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I seriously feel bad for Him and his daughter,
At some point He'll join the KKK or some shit.


Nah, if you listen his argument is very valid.

is he wrong about ONE DOLLAR

>50 minutes

molymeme is soon literally Hitler. What a madman!

libertarianism is a gateway redpill to natsoc

Nationalist stef is the best stef

He makes a brilliant argument too

You're just further validating him

You and your people are not smart enough for advanced political or logical concepts and it's why your own societies are shit

It's why we don't want large masses of you here overpopulating us and eventually making the government decision

> Muh spanking


>Why spank when you can gas?
>I DO support some people being shot.

No he didn't


holy fuck gas yourself

>she doesn't have a cellphone
>only a refurbed Dell PC in her mom's basement

This guy is a cunt.

Once again

Only further validating the stance because you clearly can't make a point to refute what I or he said but wanted to respond in some manner


Walter Block defeated him in their discussion on whether spanking your child violates the NAP (it doesn't). Why is he acting like Block is the ideologue? The conversation ended with Molymeme essentially conceding that he might be wrong and needs to do some reconsidering.

This honestly one of the worst videos Stefan has ever done. His "arguments" are complete bullshit and it's painfully obvious he's just trying to shill for Sup Forums. Unsubscribed.


In order to become a true patriot, you have to pass through the lolbertarian phase. It's painful to watch libertarians in retrospect, since you used to be one but moved on, but it's a necessary phase. It's like watching a child go through puberty. Eventually they see the merits of nation and identity. As soon as they start getting fully red pilled with crime stats and (((coincidences))), it's full fash.

I always see this fag in my suggested vids.
Someone give me a TLDR on what's changed.

Walter Block echoes though.

what even was the point of this video? he just ranted for an hour with no coherent message

I grew out of Molyneux lately.

He takes forever to get to the point. I prefer Styx

Styx Stop promoting your channel and stop rerouting your IP through a leaf we all know you power your computer with garden fertilizer in Vermont

haha you dumb fuck, it's an objective fact spaking violates NAP

if it's not self defense, and you aggress against someone acting peaceful, you're violating NAP


Literally who?

Sam Harris would destroy Molymeme in a debate


Libertarianism is for entry level thinkers

Anarcho-Capitalism is for Libertarians who can't make even basic moral decisions.

White Nationalist Fascism is for the worldly man who recognizes the truths of race and society.


Sad to see the giddy Gary Johnson fags

you can be an ancap and build a white community inside a wall if you want you stupid fuck

that's the whole point, it's do what you want, not let "I'd make one of hitler's best solider' decide for you

Underrated post

You are completely retarded.

You can't be an Memearcho-Capitalist and be a staunch nationalist wanting to protect your ethnic identity.
Its an ideology for weak, pussified, MGTOW low test faggots who can't accept reality or make real decisions. Even Moly himself was faced with this on Joe Rogan's podcast. He could never decide when it was acceptable for the state to initiate force. Openly admitting he didn't have answers.

The ideology is not one of how government should be run, its a bastion for cowardice and people who don't have the spine to be a leader.

Found the Archo-Cuck

Ancapism is unstable for its own reasons. I really shouldn't have to explain why letting corporations run wild without any oversight is a bad idea.

Libertarian is flawed because migrants will come in and vote themselves benefits that destroy the white society. Inevitably. A nation needs ethnic identity or else migrants will destroy it eventually.

>buttmad lolbertarian
I want you to know that even if you ideology succeeded in getting into power (LOL), it would die off within a single term. You will take in so many migrants that no libertarian could ever be elected again.

I honestly don't know what to think of Molymeme anymore. All I'll say is that I hate what the Left has done to us. Stupid weedman "libertarians" have ruined everything. NALALT nigga.

>if it's not self defense, and you aggress against someone acting peaceful, you're violating NAP

If my child wants to lick the floor of a store the child and I are in and I physically prevent him from doing so, am I violating the NAP?

>build anarcho-capitalist utopia
>get conquered by neighbouring tribe the next day
Great job faggot.

So molymeme finally admitted that anclap is dumb? Good for him.

I literally just gave you an example of exactly how you can protect your ethic identity
>go build a white only gated commune

there you go, no government need
you are literally stupid

no it's self defense on the kid, literally
same thing as if you shoved someone out of the way of a bus

don't even try to equate spanking to 'helping' them, because it causes trauma and lowers iq and protecting your kid from germs doesn't

Shadilay Styxers

>no it's self defense on the kid, literally

Ahh, so if an individual is about to cause harm to himself/herself I may physically intervene and prevent that action which will result in damage being incurred upon the actor from occuring? Good to know. If I ever see you smoking I'll smack the cigarette out of your mouth and let you know that I haven't actually violated the NAP.

build anarcho-capitalist utopia
get conquered by neighbouring tribe the next day
>Great job faggot.

