Technology ruined Batman

Technology ruined Batman

>tips fedora

They always had batman with the best technology the time of publication allowed

Didn't you mean to post this on Sup Forums OP?

When that was printed, spandex WAS the height of technology.

It would be another 20 years before the height of technology became aerosol sprays, and another 20 before it became computers.

This is my understanding of history.

Detective Batman>Siri Batman

Kinda like saying : "ProTools ruined modern music".
However I DO get where you're coming from...look at the best (kind of) recent Batshit- Wagner/Grant/Breyfogle, TDKR, Year One etc's violent for sure but bats utilises his detective skills far more than he does his everlasting itching powder technology or whatever.

Technology definitely ruined some of the suspense for me. When the hero has an arsenal capable of going toe-to-toe with gods, it makes it unbelievable that random thugs or even most of his rogues gallery would even be a credible threat.

Damn, them forearms....

I always figured Batman's limiting factor in these sort of things was his code against killing. Instead of throwing a nuclear batarang at the Joker, he'll just gently punch, and then instead of encasing him in stone for a thousand years, he'll just send him to a mental hospital. Net effect being that the Joker will be a thorn in Batman's side forever, while gods are a passing danger at best.

I fail to understand people like you. Do you think america should nuke everyone just cause they can? Restraint is important user.

Heavy Machinery don't solve crimes or do detective work If Batman wore his Hellbat Armor 24/7 he would only be able to stop crimes that occur in plain site more quickly which he already can with his standard gear Batman Rouges are not the type to just act, they are more methodical and require intellect rather than Muscle alone to stop.

Plus their is a fine line between enforcing the law and being a oppressor using his Bat vehicles and Armors see Kingdom Come.

Most underrated Batman era ever. I will never understand people who prefer Morrison to that, yet they shit on new Batman. Morrison was the first one to take Batman in the direction he is nowadays. Snyder is sort of discount Morrison after all (at least when writing Batman).
Wagner/Grant Batman was just pure Batman, without any bullshit.

At any rate, whatever "ruined" Batman is shit writing, nothing else.

The problem with this is also making Joker a mass murderer of such scale that not killing him doesn't make any sense anymore. I'm not sure of the exact chronology but up until the mid/late 90s he wasn't much worse than the rest of the villains, and his main goal wasn't to kill as many people as he could. Sure, you had silly storylines like A Death in the Family, but I think we can all agree that was a shitty comic and pretty much everybody acted out of character.
Just read Knightfall. When all the villains break out from Arkham, Joker doesn't even kill anybody. He just kindaps the mayor and does some psychological torture on him along Scarecrow. That's the type of things he'd pull at the time.

no batfaggotry did.

THANK YOU! (Very) Short story arcs, no major villains, INVENTED scores of villains still used today (I think, last Bats comic I read was part of the latest King abortion), good mix of fighting./World's Greatest detective -type stuff but ultimately you're right, shit writing ruined Bats. Man, I grew up with that run, a couple years before the film (I remember they got Sam Hamm, the Burton script writer, to do a story for 600 with Denys Cowan art, I think The Wagner (well, Grant by that time) team had moved on to Batman after that, Tim Drake era? Still a good run but it felt like there was a lot more editorial meddling....

Gonna look this up, thanks.

>Batman Rouges

Retard spotted.

>Not knowing the Batsuit was armored and bulletproof back in Batman #1 when the Joker tried to shoot him point blank.

Not murdering people ruined batman

>They always had batman with the best technology the time of publication allowed
That's basically the problem. Batman has become the iconic super-skilled "normal" hero, so he always has to be on the cutting edge of technology. At first that was things like hidden bulletproof armor, smoke bombs and grapple guns, but as technology grew more and more advanced, the sort of thing we consider "realistic cutting-edge tech" grew with it. Some of the things that the modern era considers "normal" would be considered outlandish science fiction back in the day, which results in Batman's arsenal containing things that seem like comic book superscience and the Batcave looking like the inside of a spaceship.

Technology isn't the problem.
Shitty writing that let's technology bullshit away all problems is.
I have just the right tool for this in my utility belt is only good writing, when you write comedy, and the tool is shark repellant or something like this. Not if it is written SERIOUS

>Technology isn't the problem.
>Shitty writing that let's technology bullshit away all problems is.
It Batman's tech is so advanced that it makes less sense when he can't, then that's the problem right there.

Yea, modern day printing doesn't depict the Noir tone well.

they should bring this back

Np, floppies are available for like a dollar but there's a compilation of the best bits of the W?G?B stuff in the book Legends of the Dark Knight: Norm Breyfogle. The 'Tec run was #583-594 and 601-621. There's about half of that in the collection I mentioned. You'll hafta look up their run on Batman, like I said the 'Tec stuff is the best, anyway. Enjoy!

are american government used hologram now? because batman did

JL tech he used are rare or expensive but I get your point, its weird seeing untrained thugs who can injured or captured master martial arts like batman

And when a normal human like Batman can go toe to toe with gods, Invasions of Darkside should no longer be a problem, because they could simply arm more people with that tech, and destroy the fourth world.