Is He alright?

Is He alright?

Choose your words carefully Big Guy, this my husband you're talking about here

hell be fine

Oh look, the daily Sam shiller is back.

He's got an Associates degree; he's educated!

Hey buddy

>Giving a shit bout this irrelevant cuck


>Sold out

Is he that terrorist guy I keep hearing about in the news?

Is there a single place for MDE news or is it all scattered around twitter and reddit and shit? It's interesting stuff once in a while but whenever I see one of these threads no one seems to have a good idea what's going on.

He only plays one on TV.

no, it's the guy that went on Tim Heidecker's podcast to cry and beg for Tim to help get his show back on the air after it got canceled (after only 6 episodes)

MDE reddit

sam is starting to post on the mde sub again

anyone watch whatever the fuck he just put out this "crush500" or whatever, worth tracking down?

He's alt-right.

He'll be fine, he's just waiting on some "bitcoin action"

That's his assistant Chang

and it's al-right :^)

>and that's a good thing

what's that some sort of indy book store?

mde is over
nick and charls broke off with sam

Anons falsely believe Black Panther's boffo box office was random, that Kevin Feige and Bob Iger simply rolled the onyx-colored dice. The opposite is true. Bob Iger gets his instructions from political powers, few of which have American interests at heart, some of which are curdingly subversive.

You probably don't know that Iger, Disney's most successful CEO ever, wants to cap his life's work by becoming US president. And that Iger literally walked off Trump's WH advisory board after the Charlottesville car thing.

Disney has a monopoly on entertainment. Even before Rupert "Zionist War Carnival Barker" Murdoch sold Iger 20th Century Fox. But Disney doesn't stop at entertainment. Its real money is in geo-political social engineering. Yep. Just as Facebook's is. You think the media turning on Zuckerberg in 2018 is unrelated to Trump's victory? Zuckerberg failed the NWO. Whereas Iger is their Golden Son now.

Disney has a neo agenda, subtly deployed, where they are tapping the energy of American holidays, anchoring their products to the dates, then supercharging them with baited "controversy" and online division, until the movies are not only subconsciously linked to the holidays, but overshadow them. Black History Month is now Black Panther Month. And Black Panther 2 will arrive in 2020, election year. Now Michelle Obama will run against Trump as BP2 happens. Iger helps Michelle get elected. Then Michelle helps Iger get elected: first Jew Zionist Globalist president. The power of Disney.

Disney shit the bed however with Last Jedi. Star Wars is supposed to supplant Christmas. But Kathleen Kennedy is sloppy, self-pleased. Killing off Luke Skywalker like a bitch is symbolic -- white males are dying out, losing power -- but the execution was ironically nigger-tier. So Kennedy dumped god-tier money to the Game of Thrones Jews to takeover. They left HBO, where their Modern Black Slavery show was in limbo. Guess what? Star Wars is going Afro Jew.
t. Sam Hyde Network