I can almost hear it. The sound of your cheeto-dusted fingers leaping to the keyboard to defend your privilege...

I can almost hear it. The sound of your cheeto-dusted fingers leaping to the keyboard to defend your privilege. You know it exists, but you deny it vehemently, just because you can't stand the thought of anyone being treated fairly.

But as you ready yourself to type out an angry reply, you read the cartoon, and you realize that you have NO defense. For a brief moment, the injustice of the system, how your position of power hurts everyone else in this country, it all comes down on you at once. For a nanosecond, you consider that maybe, just maybe, you should do something about it.

But what do you do? You block it out, and you put your pudgy hands back into the bag of Doritos. You'll go on pretending that you earned everything that you have, secretly knowing but not acknowledging that you have stolen from most of the people in this world. Coward.

Other urls found in this thread:


Not being a nigger isn't a privilege it is a right!

>Gang culture is somehow the whites fault

I don't deny my privilege, hundreds of thousands of whites worked to give it to me. Sucks to suck.

First, Gang Culture is the product of black, And is the reason for Disproportionate prison incarceration.

Then we can also add another track: Asians, They arrive late to the game, and get penalties. But guess what? They spend those "lost turns" not on laying back and waiting, But they spend it discarding non useful cards in their decks and min/maxing the game.

Finally, After losing 100 turns on the first step, they recieve an offer, Join another game where players will all recieve the same amount of turns. What do they do? "naah, im good, I can catch up."

>disproportionate prison incarceration
hahahahah let's laugh at these niggers

Hi. I'm thin. Muscular and I don't eat cheetos. Also, kys, skypo. K thx bye

>op is a faggot.

>poor schools is somehow everyone else's fault
Maybe they should get a fucking job and pay taxes.


Jokes on you- I'm a phoneposter!

Besides, a natural right is not a privilege.




Choose one

Idiot, since white people commit only a small fraction of the violent crime that black crybabies do, I think we've EARNED our white privilege by behaving in a civilized manner.

Nice copypasta.

You do know that there are many things like this, right? Not just race. For example height, how short men get treated poorly and how women discriminate ugly and short men. But that's okay, right?

I made a thread about this.

Privilege doesn't exist. It is a weapon of racism, sexism, and hate primarily directed towards white males. The concept leads to discrimination against white males, prejudice, stereotyping, and even slavery in the forms of public atonement, reparations, etc.

Nobody is more privileged than anyone else. Everyone has their own problems that they have to deal with and we have no right to deem any one person's problems as being lesser or greater than those another person experiences. The rich man will envy another person's life in the same way that a poor man might envy someone.

We are in no position to make value judgments over whose life is "better," as that is always subjective.

Reject privilege. It doesn't exist.

Slavery was a positive.

Niggers, when free, nig up the place and end up wrecking stuff for themselves and their neighbours.

Slavery, on the other hand, lets the niggers work, have a safe house, and learn how not to chimp out all the time. It civilizes the negro, and uplifts him.

Also, voting rights aren't necessarily a good time. When you give single women the vote, they end up voting themselves into wage slavery and cucking themselves out of a big happy family.

Segregation isn't a bad thing either because different people are DIFFERENT, and they need different environments to cater to their strengths and shore up their weaknesses.

I partially disagree with you. Some privilege actually exist, We can say disabled persons, Blinds or those affected by tourettes syndroms are 'unprivileged' compared to others, Same with war amputees and other problems of the types like Cancer.

Sure, we cannot judge whose life is better. But we can atleast try to accomodate some of these persons to live a daily life normally. I'll give you an example: My College employs people with Down syndrome to do low skilled jobs like Photocopying and carrying trashbins from A To B. I think they recieve lower than minimum wage, but they get other accomodations to make up for it.

Result? Tards have a job and a sentiment of 'Accomplishement' and normal low skilled employees get to have more time doing what they're actually paid for.