Not him or an ancap but this is not a good argument. Attempting to conquer a well armed populace without a tax collection apparatus or history of submission to force would literally be an unprofitable venture for a war mongering dictator. Not to mention, said people would have a $50 a month subscription to ACME Mercenary Inc. that would provide full MAD coverage of nuclear weapons and security.

Its hilarious you take such a weak position. All you reddit betacucks jump from trendy political bandwagon to another.

This entire nation is ours. We do not desire to build a walled garden on land that is being stolen from us. We want to preserve this entire nation, we want our government to enforce our rightful claim to this land by defending our borders, and punishing illegal immigration. We want a homogeneous high trust society.
Building a commune is not an answer. Ignoring foreign hordes invading is not an answer. Letting the nation be destroyed while we hide ourselves away hoping they don't come for us is not an answer.

You're a pussy. Afraid to hold real values.

>trust me all dictators will act totally rational and for profit!
Some day you guys will understand that not everyone is as autistic as you. A state would steamroll any shitty anclap paradise and take the land assuming you don't live in some isolated wasteland or something.

libertarians are the vapes of ideology

yes please do if you ever see me personal lysmoking

but difference is, I'm an adult and and can make personal decisions, children still need to be taught how to make good personal decisions, which absolutely does not require physical abuse.

It's always nice to see 1 Corinthians 13:11

the real red pill is that everyone just wants their own version of totalitarianism

who is we? you want your government to be competent? how is that working out?

and f.y.i the foreigners are only coming for government benefits, if we had a free society they'd get rekt in a free market and wouldn't come here

still didn't dispute how you can perfectly preserve your race in a free ancap society, with no government needed, as government is incompetent and can't do shit right, also the nation is already destroyed so lol

>You can't be an Memearcho-Capitalist and be a staunch nationalist wanting to protect your ethnic identity.

Yes you can, faggot.

I fucking love Block... but I still take Molymeme's side on this one.

I vehemently disagree with Block on abortion too.

Even more betacuck logic.
Invaders in a *free market* would still come here and set up shop because the relative security we enjoy compared to their respective 3rd world shitholes. People will leave areas of conflict and move towards areas of stability independent of financial incentives, and in doing so they bring their 3rd world problems with them. They carry their diseases across borders, they carry their backwards uncivilized cultures, they carry their religious doctrines that tell them to spread their religion until it conquers the world.

The "free market" you weak cucklets envision doesn't address this. You in passivity would merely allow them to exist until it was right under your noses and the blade was at your throat. A group of people have a definitive need for force to be employed to protect what they have. The fundamental truth of ownership is that you only own what you can defend. That means ownership is secured by force.

100% of ancaps are weak pussies afraid to make moral decisions.

das it mane. once you realize that most of humanity just wants to impose their own ideals on everyone around them, you're on your way to understanding why things are the way they are.

styx is making pretty much the best analysis out there right now

just for the record im not styx

What do you guys think about based Bill Whittle?
Is he red pilled?

You have no idea what you're blathering about... stop jousting windmills.

Ancaps are near fanatical about self-defense and the securing of private property.

Please don't reply to me until after you've read this:

I'm about to sleep, can someone give me a tl;dr?

He needs more donations so he's shilling hard

>i'm officially jumping on the alt right bandwagon because it's popular pls gib donation shekels

> ancap > libertarianism, but liberalism is cancer and vote trump because he's an incremental step in the right direction

>j-just build a walled commune!
>you don't need a government!
>you don't need to protect your borders!
>w-w-what!? We love protecting property!

I haven't failed to understand anything, it is you who abjectly failed to understand reality.
A nation is the people's property, you retarded leaf. The people who own the nation have to protect themselves from having their ownership undermined by means of demographic change. This is not a hypothetical about one organized stated needing protection from another state where the defending party lacks a standing military and tax collecting base. This is about whether or not a nation can retain its identity without proactively protecting it with a strong government.

The answer is that Libertarians and Ancap betacucks would universally allow themselves to be destroyed. Ron Paul himself would let 300,000,000 Mexicans and Central Americans replace every ethnic European person in the country so long as they followed the law. That is unacceptable. Illegally crossing our border is a direct assault against us, it is not a simple matter of tax burden, it is not a minor trespass that can be ignored. Its an attack on every citizen that must be met with state force.

