Discuss how different the world would be if the nazis won

Discuss how different the world would be if the nazis won.

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I believe it is unimaginable. A true game changer. A fork in the road.

poop swastikas would be a symbol of national pride

I bet we would all have gfs x--DDD

>cue the mongrel Americans praising the nigger germans

My grandpa would've been killed retaking France so I guess I wouldn't exist

>I'd make that sacrifice so you guys could have the best timeline

we don't have to imagine it. it'll happen if trump wins

Fascism would be embraced

more pretty people.


No Jews, no Gypsies, Islam contained to the Middle East/Africa, kids whining for safe spaces promptly smacked in the back of the head by a baton wielded by the Gestapo.

All in all 9/10 world.

I'm gonna need a source sir.

They won #OperationPaperclip
MKULTRA #Propaganda
We live in neo-fascism.

There would be no jewish bankers holding the power of printing our money. There would be no forced degeneracy, race mixing, homosexuality, or adultery. All these things would happen privately and not forced upon the population.

you're disgrace

You wish nigger.

people who post thumbnails would be gassed

no communism, that for fucking sure

No one would be living on earth we would all be cruising around in our space ships

What a bunch of misinformation. Still haven't seen tgsnt.tv, right?

Portraying them as murdering angry people who love war so much they can't stop, not.

That woman wouldn't be able to be nude in photos and this degenerate website wouldn't exist


it would be better than now that's for sure.

wouldn't be so bad if WASP culture wasn't demonized for so long that being an Anglo was seen as "unfashionable"

America is majority British. Shocker, I know.

yeah i second that, sauce?


pretty sure NJ/NY is italian over irish
t. italian-irish from NJ

no would be here you would have been a Germany rape baby

America isn't majority British. Maybe before the 1800s it was, not now.

Nope. Go to the link. Irish beats out Italian.

18% of New Jersians have Irish DNA whereas only 10% have Italian/Greek.

Confused the fuck out of me too. Thought y'all were majority Italian too.

No more fucking jews (which all deserve to die)

Technically speaking, not a majority, but the largest ethnic group by far is British. They may not identify as the "boring" Anglo ethnicity, but the most common European genes are British.

I guess that would be a plurality.

No they aren't. Only a small minority are Anglo. Degenerate German cunts flooded the US and turned it into the cesspool of shit it is today. Fucking Kraut's are scum. If you're one of them, neck yourself.



You wouldn't be posting that picture you degenerate. Stop masturbating and get a wife.

Trillions of demigod aryan superhumans colonizing the rest of the galaxy and spreading humanity's glory throughout the stellar reich.


>tfw not an argument

midwest is deutsche.

Yes, the midwest is more heavily German than other parts of the country, but its gene pool is still more Anglo than German.

I was surprised myself when I first looked at the data. I expected the midwest to be like at least 3/4 German. It's not though, only 1/4.

Scots are Celts, not Anglos.

You aren't Anglo you mongrel cunt. You never will be. You're part of the problem that ruined america. The founding fathers, whom were Anglo, would be disgusted by the sight of you. I fucking laugh at how you stupid american say "we defeated the Brits lmao" when in all reality it was an Anglo vs Anglo war, because anglos are the only ones with enough balls to stand up for themselves. You'd suck the Anglo cock like the subservient scum you are because deep down you know that you're inferior and you'd do anything to please your superior masters

It's funny though, that ancestry.com study even picked up the Finnish genes in the far northern midwest.

Also, you have to take into account that what the study labels as "Western European" includes all the ethnicities ranging from Southern France, to Austria, up to Germany, and over to the western coast of continental Europe. So it's including more than just Germans. If it separated them out individually you'd be able to see the heavy French Cajun population in Southern Louisiana.

Highlander Scots are Celts. Lowlanders are almost genetically identical to Northern English. And the Scotch Irish are just lowlander transplant that moved over to Ulster at the behest of the King.