Fine, help retards and cripples, but we both know that's not what the left is talking about.

They are trying to fire at white males because of the racist and sexist dislike of white males. You can be a poor white male or a rich white male, it doesn't matter to them: to simply have been born as a white male stamps you with the Mark of Cain for the rest of your life. Because you are a white male, you are a genocidal oppressor responsible for literally all of the wrongs in the world. Therefore it's okay to discriminate against you or hold prejudicial attitudes about you simply because of your race and sex.

Privilege is a weapon. It is based on media lies and myths about society that are not at all true. There is no institutional apparatus holding anyone down for not being a "white male." This continued belief that such an apparatus exists is a destructive fiction we need to eliminate.

This is a better definition. But we can note that some other elements might counter the "White male" arguement, The transgender and gay 'addons', Notably.

This partially explains why people like "Milo" get less shit thrown at them.

Gay white males are no longer white males in the eyes of the left: they are simply gays. It is the same reason why a white female is not a "white" female but simply a woman. They pick and choose what aspects of an identity to include in order to achieve maximum victimization.

In modern slavery, Should Niggers be allowed to read or should we disperse them to functions where there is no need?

Socrate would be proud of the thesis we achieved, Cheers.

>Gang culture
>Lose 5 turns

What sort of mental fucking gymnastics do you have to do to blame this on whitey?

what does it meeeeeean

Probably because "The outsiders" is gang culture 'bout white people and this 'propaganda' changed black culture forever.

Did he died?

It also acted as a passive form of eugenics because we only bought and bred the fittest slaves.

You Already Lost Bigots Of The Lost Youth?

Black president. What's his excuse for success?

And they're flaming hot Cheetos, pleb. Get it right.


You're a really shitty person for doing this to good Canadians.

Gangs form out of necessity. I'll buy that.

Example of black gang - bloods
Example of white gang - mafia

The difference should be obvious

and not only do they catch up, they tend to help the others.

Gang culture was promoted through the airwaves of MTV, VH1 and obtaining record deals from..... that's right. The jews.

Joke's on you, I eat Pringels

Wtf, I didn't own any slaves or get any free land, what is this, 1865?

>1 post by this ID

I keked at talking about cheeto-dusted fingers because I have always heard that associated with niggers, and reminds me of a joke.

>How do you know Obama read a Bill without him even signing it? There will be cheeto's fingerprints all over it.


Why the fuck niggers want rights anyway? They came into your country as slaves, why the hell your gov gave them rights to walk without their master? Shit makes no sense, you could just throw them into ocean and let swim back to Africa and all of this wouldn't happen
America - dumb af since 18 century


>white people shouldn't be privileged in their own countries
I've got a fucking leaf for you:

200 years ago
>Jim Crow
50 years ago

I'm black and this post is already clearly libshit democrat propaganda, you fucking leaf.



This is actually kinda not true.
When liberals meet in large groups to discuss privilege, they end up screeching at each other about who has more privilege/doesn't deserve to complain about the struggles they face. It's gone so far that many of the harder left-leaning groups don't recognize gay white males as part of the "oppressed" groups because they're still white males.

Having shitty Genetics can make you unprivileged. But im talking real shitty like 2nd-3rd generation of inbred + Uncontrolable factors (Down syndrome, Mongs)

Shut the fuck up, Twittertard.

White privilege does exist, but niggers and cucks like to forget that privilege comes from our ancestors not being a bunch of worthless subhumans but rather building western civilization. Our society didn't just fall into white peoples laps, many whites fought and died for it.

Our privilege is a gift not to be squandered but to be built upon. Minorities have a much greater privilege because they had no part in building this country, but reap all the benefits.
They should not be here in the first place.

Never experienced this myself but not surprised. Plus that's not entirely out of keeping with what I said. They strive for maximum victimization. For public discourse, that means gay white males are simply gays and white women are simply women. But when it comes to private discourse, that gay white male WILL be a gay WHITE male in order to emphasize that someone else is more victimized.

