British Sup Forumssters, how do you feel about Raheem being UKIP leader?

He's quite a strange character, to be honest. He's probably to the right of Farage and today he suggested that there is a very legitimate case for banning Muslim immigration (despite the fact he is an ex-Muslim and his family are Muslim, lol).

How does Sup Forums feel about the prospect of Raheem as leader? Would you be happy with a non-White leading the party?

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The positive side to this is that the leftists cannot pull out the islamophobic card as easily, with him being ex muslim and all which i do think will give him a strong stance on immigration.

Raheem Kassam is the Editor in Chief of Breitbart London. He served as Senior Advisor to Nigel Farage in 2014/15.


We've had infighting and sniping for far too long. It's time to remember that we're in UKIP for the same reasons. And we need to push UKIP forward, together.

This is a website for all of us UK Independence Party (UKIP) members who want a return to UKIP at its best.

That means NO to politically correct careerists.

That means NO to making us like all the other parties.

That means NO to the bureaucrats and paper pushers at the top of the party who abuse our hard work and good will.

It means YES to a UKIP that Nigel Farage built.

It means YES to tackling the deep cultural and social divides in Britain.

It means YES to a UKIP by the members, and for the members.

An apostate is going to do anything to undermine his former religion if said religion is dangerous.

He's your best bet.

True. I don't think he'll be as politically-savvy as Farage but he wants the party to go in the same direction as Nigel did as opposed to the fucking bellends like Carswell who want it to be a "libertarian, free-market party".

His ethnic and religious background will give him a bit of leeway, that's for sure, and we'll get a genuinely right-wing party for once.

Don't care about his skin colour as long as he's based like Farage.

He seems to be echoing a lot of what the Brexit and Trump campaign have been rallying against. See here:


From Brexit to radical Islam, from our military to our fisheries, from our NHS to the BBC, taxation, and so much more, we are the common sense party fighting against globalist, establishment policies.

Now is NOT the time for UKIP to fade away.

It is time for UKIP to flourish, and to become the largest and most effective opposition party in the country."

Kek, the UKIP Executive Committee (which is chaired by subverters) sacked him as Farage's advisor because he was "too racist"

Tbqh I think we have 2 good candidates, but UKIP needs to sort its shit out. There are people in that party sabotaging the fuck out of it, and they need to be purged.

Basically I think he would be a good leader because he has a really good stance against immigration and islam.
I don't actually know much about Paul Nuttall so i cant really compare him and Raheem but I do think with Raheem as leader the leftists will have less ammo to use against UKIP and it will eventually see more success.

That's the problem with right-wing parties. People with very authoritarian psychologies tend to be attracted to them and they tend to struggle with compromise because they're so adamant that their way of thinking is correct.

UKIP seems to be split between people who want it to be some sort of libertarian-right party and those who want it to focus more on cultural and social issues.

I think if it were to be a socially conservative, patriotic party that protected socialized services then it would wipe the floor in working-class areas. People don't want to vote Tory because their economic policies make life hell for those with low incomes but they don't want to vote for Labour either because that means their communities get changed beyond recognition by mass immigration.

Hes british. Islam is undermining british culture and law.

Worthless wog.

You're fucking cucked if you support this cunt.

I actually agree with this, he is more british than some leftists.

Care to explain?

Just be sure to pay to get your wiener sucked by a kind of nasty older lady at a karaoke bar to get the full experience.

Ideal = Britain is composed entirely of White people

Tolerable = Britain is composed of White people and some patriotic non-Whites

Hell = Whites are a minority in Britain surrounded by people who hate them

He's the best candidate by far, our guy if you will. Nutall is a dopey twat and all the others are saboteurs.

I would rather a patriotic non-White than a self-loathing, guilt-ridden Leftist numale/femicunt that constantly derides their own culture, history and identity.

Paki go baki.

please see
Unless you are blind your only argument is that Paul Nuttall is a better candidate if so please explain.

Even UK nationalist leaders aren't white anymore.

Well all hope is lost for the fucking colonies.

>"libertarian, free-market party".
Tbh that was Farage's plan too. Breixit was simply the focus that trumped the rest of his vision.

UKIP is done without Nige.



Arabs really aren't the problem.

It's their toxic """religion""" and disinterest in embracing Western values, sometimes outright subverting Western values in favor of Shariah. Given the punishment for apostasy I have respect for those who grew up Muslim (through no fault of their own) but came to recognize the toxicity of that ideology and wish to truly integrate in Western society.

I don't want him to be leader.
Mainly because I think he's a good bloke and I really don't want to see the lad get assassinated by some jihadi fuckwit after a fatwa's been declared on him.

>Arabs really aren't the problem.

Arab inbreeding rates say the opposite.

UKIP aren't really a nationalistic party; they're more in line with the Ron Paul's of the world.

The BNP gained a bit of ground around 2005-2010 but they took a lot of wrong turns, elected the wrong leaders and handled media attention terribly.

UKIP will minimize the decline until conditions are sufficiently shit that real far-right parties start gaining support again; it's already happening in a lot of European countries.

