Captain Britain and the MI13 Pt. 2

Previous thread is collected here. Hope everyone enjoys the remaining issues of this series. I know I will.











My internet must be taking a beating right now. Posting is soooooooooo slow



My man! Fuckin' right on!





Fuck off, newfag.


Fuckin' Pete, man...


Save pictures for the end of the storytime






Whether it's Marvel or goddamn Castlevania, this fucker just can't stay dead.

Have you by chance happen to have watched the Netflix Castlevania series? Is it worth a watch?


It's alright, pretty Ellis-y.





One of Marvel's best story arcs coming through! Get hype!

I think I get what you mean. I don't think I've ever really read Ellis taking a crack at fantasy so this should be neat.


Hey, it's just DOCTOR DOOM and DRACULA chilling on THE MOON.
















Obviously we all have nothing to worry about




Why the fuck are you posting these pages? Dumb tripfag.












Get fucked, tripfag. OP is posting work that Bendis wishes he could write as good as.










You seem you like you need a hug. Everything going okay? I'm here for you.

Oh no


Pete is giving me feels.





Right there with ya. This cover reminds of something but I can't pinpoint what