Go back to Africa, negro

Funny thing though is that white mobsters figured out a way to police themselves to stop the unbelievable gang wars of the '20s and early '30s. They founded the "Commission", whereby the families would all have a guy who came to meetings and they would discuss problems before they became too bloody. Mafiosos therefore got to live much better lives than hood niggers. In short, niggers fucking suck.

Fuck you.
>edge Internet, can't upload images

Yes I have the privilege of living in a country that was built by my ancestors for their descendants. At least it used to be. I'm happy to share my country, but the arrogance of these people today is infuriating. If you don't like white privilege, go the fuck to a non white country or shut the fuck up.

Lol the white path.


A lot of people paid with their lives to slay those racist natives and introduce diversity into the new land called America. Nothing free about those wars and colonization so that America could be diverse and not just one native race.

Privilege, the way the left uses it, simply means being more intelligent, harder working, and less violent.

Blacks are oppressed to this day due to their near monkey level IQ, laziness, proclivity to crime.

Privilege is simply the PC way to say superior.

>Black guy has advanced 21 spaces
>White guy has advanced 9 spaces
>trail extends for an unknown distance beyond the right border

I mean, for all the information given Black could be winning.

Im mexican and my family immigrated legally from mexico into the slums of chicago and my parents now have a nice job in the suburbs while I moved out at 18 and am doing well for myself. All that white privilege woe is me bullshit is so irritating

Fuck you shill. I've been coming to Sup Forums for AT LEAST 2 years now, and I know not to respond to your kind. I tell my mom and dad every night at the dinner table about what I learn here. Soon they will be redpilled like me. Once Trump is elected president, LIBTARDS like you will see the day of the rope, and I will get too play AS MANY NINTENDO GAMES AS I WANT.

SO glad I found Sup Forums, so many kindred spirits here who know what its like when mom takes your videogames away.


>When liberals meet in large groups to discuss privilege

I'll take "things that dont happen outside of irrelevant, fringe groups on college campuses" for $1000, alex.

Please go away and come back once you've been gainfully employed for at least 1 year and are no longer viewing the world solely through the lens of exaggerated Sup Forums memes.

I'm embarrassed for you desu

>Turn 1

Black rolls 5, misses next 3 turns, is on square 5
White rolls 1, is on square 1

>Turn 2

Black misses turn, is on square 5
White rolls 2, is on square 3

>Turn 3

Black misses turn, is on square 5
White rolls 2, is on square 5

>Turn 4

Black misses turn, is on square 5
White rolls 1, is on square 6

>Turn 5

Black rolls 6, is on square 11
White rolls 1, is on square 7

>Turn 6

Black rolls 6, gets free turn, rolls another 6, is on square 23
White rolls 1, is on square 7

>Turn 7

Black rolls >2, runs off visible board
White rolls

Nothing's stopping them from getting a job as opposed to taking part in criminal activity. They could be responsible gun owners instead of illegally carrying firearms and murdering each other. Plenty of black people in the US manage to get through the day without breaking the law and being criminals. Why can't they?


To be clear, I'm not suggesting that niggers aren't holding themselves back in many respects, but your analogy is shit considering Asians werent forcefully put on ships and generationally bred as slaves for a hundred years.

Girls are looking for 'Thugs', 'Bad boys' and 'BBC', plus the black community doesn't dissociate from the killed thugs.

Look at the Boat peoples for your ships. But then, Good fellow, What is your opinion on how to 'fix' the analogy?

Nice slide thread cucknadian

>What is your opinion on how to 'fix' the analogy?

Find another group that was forcefully enslaved for 100 years recently and how they are excelling. I suppose you could make a weak argument that Irish slaves turned out OK though clearly gated community-raised NEETs like you arent the sharpest bunch.

Finland, Although they got stockholm syndrom and importing low skilled somalians.