What's Sup Forums opinion on cannibalism?
Do you tolerate it? If you do, would you try eating human meat if you had opportunity?

I would definitely try Mexican or Indian meat. Their national food is very spicy so their meat should be tasty without any flavourings

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Russia why

Cannibalism is redpilled

I hear the taste of human meat is salty and fatty. Like eating salted rubber. 0/10 would not even try.

There must be a reason why some people eat their kind even if they have access to "normal" food

>Wanting to risk that many viral/prion transfers

No thanks.

I don't eat higher order predators either, too much shit stays in flesh as it moves up the food chain.

>I would definitely try Indian meat.

Enjoy 90% poo content

I'd honestly rather starve and die than become a cannibal. You're a tad fucked mate.

I pray that Jesus Christ will hold the so called Jews accountable for this abomination. I pray that his will regarding this matter will be known to me and that my soul will be delivered from this evil.

This guy knows what he is talking about.

Crazies think it makes you get their power.

But all you really get is their problems.

You sound extremely cucked, our ancestors would eat human meat to survive.

is it just me or is the girl he's eating in the painting thicc

The only power worth anything in this world is the power of Jesus Christ. The power of man is the power of Satan.

There must be a reason why some people shop off their genitals and pretend they're women even if they have no physical deformities.

That's a dude.

Just you, that's a painting titled

"Kronos devouring his SON"

You are not supposed to eat other humans, good luck with prion disease.

When you get right down to it, we're all just meat. Dead is dead. I think a person's family should always have rights to the bones, so they can bury or cremate something, but if people or animals aren't eating us after death bacteria and insects sure as fuck are.

I wouldn't want to eat someone, though. I think I'd only do it if I survived a plane crash (or something similar) and there weren't any other options.

Really, as long as you're not killing people for the specific purpose of satisfying a craving then I don't give a shit. I think, like, 1/4 people can't actually digest a protein in human flesh and cannibalism will kill them anyway though.

>mankind's original sin wasn't defying God, but lying to him about it

I wouldn't want to eat people... I know where they've been!

I think I would sooner starve than knowingly eat human meat. I don't eat pork either because it's supposed to taste like human, the thought grosses me out.

enjoy your neurodegenerative prion diseases.

>pork either because it's supposed to taste like human
So what you're saying is people are THAT delicious? Damn, I will find Mexican and eat him for sure now

I think it's people under demonic influence.

Does someone want to go back to the gulag for another twenty FUCKING YEARS, Vlad?

You're an idiot.

I read somewhere that the Russian mafia originates from the old Russian thieves guild during WWII.
When Stalin came to power he had them all thrown into Gulags but after Germany invaded and Mother Russia needed more sons to sacrifice he offered to free any inmate who enlisted.
That sounds well and good, but being part of the guild meant abiding by certain rules such as never aiding the government.
Many took the enlistment, believing that saving their homeland was a noble enough cause to break guild law, and many were promptly returned to the Gulags after the war. Apparently Stalin had his fingers crossed when he offered them freedom.
Anyway, the guys who went off to fight and came back were so hated by everyone else that several of them were eaten alive by the other inmates.
Not because the inmates were starving, they had food. Their hatred was so overwhelming they devoured the returning men, who then banded together and formed what would come to be known as the Russian mafia.

>Wanting the easiest method of disease transmission to be accepted

Also, you can't even sterilize prions.

Unless you cook it down to ash, you can't really be sure you got them.

is right

It doesn't bother me as long as it is consensual with no coercion or foul play involved.

Prion diseases are such a non issue it's laughable that you would abandon all meat products in fear of them. Do you eat the brains of animals? No? Then you have nothing to worry about.

Shrunken survival tip: stay close to the stomach wall, and do your best to rip into the stomach lining with your nails and teeth.

The bleeding will reduce the acidity, and may cause the giant to vomit. At the very least they'll get an ulcer.

Just for the next time anyone climbs a bean stalk.

All meat products?

No, prion diseases work by altering the same protein (that they originally were) and thus replicating itself in a sense.

Most prion diseases are human prion in origin. They are rare, but cannibalism would increase those rates. Viral transmission is much more of a threat than that as well.

The vast majority of prion diseases have nothing to do with consuming other animals.

Didn't even read your post after you started explaining to me what prions are.

Cannibalism should be allowed

You seemed confused... enough to think that I was arguing against eating meat products due to prion diseases.

Do you perhaps already have Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease?

>I don't eat any higher order predators either
Where did you imply that you didn't eat meat products out of fear for kuru virus?

Ezekiel 39:17 And, thou son of man, thus saith the Lord GOD; Speak unto every feathered fowl, and to every beast of the field, Assemble yourselves, and come; gather yourselves on every side to my sacrifice that I do sacrifice for you, even a great sacrifice upon the mountains of Israel, that ye may eat flesh, and drink blood.
Ezekiel 39:19 And ye shall eat fat till ye be full, and drink blood till ye be drunken, of my sacrifice which I have sacrificed for you.
Zechariah 11:9 Then said I, I will not feed you: that that dieth, let it die; and that that is to be cut off, let it be cut off; and let the rest eat every one the flesh of another.

Fuck no, you'd turn into a wendigo! XD

If you try to eat us then we will literally beat the shit out of you and will then fill your dead body with our shit.

Posted a thread about this on /ck/ once and got banned
Cannibalism seems interesting if you can get the disease out
Imagine eating a Burger Burger

Kuru isn't caused by a virus, nice try. Also, the word either (followed by an explanation/clarification of bioconcentration of contaminants) should have been enough to show I was making two separate points.

Nobody eats higher predators in large amounts. They taste terrible and are a waste of resources.

But really, you should get a cognitive exam done user.

I'd rather eat a vegan chick.
user is right about predator meat accumulating shit, the wegans however are herbivore and human muscule tissue is much softer than that of an animal.

Except for the whole eating dead people you risk getting what killed them/prion disease thing I actually find that Papuan eat-your-dead-relatives thing kind of nice- make them a part of you.
Killing people to eat them no, but eating them if they're already dead to survive yes.

Then again I'm catholic and use to the idea of eating flesh.

>Wanting to eat people because some people do it
Well 450 million of us shit on streets than never inspired you to do the same


It is only cannibalism if who you are eating is your equal.

Also, it is not good. You would take on any diseases they had etc.

Thanks bro.

user is oblivious to the large body
of case law pertaining to cannibalism.

Alright calm down there Andrei Chikatilo



Good advice thanks user


i like how all the vore comics end with a foreboding bowel noise


resistance would only make me want to eat you even more

Thread music

because they're insane you psychopath