This is what happens to trump supporters outside of your little hugbox, nerds

This is what happens to trump supporters outside of your little hugbox, nerds.

Reported, saged, and hidden

Fuck off



reminds me of this pic

Posting these kinds of images is textbook projection. Literally the definition of cognitive dissonance. Congrats.

except 99% of Clintron supporters are weak nu males and women, so this pic doesnt even qualify

sorry nice try tho

Nice try faggot.
Talk shit, get hit.

I've already decked a whiny cuck for attempting to grab my TRUMP hat. Felt so good.

Cool stock photo

Pic looks like a school project

Yes, that is true, as we've seen from the violent left. If you have an opinion that they don't like, they attack you. They do not understand white patience. It runs out.

nice tolerant and acceptable behavior you rabid faggot libcuck

why do all you faggots think grabbing hats does anything you're all little faggots desu

im gonna grab his hat xd

Double dubs.

Praise kEk.

Trump WINS

>no upvotes or downvotes
>visibility based on combination random chance and replies only
>arguments that disagree get more replies and more visibility
>no censorship, deleted posts, or shadow bans

It is undeniable that we have shills here, and we deal with them by identifying them.

If you don't want to be treated like a shill, don't act like one.


"I don't like X policy because _______, what do you all think?" Then reply and have a discussion

More #Hillbullies out in force


SIGNED T. #ImWithHer

> Antagonize Trump supporters for committing violence

> Committing violence


Oh look, another moderate leftist supporting violence. No wonder you guys stick up for Muslims... you've clearly got a lot in common.

So, you just admitted that you are a bully. A tyrant.

>The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

See ya soon.

Fuck off cunt.

Come at me and I'll deck your jaw too. No more sucking nigger cock for a month after that.


thanks leaf, you took the words out of my mouth and i respect leafs just a little more now.

what is aleppo?

Don't see why everyone got in a tizz over that. Only difference between Johnson and the other Candidates is that he has the balls to say he doesn't know something. Expertise at every level of Executive inquiry is impossible.

Liberals have become such bloodthirsty thugs, they're literally morphing into the muslim they fellate. It's a good life lesson that if you suck an evil dick long enough, you become that evil dick.

I will never vote for the side that encourages the bullying of children.
Every bruise this child got? The kikes fault.

no one knew what aleppo was until this question got asked and now everyone knows. OH REALLY YOU KNEW ABOUT SOME SHIT HOLE CITY IN SHITHOLISTAN? NO YOU FUCKING DIDNT NO oNE DID

Young faggots think they are hot shit rebeling against their parents acting like they can vote and support hillaries hate because they are just no good bullies and shitbags

Know why Hillbullies always attack Trump supporters at rallies? Because the secret service doesn't allow guns there. The rest of the time, Trump supporters are armed, so the Hillbullies have to steal signs or key cars at night under cover of darkness.

Certain people are only civilized under threat of force.