Glenn Beck on the radio this morning

Glenn Beck on the radio this morning.

Glenn Beck is blaming his treachery in helping get Hillary elected on the ALT-RIGHT.

He also got the term "cuckservative" completely wrong.

What ... An... Asshole.

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Beck did nothing wrong

Fight me faggots


I remember this

Where is this from
When he was on Fox?


Beck did act like a butthurt bitch in his interview with Cruz after Ted announced he was jumping on the Trump Train.

Glenn Beck was never relevant.

He could have really swayed things for Trump if he hadn't been such a pouty little globalist bitch who wants Hillary to win.

He got money from her super PACs.

I still don't trust El Rato, I hope he won't try and backstab.

He can't sway shit.

This is the first I've heard his name in like five years.

His company "The Blaze" was already in trouble. Alienating his entire audience can't be helping. Hell, Hannity and him have gotten in a ton of arguments on Hannity's show since Beck went all butthurt.

>This is the first I've heard his name in like five years.

Your lack of awareness does not constitute universal truth, user.

He used to be someone worthy of looking up to, or so we thought.

He has probably always been a cuckservative.

Even worse than Lindsay Graham. Miss Lindsay is fairly open in her cuck-ness.

>Alienating his entire audience can't be helping.


Beck is such a whinging pussy - he is blaming every recent criticism of the ADL and other such terror groups on the ALT RIGHT.

Had him on the radio, had a hearty kek when they tried talkung about cuckolds.

He's so far up his own ass it aint even funny.

Oh boy he was just talking about David French and his family getting shoah'd on Twitter

As if this nut job wasn't a covert Democrat the entire time.

Me too. They completely fail at understanding the Alt-Right.

Never be fooled. He is all about getting Hillary elected.

And calling the Alt Right "Neo-NAZIs" under the control of Putin is one way he is trying.

And failing.

I really believe that now.

He had an agenda he was hiding from us, and never brought it out until he was forced to admit who he was in order to try to defeat Trump.

What an asshole.

Yeah, he's a clown, people in my city have called in to our local conservative talk shows asking if they could remove his show and replace it with something else and were told they couldnt because his show, and Rush Limbaugh's show which comes on directly after his are a "package deal"...

No one likes him, the fucking idiot wants to be the next MLK so hard its not even funny but he's so misinformed.

He is talking about how he is Churchill or something now.

That bullshit gathering he did in alabama or mississippi after Roof shot up that church, he was complaining because the people who showed up werent locking arms as they marched like he imagined it in his civil rights fantasy. A few years ago, i remember he was talking about there should be more gun control, now he advertises guns on his show....

3-5 SUPREME COURT JUSTICES Glenn Beck, you cunt!

You are working to give Hillary Clinton the naming of justices that will DESTROY the Bill of Rights.

Fuck You so much!

You creep.

b-b-but h-hes just doing whats right! he wanted Cruz but when Cruz dropped out there was no other republican worth endorsing.

Also, he has a hardon about russia, fear mongering about going to war with them either way if clinton or trump win, and he knows for certain that russia is behind the wikileaks shit...

He has no proof. He is listening to Hillary and he wants to believe.

Beck is simultaneously PRETENDING to be a victim while at the same time striking out at the people trying to improve the system.

He is like that meme of someone who cries out while he is striking at you.

He is a snake.

pic related

reminder that this fucking idiot thought ted cruz was the next george washington.

>people in my city have called in to our local conservative talk shows asking if they could remove his show

My show too.

My city

not show.

I will never purchase or patronize any product this man or his show endorses.


I felt so betrayed when I realized he wasn't going to close ranks against Hillary when Trump won.

I was so betrayed by Glenn Beck.

Another thing that grinds my gears is whenever some tragic shit happens, he plays his current show theme song's slower, somber version and recites the lyrics as they're sung all dramatic like he's trying to drive home its important message of hope... "I will make a stand" *pauses the song* "I....WILL....make a stand..." Man fuck him, people like him love the smell of their own farts

Fuck him, he has like a 3% radio share

dead fucking host and show

Yesterday's show they were playing that newt gingrich megyn kelly clip and they were praising megyn kelly, even though in that interview she came off like a know it all cunt and turned smart ass towatd the end

Thank God that CRUZ came to his senses.

Hillary Clinton will complete the destruction of America, anons.

We used to be a pretty great country.

And Beck is fighting against the people trying to save it.

Pic is how Hillary really is, deep down.

Lives mean nothing to Hillary. She went to bed, then woke up to create an excuse for her failure.


They are such little bitches, all of them. Beck and his stinky minions.

Left out the pic in my re-post after I corrected the typo.

Pic is Evil Hillary not giving a shit about the brave men in Benghazi.

>Glenn Beck is blaming his treachery in helping get Hillary elected on the ALT-RIGHT.
And? The """"alt"""" right is cancer. Even conservashits know that.

Millennials ruin everything.

>Glenn Beck is supporting Hillary and Piers Morgan is supporting Trump


3 cents is being deposited in your account, Hillary.

I get money AND I'm the president? Holy shit I love using the internet!

And all I had to do was type "I disagree with you."

Hillary is reportedly a daytime drunk (per wikileaks from a 2015 email).

Yes and did you know that Trump caused the holocaust? It's true! I heard a rumor on a message board!

>Glenn Beck

Beck, much like Romney, is a Mormon. In other words being batshit crazy is in their blood.

>Beck Butthurt over Cruz getting on the Trump Train

>Glenn Beck on Friday voiced sorrow over Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) endorsing Donald Trump for the presidency.

“[This is] a profoundly sad day for me,” he wrote on Facebook. "Disappointment does not begin to describe.

>"Again, disappointment doesn’t even begin to describe my feelings.”

Let us bathe in his turncoat tears as he is thwarted again in his attempts to do things that elect Hillary.

>I heard a rumor on a message board!

Comparing that to Wikileaks.

Try harder Hildebeast.


Calm down Glenn

Ohh no


>that sucks

Says the millions of stupid republicans who watched his show. This stupid retard started the tea party movement. Remember all the shit he said about Obama making America into a communist country? Or the retard alex jones who hated putin and loves him? Seems like right ringers cucked themselves.

Horry Shee!

Conservatives believed that Beck was sincere.

We don't believe that anymore.

Is this the guy that one of us /po/ guys jacked off on his daughter's pic then sent it to him? I'm starting to lose track, its been a long election.

A station in my area dumped him right after this shit started and replaced him with Laura Ingraham.

I recall him shilling really hard against Ron Paul and advocating for neo-con policies years ago. Then afterwards he decided that Ron Paul was right and spreading democracy was a fool's errand. Now he is a shill Hillary. He is just blowing in the wind, but is always too late to follow the trends. This is why he uses decade old Alex Jones material when gets conspiratorial.

>We don't believe that anymore.
Took you retards 8 years to find that out?