White Nationalist Fascism is the only answer. It is an ideology that makes the moral decisions you weak willed faggots are afraid to. We don't sit around debating when its acceptable for a state actor to place a hand on someone, or when to collect taxes.
High trust homogeneous societies don't have these problems.

Stop strawmanning and READ THE LINK.

Private property and the defense thereof is sacrosanct... it is literally numero uno of all ancap principles.

Ancap philosophers have circlejerked for decades about how privately procured defense against statist aggressors would work.

What is Acunt?

Here's a fresh meme to lighten up this thread.

An illegal immigrant is not a warring nation, leaf. It is not a principle you have a cute little answer for, no one in the entire short sighted cowardly movement has an answer for it.
Ending financial incentives for illegals would not stop all of them from coming.
Punishing businesses for employing illegals requires government oversight.
Enforcing borders isn't done by volunteers.
Protecting the ethnic makeup of a land mass requires an organized office because betacucks like you are prone to take the "it doesn't effect me yet" approach.

Your ideology is inherently flawed. It is cowardice applied to notions of governance.

Sam "arm the moderate rebels" (((Harris))) would get his teeth smashed in harder than he did when he was defending bombing hospitals for the Jews to Noam Chomsky.

Dude just said that Iraq failed because sandniggers have low iq.

WTF! I love Molymeme now!

There would not even be such a thing as illegal immigration... there are no national borders! ONLY PRIVATE PROPERTY that can be defended any fucking which way property owners want.

I've got a principle for you... freedom of association... you can exclude whoever the fuck you want in ancapistan. If you hate foreigners you can ban them from your land, you can refuse to deal or do business with them, and you can form communities of like-minded people bound by contract to discriminate against them mercilessly.

If there's one thing history has proven to not work, it's totalitarianism of any kind.

How about you just fuck off, if you want to centrally plan something go do it with your legos you fucking autist.

Found that "societies with IQs under 90 can't into Democracy" claim a bit questionable.

There are a number of countries with lower IQs that have stable democracies, some are even white (if you consider Slavs white).

Yeah, basically everything wrong in the Middle East can be traced back to islam.

From the repression of information
Banning books
Sexually frustrated population
The holy mandate to be at a constant war against the infidel

And all these things lower a populations IQ.
So he has it kind of backwards.

You're already going in circles, leaf.
The nation is not random groups of people who simply live in relative proximity to one another. This too is simple cowardice, you're afraid of taking the moral stance on nationhood. You don't want to have to recognize a nation, you want everyone to be independent little groups because you're a pussified coward.

This entire nation is ours. That statement isn't totalitarianism, its a fact. Accepting the betacuck Ancap pill in tantamount to giving up claim of ownership over the country as a whole.
Like all meme Ancap followers you're a complete coward. You cannot make hard moral decisions, or any moral decision.

You should learn from Moly's example. He went through the same angsty faggot coward phase you're currently balls deep in.


That's why I listen to them at work

I stopped watching at 24 minutes, what does he end up doing I got tired of him talking about how libertarians are wrong.. yeah duh, we know

It's more about how libertarians aren't effective politically and hypocritical on some points.

He's still a libertarian.

Eh, Styx has top-tier political analysis. It's actually very funny that a wacky, Satanic gardener is probably one of the better geopolitical analysts on the internet at the moment.

However, in Molyneux's defense, he does make pretty good videos. Interesting guests, impassioned responses after Islamic terror attacks. Overall, though, he's just top-tier at presenting facts. He's a little more palatable to normies, too (minus the length of his average videos).

Overall, though, they do different things so it's a bit unfair to compare.

Molyneux gets a little too passionate sometimes, and focuses a little too much on fiat currency. Conversely, I've liked Styx's take on "the paradigm shift," and have been saying the same thing for years; however, I feel his hatred of the MSM clouds his vision a little bit and he's overstating the importance of alternative media at the moment.

Both very solid guys, though.

That's what you do when you burn your bridge with libertarians with all those cult tactics - you move on to more-impressionable people.

>Sexual frustration


Islamic societies are the most hypersexualised societies in the world, even though they make a big deal about being 'pure' and 'conservative'.

Arabs and Pakis are scared of women moreso than any other religious-ethnic-cultural group. And they overcome this fear the only way they know how: militant disrespect and violence.

Islam just allows them to morally justify this behaviour to themselves by saying 'look, Allah told me to do it, so it must be right!'. It's a self-perpetuating cycle.


Styx completely shoots himself in the foot with his unironic pagan satanic memetic shit.

If he ever gets any mainstream attention, that shit will make him a laughing stock.