We didn't get very much immigration from the highlands anyway. Their population wasn't large enough to send over very many immigrants to the New world, and they'd show up in the study as Irish anyway, seeing how highlanders are just folks who sailed up from Ireland and settled the western coast of Scotland.

This guy gets it. White Anglo-Saxon Protestants founded America, and are the only people entitled to call themselves true Americans.

Listen here you shills.

The majority of white Americans have ancestry going back to the British Isles, and every white American who isn't a recent immigrant most likely has one ancestor who here in the colonial days.

The reason why people assume WASP/Scots-Irish Americans are a minority is because:

1. They are very underrepresented, as most of them will not report their ancestry and will simply identify as "American" or with another group.

2. Our culture demonizes traditional Anglo-American culture, thus Anglo-Americans are more likely to identify as something else.

You aren't Anglo.

Daily reminder that Protestant Anglo-Americans of colonial stock are the true masters of this country and the only ones fit to even call themselves American.

Papists, Latins, pollocks, dagos, and beaners do not belong here and all need to fuck off. It's bad enough we have niggers and Jews, we don't need you swarthy mobsters either.

>Bill the Butcher was right.

More people of British descent live in North America than the British Isles.

wow, that truly is fascinating. Tell me against. How great it is to be 1/12th Anglo with some negro blood mixed in there aswell.

Lowland Scots (the Scots the vast majority of Americans with Scottish heritage descend from) are Anglos.

I'm glad someone gets it.

It has a higher concentration of German genetics, but that does not mean it *is* German. It's still mostly Anglo.

Remember, even during its peak, European immigration never amounted to more than 10% of the population.

Same as this one.

It honestly depresses me how even amongst whites, WASP Americans are shunned.

In my opinion, what could be cooler than being part of the nation that literally pioneered America?

Imagine a world with
> N O . P O R N
let that sink in, "National Socialists"

Cold War against the Nazis that runs a bit hotter than the real one, possibly ends in a lopsided nuclear exchange.

We would all be speaking German and my great grandfather would still be alive the world would prob be a lot more peaceful

the baby boomers of the nazi generation would have rebelled against their parents just like ours did and society would degrade just like it is now

>It honestly depresses me how even amongst whites, WASP Americans are shunned.

I very much believe it's due to the massive smear campaign the jewish media has led agains the historic American nation over the last century. Identifying is not "cool" like identifying with your Irish great grandpa or your German great grandma. Anglo is boring, it is the default, it is the most historic of the historic American nation, and because of this it is seen as unfashionable.

>In my opinion, what could be cooler than being part of the nation that literally pioneered America?

Not much imo, because half of Americans(not half of Whites, half of Americans in general) are related to at least one person who fought in the revolutionary war. To shun that is part of your ethnic heritage for some more recent admixture into your gene pool is befuddling to me.

It's just sad. I had around a dozen ancestors, who I share a surname with to this day, fight for the south in the civil war. I can't imagine what it would be like if my great great grandchildren were to completely shun any and all southern culture because it's "boring." It's insulting honestly.

Why would we all be speaking German? Even if Hitler had conquered the US (impossible because the US population is far larger than the German one), that doesn't mean he'd force us to abandon English.

Humans colonize Mars.

Natsoc > Globalism


google where the children of paperclip nazis went and SHIT BRICKS.

google the nazi ideology and see how clearly it matches up with a ton of our current policies.

they're destroying us from the inside to prepare for rebirth, hell they already destroyed communism, their greatest enemy.

economic crash and mass poverty because of the keynesian bubble meme and attempts at central planning. happens sooner or later with every kind of socialism for various reasons

itwould be a better world

I don't know, because I would be dead in one of the concentration camps for slavs

if you're not an Anglo-Saxon just fucking end it

Churchill should've sided with Hitler. Britain effectively ruined the possibility of a Utopian world for everyone by declaring war on him and escalating WW2 to the extent that happened.

