Our brave new world

I does Sup Forums feel
About this "progress"?


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I'm sure those kids are getting a quality education. Why wouldn't they? Are you an ableist bigot?

Good for her, As long as she teaching really young kids I don't see harm.

I kinda agree here. Preschool is mainly just bullshit anyway from an actual learning perspective and is more to get kids used to socializing and school structure.

If she was teaching anyone older, I would really be upset.. I'm still not sure how I feel about this one goys..


What if the extra chromosome make Down Syndrome people extremely smart and normies simply can't comprehend them? Like... what if we are really the retards?

yeah until she pats a kid on the back for doing something well and with her strength of a thousand chromosomes collapses a lung in him.

have you ever tried to get parking outside a kindergarten to drop your kid off, now you will be forced to squeeze n the remaining space past a giant tricycle, you know the ones only they ride.

You certainly are.

>Extra third wheel

Mein Sides.

Kids do as your teacher does and remember be good.
Timmy why do you rattle - teacher ate tin soldiers and pennies - I dont feel to good.

Reminder this exists


They don't call it the downs under for nothing.

literally retarded on every level



That's kinda cool. I approve.

>Still contributes more to society in comparison to most niggers

Would she be able to pick up on the signs of child abuse that teachers have to look out for?
I would say she is find as a teacher aid for children this young but not as a full teacher.

I wonder if they have a downie teacher at the health and beauty course down at the local college.
Tuday we are going to do haircut numbah wun.
But miss we did that haircut yesterday and the day before and the day before.

There is only one haircut.

Untermensch should not be allowed to teach.

She's not that much dumber than the stupid sluts who failed into education.

so what happens if one of the children has some sort of a medical emergency and she needs to call 911 and administer first aid?

she picks up the phone and with her fat fingers dial 647369746919649619 shouts mergencee and then precedes to administer CPR buy breaking every rib and inflating the kid like a weather balloon.

When I was in high school I had a classmate with down syndrome. He was a good shit. He had a positive attitude and good sense of humor. He was mostly deaf and thats what set him back. Mentally he was pretty much all there. Kid was even on the wrestling team. I dunno man. It's probably alright for her to teach preschool

b a n t e r

are you, perchance, also retarded?

pretty much yeah


Preschool is pretty important desu

Nao I'm da happy monster, she tha' sad monsta XD

People whit handicaps contrubiteing to soeciety
i se nothing wrong whit this besides its fucking pre school.

Down's Syndrome comes in degrees
I had a great aunt with three downy boys
each were at different levels

one couldn't hold a job at all and had to live in a group home
the other two were more functional
one held a job at Goodwill with other tards, but still needed a chauffeur to and from work and such
the third lived in a group home with other high functioning tards, took the bus to work on his own everyday, and held two jobs
one was Pizza Hut and the other was also Goodwill

if a tard is high functioing and can get the degree and the teaching certificate and all that, then I see no real problem where the gov't should step in
but, I also wouldn't want my kid taught by a tard, so I have no problem with people who would pull their kid from that class either

she will mentally and physically abuse and ruin countless children in her inevitable and numerous potato outbursts and she will never be caught.

Seeing as most the kids are going to be sand niggers Im quite alright with this.
Same mental level and when little ahmed and his dad get a raging boner they arent braking any laws fucking the dunce with the mental age of a pakistani bride.


>pretends to be a lion
>does "hisss hisss" sounds like a cat or something

now the kids are gonna come out of that preschool not knowing what a lion sounds like

Truly disturbing. Reminds me Banjo Gyro.

Well said.

People with downsyndrome can teach preschoolers you sociopath autists.
They have higher emotional capacity than any of you fucks. In a college for example i'd rather be taught by a student who recently passed their exam instead of some shitty lecturer that does not even care or know how people around their age learn.
Surprised any of you can pass the captcha

fucking phoneposters

spud nigger defends those that can count to potato.

lmao, i'm from the UK but studying law in potato land

So she's teaching things she knows to children that don't know it. I'm not sure what the issue is. That's how all teachers do their job. It's not like she's trying to teach things she doesn't know.

>Highschool gym class freshman year
>Kickball indoors cause its raining
>If it hits close to where the wall and ceiling meet its a home run
>Up to bat
>Kick it hard as fuck
>Home run
>Line of retards come walking in holding hands at this exact moment
>Bounces off wall and nails one in the head and they all fall down
>Whole class and teacher think I'm an awful person
>Want to cry, have to talk to principal
>Whole school talking about it
>Sent home
>MFW "Home run"

>they have higher emotional capacity than any of you fucks
o'rly? How come their faces never express anything other than "can you help me swap up the drools patchs from under my chins?"

>be 18 Irishman
>hear about Sup Forums on reddit
>okay they seem kind of right wing for me but I'll still go hang out, maybe I'll influence them positively with my tolerance and altruism
>everybody still hates me

>Argentine intellectuals

I agree. It's important to teach children to tolerate people who are considered "different" by our bigoted society. And this is the way to do it.

Fuck retard handlers, they turn anything you can say/do to a retard as bullying or picking on them because they're retards.
They're cuddling these kids so much you can't even look at them without one of them shouting at you "Be more sensitive, would you like if I were to stare at you all day ? You've gotta be more tolerant of those different of you"

Im not irish and i'm 23 but 10/10 for effort. Voted Brexit and been nationalist since 16. Vote Trump pls