The Front Nationale will probably win the next election in France... although they've toned it down a bit in recent years.

He is pretty based really.

Sadly the race obsessed people here will not like him just because he isn't white.

Multiracialism and multiculturalism are the problems. Liberal theory doesn't override biology; in a group-based society, there will ALWAYS be competition for power and resources. Minority groups will come together in an attempt to subvert the customs, culture, identity and traditions of the majority population. Liberals think multiracialism will yield some mosaic utopia where everyone works together. In reality they'll get a balkanized, conflict-ridden shithole.

Societies should be largely mono-ethnic.

Reactionary poser.

Well The French National Front have a completely different economic policy from UKIP they have strictly protectionist statist policy that goes against small government ukip.
The French National Front would be like between the UKIP and the BNP

>Would you be happy with a non-White leading the party?
no, he should fuck off

Tbh I've seen many "Europeans" less white than him.

Top bloke and Nige approved. Will mute Labour racist attacks on UKIP and slowly end the party, the Lib Dems are the real enemy.

He's too toxic to be a leader. Nobody would vote for a person that rallys with the EDL.

He's based but electorally a disaster.

I think it would be great just for the cognitive dissonance it would trigger in beta leftists.

We need to outjew the jews from now on. Just as they used to use goyim frontmen under jewish communism or jewish neocons, we need last samurai frontmen to fight with us to deflect accusations of racism.

Raheem 'kill all pakis but me' Kassam for PM!

>authoritarian socialist government

this describes both Nazi and Comminist government.

England fought France, does that mean one of them wasn't a monarchy?

One man Party One issue Party

That man has left and that issue has been passed via referendum.

They should filter back to the mainstream parties and influence Brexit there,

I don't have a problem with nazi economics. It was a mixed economy, just like ours. They're in no way even remotely comparable to communism. They share more in common with Scandinavia than the USSR.

This. It's like how many Eastern Europeans are the most anti-communist.

I am #TeamRaheem

nah, we need nuttal to capitalise on the lower class white northerners that all still vote labour because theyre fucking retards about muh thatcher

Those who give something up are always more evangelical about stopping it because they understand the dangers

UKIP are redundant now, so give him a chance and fun will be had

No it isn't. It is pretty much outright socialism.
The state tells companies how much they can produce and what to produce.

Anyone who supports Raheem is a fucking traitor and should off themself.

Raheem is one of us.

So did the British government during and after the war. That's what you have to do in total war.

Could you put up with his scouse accent though?

I want that ex-army rhys guy (cant remember his name exactly, was welsh),
He compared homosexuals to animal fuckers, so got my support.

Don't trust raheem. Don't trust nuttal or evans either.

nah nuttall is one of us

i spose

He's probably a good guy but I wouldn't want him to lead my nationalistic party. That is something a native should do. He would be great as the second guy thought.

totally fucked up his name, its not rhys, but john rees.
watch interview, he's great. Really think hes going to take UKIP on the hard path instead of turning UKIP into "just another" establishment party - raheem/evans/nuttall.

Where was he when Nigel retired?

>compares homos to animal fuckers
isn't that a compliment if it's coming from a Welshman?

Tbh, Nazi's rulers spent more than half the regime duration in war and a large part of the rest (36-39) in its build up. Even France and England were hardly less collectivist in this period.

Mises, that other user linked, describes pretty well the situation in his Omnipotent Government. He highlights the difference between the Soviet and Nazi ways of socialism. The first being purely bureaucratic (in theory) while the second relies on association of workers and leadership.

"The Vampire Economy" is still the best book on the socialist theories of the NSDAP.


A big baldie scouser will better capitalise on the potential northern gains that wait, that's the true area for growth within the party, the vast swathes of dissaffected northerners who will never vote Tory despite being socially conservative.
A Journalist Muslim Londoner will kill the party, thats 3 things poor Northerners are sick of being talked down to by.

Anecdotally, having met Nuttall I found him to be very amicable and was dissapointed last time when he didn't run.

Ex-Muslims are red pilled as fuck.
They know the scourge from first hand experience.

Nutall is the equivalent of a northern housewife labour MP. He's got the script of how2politics but when has he ever said something that doesn't sound like it followed market research? (raheems pint shots recognised..)

Look at this shit, UKIP has done nothing but lead. Why would you have something that boring up in quotes?

gorra point there

What's the point of UKIP after they achieved their goal?
I saw someone earlier in the thread saying they could have transitioned into a libertarian/ free market party, I suppose that would have been interesting to see but apparently that won't be happening. I also don't that would be a good idea, because as with the libertarian party in the US, all it does is take people from the actual main two parties who could influence them from the inside.
Anyway, my question is what does this Raheem guy want to do with the party, what is his vision?

Nuttall seems like a decent bloke, but I think he'll cuck and make UKIP establishment labour 2.0. - eventually ignoring the right of the party.
Evans will turn it into the green party.
Raheem, I think is a plant. Instinctively I just can't trust him.

>what is his vision?
Absolute madness.

I dont know who this is but the Taurus judge is a stupid meme revolver