
Can't jump scare the blind

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>no one will ever love you like sette loves her da(s)

>everyone ragging on Quigley for calling the fish vermin
>they turn out to be chillin' eatin' vermin

Matty's a little fatty

he's not fat he's poppin' fresh

I want to punch his chubby cheeks

Pinch, I mean

>I want to punch his chubby cheeks


You mean the cheeks on his face...right?

Nah, user is going to pinch his butt and cat call him like the Tex Avery wolf

One of the days Cope is going to get fed up with all the fat Matty comments, and turn him into Auschwitz mode. Is that what you want?

He's dead anyway.

I mean, it couldn't hurt right?

Observe the plans within plans.

Who's this barnacle-covered hag? Where's Fishfu? Where dat ass?

So what the fuck is Winalils endgame anyway? And
>you said he's a good person
No Sette, no. Nary taught you better.

Poor Sette

When it all comes crashing down, it's gonna be hard to watch

But not too hard

I'd still put better-than-even odds on Duane being the one to kill Nary. He did say he would, and that seems like the sort of tease that might get rewarded in the (very) long run.

I hate having to wait for the next page when it ends like this.

Well from the last page she was getting attacked by the others. I am not sure why other than she took a pendant.

I don't know why the others would be after the gang though. Maybe they saw Fishfu was showing an interested in them and they want to break or take away something she likes.

For maximum suffering Sette should do it.

It would be pretty hard to come uip with a reason for Sette to kill Nary. The only other person she cares about enough would be Duane and, as far as we know, he can take Nary in a fight

I'd say at the moment she still loves Da more but loves Duane enough to not intentionally fuck him over. She wouldn't let him kill him.

>It would be pretty hard to come up with a reason for Sette to kill Nary
If Sette discovers the red berry boys were honest about how nary talks about her. The problem with raising a pure survivor is always the betrayal.

That waterwoman looks a lot like my great aunt...

Why are these senet beasts acting so crazy right now, anyway?

Honest about what? The
stock letter proves he didn't sell her to starfish.

Duane's catnip for Senet Beasts, if Ilganyag and Ruck are anything to go by.

Though in the latter's case, it's because Duane offers the potential to enter the Khert, and drink it all.

Sorry I missed the last thread, so don't know if this was already spoken about. But I think the spam bots destroying the uploading meant her old site got unlocked too (at least I've never seen it before).
It has a lot of old artwork including stuff about unsounded characters before they were redone for unsounded.


I think Illgan wants the opposite. A way to exit the khert. Ruck said she could leave without dying. Duane isn't a bad looking zombie but i think she wants more than to seduce him. It's pretty odd that it appears she hasn't talk to bastions about it. Even though she apparently talk to him before in his early days and spawned through him to tell Raam to assist him.


>The stock letter proves he didn't sell her to starfish.
What? All We've seen has been a coded message specifically for Sette to discover IF she ends up with the letters. Ghost boy is Winalils bitch and we don't know for certain that he's being straight with Sette.
Ain't shit been proved one way or the other.

The letter does prove much in terms of strict evidence, but I'd put it in a pile of stuff that makes Starfish's story somewhat suspect. I would wager what happened was Nary was generally talking to Stockyard about the problems that comes with raising Sette, but never actually said anything about her being useless and someone he'd just sell to Starfish. That's something I'm sure Starfish believes, since we know him to be that kind of twisted, narcissistic asshole. We've heard as much from Cope that her source for Starfish was translating the kind of person she'd personality met into this character. The kind of person who thinks you're less than shit and should obviously just be happy to be of use to them.

Just think: Sette can smell magic. That skill in it of itself would make her worth keeping around. It's also clear Nary expects something of her as an independent agent. Even if he's manipulating her, you don't just send some kid you think is useless to lead a guy across the border of two countries constantly at each others' throats. Starfish's story just doesn't make much sense given what we know about what Sette can do and what Nary seems to want her to do.

>Sette and her brother, a blue-eyed lion named Jacaranda. They're searching for a fabled white lion reputed to grant wishes to the worthy.

He's basically out to cheat death. Duane is his rough draft.

Man, that's neat.l and it's going to be infuriating having the beta version in my head


noises still do jumpscares

All you need to turn Matti auschwitz mode is to wait 22 years

The obvious solution is to make the Gods hate the plats so much they give them unreasonably long lives. I think Quiggs is enough of a tool to make that happen

I'm not saying starfish gave an accurate account of what nary said, I said Christmas Past could have been bullshitting Sette about the letters contents. And that if Sette does discover Nary has considered her expendable that might be enough to push her to murder his ass. It doesn't even have to be something as overt as "sold into slavery," something like "never going to get the business no how no way" could do it. If it's said in a hurtful enough way.

Timofey is actually incapable of deliberate lies, iirc. From the Unsounded Tumblr.
I really like "Christmas Past" as a nickname for him, though.