you want to become an alpha.

But I'm actually really serious... I need to build a place for far right SS/Wehrmacht-tier men to plan, execute, and push our political ideologies. Every place the alt-right is online is full of defeatist, pathetic, fat losers. I sort of enjoyed watching most of you get beat up at Trump rallies.

I've been told all of those Discords are honey-pots set up by CTR to hack people.