Sup Forums approved youtubers?
Sup Forums approved youtubers?
black pigeon speaks
Naked Ape is pretty good.
Take your shit thread elsewhere.
Get a real job, you fucktard, instead of fishing for views.
david wood
Mosfilm unironically,
They have every Soviet film that's relevant in the slightest, pretty comfy for learning Russian
Stefan Molyneux. Go watch his rome video. It's like the guidebook to how western civilization works.
e-celeb dicksuckers need to fuck off back to where you came from™
i miss this degenerate duo
>tfw too intelligent for Sup Forums
Murdoch Murdoch
Thorium and Jim are my favorites.
Terrence Pop seems like he would be fun to drink with, too.
>tfw murdoch-chan isnt real
This guy
>Murdoch Murdoch
I love those guys. They do great work.
>listening to jewtube celebs
How old is Sup Forums nowadays? 15?
Common Filth
Same. I've seen almost all of the Gaming Garbage videos before they split
Are you seriously going to pretend you don't already know the answer?
Assclowns United
There isn't really any. Maybe
Primitive Technology? Why even ask this question in the first place?
Seems likely with all the cancer on Sup Forums. Quite a shame it brings down the rest of Sup Forums.
Andreas Peahc
>Red pilled youtubers/entertainers: H3H3, Filthyfrank, Pewdiepie, Theneedledrop(Anthony fantano), Million dollar extreme, Sargon of Akkad, and Milo.
>Blue pilled youtubers/entertainers:Ramzpaul, Millennial Woes, Golden One, Varg Vikernes, Styxhexenhammer666, Stefan Molyneux, Libertarian Realist, Anything involving TRS, Red Ice Radio, and Murdoch Murdoch.
I'm sure there are more cucks that I'm forgetting, But there you go. This is objectively true btw. Not up for any kind of debate.
>Sargon of Accuck - red pilled
>Molymeme - blue pilled
Switch it around and it's a good list of people I should subscribe to. Thanks!
He's a lolbertarian.
Guy is a total hack and proven Zionist shill:
He also spends a lot of time convincing millennials to sever ties with their parents (the fucking creep even made up his own words for it "defooing"). This is classic cult behavior.
>It starts, as usual, with the men we know as Stefan Molyneux.
>Men? Yes, that’s correct. You see, for several years now, Stefan Molyneux has been living a double life. On one hand, there is the Stefan Molyneux that theTrue Believersof his forum see.That Stefan Molyneux is the one who believes nearly all parents are horribly bad and your only hope for a virtuous life is to leave them and never speak to them again. (Yeah, yeah, I know,but it’s true).
>And then there is the other Stefan Molyneux. That’s the one everyoneoutsidethe Freedomain Radio “community” is supposed to see—the happy and witty libertarian gadabout who can make an argument against government so compelling, he can almost convert you to libertarianism on the spot.
Why does Sup Forums hate bearing?
Harpreet Bedi
he has an indian accent, but it's somehow easy to understand, and his videos are strangely calming
He is easy to understand because he doesn't put on a retarded fake accent like more call centre Indians do.
are you serious
have they been lying to me all this time
Crash Course
How has nobody put down zillion Dollar Extreme?
Million Dollar Extreme, of course.
Nice joke
>Murdoch chan tier females are instinct
why live.
Seconding that Molly is a cult leader. I have watched an utterly insane amount of his videos )at least 30 or 40) and really liked him for a long time. He did teach me a lot.. can't remember what it was that triggered me into looking deeper into him... but anyway, first thing you have to know. He has no degree in anything (including history, despite all his claims of "I KNOW HISTORY!") secondly, notice that he NEVER talks to anyone as though he were speaking to an equal. He absolutely always gives advice, he never takes advice. Even when speaking to callers such a physicists. He always comes from a place of knowing MORE than you, rather than simply sharing information. Also his videos are actually fear mongering... hate that word but since I started looking else where for news, I come back to his channel and its so over the top.. plus go back 3 yrs and its the exact same doom and gloom THE WORLD IS GONNA END! oh, plus Jewish (and lied about it) refuses to discus Jewish connection behind anything, same as Alex Jones.... portrays himself literally as the unwilling subject who HAS to save humanity, because "no one else will"... I could go on
Typical cult leader portraying himself as the saviour of Western Civilisation. Take what knowledge you can from him but dont linger
Oh yeah, his theories on the world are very reductionist and do not take into account human psychology. Everything is 100% black and white "because IQ"
this stuff honestly makes me cringe.
So I thought about this a little more, and here are a few more people. I'm including twitter users and other important people.
>Red pilled: Weev, Thanks Computer, Paul Town, Jared Taylor Swift, Agree&lify, Bronze age pervert, Autistotle, Ben Shapiro, All the users who have references to Ellitot Rodger and The Unabomber ,anyone who associates with #tradnation, and anyone who associates with #weirdtwitter, Bernie Sanders.
>Blue pilled: Mike Cernovitch, Donald Trump, Ricky Vaughn, James O'Keef, Wikileaks, General Flynn, Scott Adams, Ann Coulter, Ben Garrison, Nigel Farage.
I think it is great.
what's the consensus on CodysLab?
i know his car had a bernie sticker, but there's evidence that it was just his girlfriend being a SJW
i know that people with SJW girlfriends don't last long
is there a chance?
Elliot Rodger
>Bernie sticker
Of course he's redpilled! Don't be a fag.
it was just his girlfriend, right?
cody isn't a cuck
Brother John