Be Jews

>be Jews
>think we're God's chosen people
>follow our religious scriptures to the letter
>think salvation isn't obtained by raising your consciousness but by idolizing an outer entity
>think all non-jews are inferior to us and will go to hell

>be Jesus
>BTFO the Jews
>tell them their religious views are wrong
>say God is in every human
>say we must listen the Holy Spirit rather than blindly follow outer rules
>say God's Kingdom is within you, hence an outer entity can't get you there but only your own consciousness
>say all humans are equal
>get killed by Jews because what I said was too much different from their religion

>2000 years later
>be Christians
>think we're God's chosen people
>follow our religious scriptures to the letter
>think salvation isn't obtained by raising your consciousness but by idolizing an outer entity
>think all non-christians are inferior to us and will go to hell

Notice anything?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Notice anything?
Yeah. Your knowledge of these two religions is shit.

Jews are still the worst

>be Anti- Jesus
>BTFO all religious fags
>tell them their religious views are wrong
>say God is in every human
>say we must listen the Holy Spirit rather than blindly follow outer rules
>say God's Kingdom is within you, hence an outer entity can't get you there but only your own consciousness
>say all humans are equal
>get killed by heretics because what I said was too much different from their religion

>be none of the above
>be euphoric

Stay delusional faggots

Who said this lad ?
Was it them pesky Albigensians

You sure know a lot about religions...

I notice you're retarded

Alright so which behaviors that I attributed to most of pharisees and modern christians are wrong?


Jews being superior to all other races is a part of Judaism.

Christians who actually follow Christ believe that all humans are equal and should be preached to so that they too can obtain salvation.

I talk about Christians, not "Christians who actually follow Christ".

So you don't talk about christians then.

Then you are not talking about Christians.

>A Christian (pronunciation: i/ˈkrJʃtʃən/ or /ˈkrJstjən/) is a person who adheres to Christianity.

And many false Christians there are as the majority of people who proclaim that they are a Christian do not, in fact, adhere to the teachings of Christ, which would be Christianity.

You speak of false Christians in your OP.

stick fast to (a surface or substance).
"paint won't adhere well to a greasy surface"
synonyms: stick (fast), cohere, cling, bond, attach;

believe in and follow the practices of.
"the people adhere to the Muslim religion"

represent truthfully and in detail.
"the account adhered firmly to fact"
synonyms: abide by, stick to, hold to, comply with, act in accordance with, conform to, submit to,

>You speak of false Christians
That's your personal opinion on the matter, a Christian is one who adheres to Christianity. Christianity tells that any person who doesn't worship Jesus will go to hell for eternity. Are you telling me a person burning in hell for eternity is worth anything? Such a person is worth nothing, hence Christians believing it see themselves superior to non-Christians, and they're most likely the majority.

>a Christian is one who adheres to Christianity
And anyone who does not follow the teachings of Christ is not adhering to Christianity.

>hence Christians believing it see themselves superior to non-Christians
Perhaps you would feel this way if you thought you were going to heaven and others were going to hell, but that is not how all Christians feel. It is actually very saddening, not empowering.

Stop projecting.

ITT: Esoterism vs. Exoterism

You white heathens should have given us freedom not free range with your passports. You didn't let us go after our 400 years of slavery so there will be a judgement against you much like there was in Egypt. The Lord will plea for us and you will refuse to let us go. WRONG MOVE! He knew you would refuse to let us go which is why he says this to my people.

Jeremiah 51:20
Thou art my battle axe and weapons of war: for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms;

And there's a lot more.

Jeremiah 51:21-23
With you I will shatter armies--destroying the horse and rider, the chariot and charioteer.
With you I will shatter men and women, old people and children, young men and maidens.
with you I shatter shepherd and flock, with you I shatter farmer and oxen, with you I shatter governors and officials.

Jeremiah 51:24
Before your eyes I will repay Babylon and all who live in Babylonia for all the wrong they have done in Zion," declares the LORD.

I know our slavery was a punishment but it was only mean for 400 years. NOT forever. You have greatly deceived my people. The plagues of Egypt will fall upon you YES you will pay for what you did and your refusal to let us go. I'm not stupid neither is the LORD. If you let my people go it will bankrupt your entire nation all of your nations. You act like you hate us but you really need us. Woe unto you! YOU WILL LET US GO! BUT FIRST, there must be recompense! I know, I know, over your dead body right? EXACTLY, YOU'RE RIGHT! It'll be over your dead body, your mothers, fathers, children, women, babies, young, old, deaf, blind, over all of you until you give in. You'll be surprised how actually scary it is for a bullet proof being to be destroying tanks, drones and etc.. with their barehands before staring down on you. Yes you will surely scream like women. Likewise we shall depart this land with an excess of wealth AND YOU AS SLAVES! You, your women, and children. The world!

Do you know what Jesus' greatest commandments were?

Love God above everything and with all of your being.
Love your neighbor as you love yourself.

If a person sees themselves as being superior because they are a Christian, they are directly going against one of Christ's greatest commandments.

Warning them that if they don't believe upon Jesus they are going to Hell is the literal Word.

By informing them of their error we are both loving them and showing that we have faith in Jesus ourselves.

...especially since telling someone they're doing it wrong, or rebuking their degeneracy will sometimes get you killed.

I never argued that.

I agree 100%.

I'm arguing against what OP said, which is that Christians see themselves as being superior to non Christians.

Sup, Yeshua Israel, or whatever your Internet meme name is, how's things?