Fucking war mongering little shit Churchill was.

this. I think norway would have had the greatest harbor in the world. at least hitler planned something massive in trondheim. its a completely different timeline

Barbara Evans

I see you you have yet to be redpilled my son. England is run by the Jews that print their money. Hitler kicked these Jews out and Puppethill sent your grandpa to fight for the Jews to get their German central bank back.

Well as a Finn I can only be arsed to think of it from the Finnish perspective.

Had the Nazis won Finland would have been surrounded on all sides a by either the Reich itself or one of its satellite states.

This would mean that Finland would have been subjected completely to the whims of the Nazi regime. One can't really say how the mood of the regime would change during peacetime but authoritarian governments usually do what is best for them even at the cost of others.

When we compare the situation to the actual cold war I think Finland would have come out in a more precarious situation that it did in reality.

At least with the real timeline we had NATO and the west to balance out all the dickery the Soviets wanted to do.


Finland would get more land but would probably have to take it up the ass from the Nazis with nothing to act as counterbalance to the Reichs tomfoolery

No porn
No beer
No smoking
No freedom
No video games
No Internet

Such is life in a nazi utopia.

How exactly is that a bad thing ?

not seeing anything hugely relevant on google, can you give me something more specific to go on?

What's the name of this fine lady?

Keep in mind, Churchill was fighting to maintain British world hegemony. He wanted to hold together the British Empire, and prevent the rise of his rivals in Germany and the Soviet Union.

Without its empire, and its allies, tiny Britain would be gobbled up by any other major power.

Hitler wanted to replace British world hegemony with German world hegemony. That doesn't mean Hitler wanted to conquer the world, but it does mean he wanted Germany, and its allies, to be the most powerful in the world. If Germany wasn't strong, it would become nothing more than a colony to some other greater power.

Hitler's primary objective, before all other things, was to strengthen Germany. Its internal policies and ideology would inevitably be shaped by geopolitical circumstances.

Hitler needed resources and population(IE labor). Thus, somewhat ironically, Hitler would have allied himself with almost anyone who was willing to adopt a similar economic and political system.

It was all about spheres of influence. And the German sphere would have eventually butted up against the Italian, Japanese, and American spheres. Ultimately all powers want nothing more than world domination.

>no smoking
>no beer

Sadly a fake
>bless the /r/chives

He wanted a huge autobahn from Trondheim (or Orkanger) straight to Berlin. Imagine that!


>No porn
Not true at all, it would be straight not fetish porn / pin up girls
>No beer
Not at all, its fucking Germany, they love beer. Probably just tough penalties for being excessively drunk in public.
>No smoking
>No freedom
You would be free to move around the German territories most likely, like USA. international travel would probably be reserved for business.
>No video games
>No Internet
Well the internet would have a completely different time line since it was born from the cold war and used as the ability to simultaneously launch nukes.
Since this wouldn't have happened it would probably end up being a German invention thats completely different to our internet today.

look up the chancellor of germany post war in the 60's.

nice starting point

also is it convenient or what that communism got literally btfo from the inside out? the nazis always hated them and were predicting their demise. they had spies everywhere and still do

Too bad your dreams were ruined by the mighty Greeks who fought against the fascist scum. If it wasn't for Greeks German troops would never be in heavy winter in Russia because we fought so hard that the attack on Greece was ended too late and that's how Germany lost WW2 ;)


I watch this every morning.

Fucking pathetic

dont need it. real life women would be more traditional and would want me to acquire such traditional women

porn also gives you wrectile dysfunction during sexual intercourse sfter so much excessive masturbation

it really depends how they won...

peace with British Empire or invaded etc etc

What is better ?
Praising niggers and other subraces as well as organize their invasion in Europe or a culture which praises the superiority of the European man.

If Hitler had won, right now we would have practically the whole Africa for ourselves and Israel would be destroyed easily.

We would be at the top for god knows how many centuries... Instead we get to watch the decline of the West at such a pace, with low chances to get back to where we were.


>No other's cum in the pic
>tits and bitch face still there
Faggot cum eater detected

It would be socialist and there wouldn't be fuckers like Trump.
