Really makes you think thread

Why doesn't someone just shoot the joker in the head while nobody's looking?

Because then there's no story.

How will Batman rape him then?

didn't you read Morrison's run?
Joker survived getting shot in the head, right between the eyes. it just made him more pissed off
and even if you did kill him, some ancient jester cultists would just toss him into a lazarus pit or clone him or whatever, which would undoubtedly bring him back even worse than before.

it just needlessly escalates the problem rather than fixes it

What happens if you pull off Banes mask?

He has taken fatal damage several times, including one time where a cop just got angry and shot him six times in the heart. Someone always comes in to revive him, from Batman to the paramedics. Why they fucking bother is a better question.

Why can't Batman just rape the Joker?

What doesn't Batman use his scientific and magical resources to remove evil from the universe?

And then steal 40 cakes?

That's terrible.

Someone would probably try and fill the void left by his death, potentially replacing him all together. It's not like Batman would notice, he barely realized that there are three Jokers running around

Fucking demons. He'd get to hell and then strike a deal with/dupe a demon lord into making him a revenant and sending him back to earth with all kinds of freaky powers. Now you have Spawn!Joker. Good job.

Maybe we should start a petition.

I did. They got mad.


Using the bullet hole, of course.
Batman will literally fuck the Jokers' brains out.

batman is the joker.

Because then he'd win, user! Sheesh! Dont you know anything!?

Joker has a history of coming back from the dead. Even during the days when Batman killed people. Actually, it was how he became a recurring villain despite Batman killing people.
You see bits of this coming back in certain BTAS episodes, like the when a Jokerized Shark bites him and drags him under.

They would need to be brave and do the proper and necessary thing, and KILL THE BAT who protects the Joker.

And punched into a smokestack. And captured by Andrea/Phantasm in the movie.

Why is Billy Batson called like that if he isn't Batman's son?

Because then the shooter isn't looking either, making it improbably difficult to land the shot.

Maybe Joker has a weird snake thing inside him that can possess people like Jason did in Jason Goes to Hell

>weird snake thing inside him that can possess people like Jason did in Jason Goes to Hell
Christ. I never saw the movie, but I remember seeing that cover at the video store all the time. That was actually fucking in the movie?

I think I would have preferred to continue living in ignorance.

because the batsons and the waynes are both distant decendends of the bat tribe, who splintered off from the bird tribe (now known as the Pleiadians) after encountering a strange man who emerged from a chariot of the gods, donned the pelt of a giant bat, and defended them against an attack from a rival tribe

snake, dragon, devil, same difference

See this is why I actually like the "three different Jokers" and Joker not actually having an origin story. Because it becomes more a role and criminal dumb fucks always copy off each other in everything, so it's like the legend/myth of the Joker will always inspire some larper to become the next Joker.

Just like the movie roles where each actor tries to out do the other one but remain true to the themes/core characterization of the original. The Joker is just simply not one man, but an ideal. Like the Batman, but unlike the Batman where it's one man's personal mission he stick to rigidly and principally... The Joker is a series of many broken, destructive. sick men who pit themselves against society itself by taking on the role of it's most infamous enemy.

>See this is why I actually like the "three different Jokers" and Joker not actually having an origin story.

I meant to add besides the Red Hood one. That to me will always be the true, original Joker with a personal vendetta against Batman. But everyone after that guy, you can never be sure it was the same guy.

But what about harley?

Wouldn't that be the point? It's been said millions of times, but Joker is the anti-thesis of Batman. And just like you said, Batman is the personal mission of a specific man. Batman doesn't really work without Bruce Wayne as the starting point. But The Joker could be literally anyone. In some ways, having a specific individual being the origin cheapens him. Again, he's the complete opposite of Batman in every way.

What about her? She's been off and on with the Joker and she's as insane as he is so there is again no telling if she even knew she was fucking the same dude when she came back to him after leaving him or thinking he was dead.

because he's the god of random and chaos, duh

anything anyone tries to do to him will always end up bad but when joker does it, its fine

because thats how random and rng works XDDD

hes such a best villain. why cant luthor compete? same with batman and superman.

>Wouldn't that be the point?

It is. It's a point I realized while I was making it. Didn't start off on that post with that point in mind but it did come to me.

I think it works on both levels it needs too -- the actual story level and the meta-publication level which is the level where you need reasons for characters to keep existing so you can make money off them.

Meaning if I was writing a Batman book and someone asked him why he doesn't kill The Joker, Batman could point blank say "Because another one will take his place. It's sickening how inevitable it is. The last dead Joker serves as martyr and impression for the next one."

And eventually this branches out into the "Jokerz" gang in Batman Beyond, because copying the Joker becomes habit for gotham's criminals.

And coming fully circle, The Jokerz is exactly what I thought of after I finished my post. They're the perfect representation of "Joker" being an ideal that demented fuckers will aspire to.

>when joker does it, its fine
his plans are thwarted and his ass kicked more often than not, and has been pointed out in the thread he's gotten himself killed more than once

What I want to know is why batman is so buttmad about handguns and shit but has no problem putting miniguns and rocket launchers in his jet.

its a phobia more than its a moral stance. if joe chill had shanked his parents you'd have batman waxing about the evils of the blade

But why does he not have a phobia of super guns?

I wager that after 5-10 years of being Batman, he got to the point where he can willfully ignore his phobia with little more than a spike of heartrate, but he just chooses not to because it makes him seem more interesting

He's really not. In addition to the machine guns, cannons, and rocket launchers on his car/plane he uses various personal guns like his stun gun, grenade launcher (usually loaded with less lethal loads), and of course the Batclaw. He just doesn't kill, and there's no gun that can consistently score non lethal KOs. Even rubber bullets can easily kill.

>and there's no gun
No BULLETS I mean.

The vehicle-mounted weaponry gets a pass because it's used to disable other vehicles, destroy robots, clear obstacles, and damage superhumans who can survive that crap.

"There must always be, a Joker."

How would you do "I shall become a bat" in live action without casuals laughing?

Exactly the way it was done in Year One

incorporate Man-Bat and Barbatos, have pic related occur during the climax, and give the whole movie a psychedelic voodoo atmosphere

It would be extremely... painfull

Because he who kills the Joker becomes the Joker.
There's always been a Joker in Gotham and Harley is a slut.

Why doesn't the state execute him? Have it be an elseworld story where the citizenry make the smart decision with a mass murderer and domestic terrorist. And when the corrupt courts in Gotham say "no, we will let this repeat offender who can escape anything live," the citizens riot. Or worse, they form a vigilsnte mob whose goals are get rid of corrupt officials and murder The Joker.

I like the reasoning back on comics alliance that--given this is a world where ghosts and supernatural entities are very much a thing, that killing the Joker will inevitably lead to Ghost Joker.

...And nobody wants that shit.

Stop having fantasies against imagined slights.
What corrupt courts in Gotham? They get bribed by the mob, sure, but when it comes to the Joker, it's been shown, he gets away, because of what the law says, not because he bribes them. If the citizenry voted against insanity plea and outlawed it, Gotham would have no reason to disobey that.

Because American comics were originally made for kids and are now there only there to earn money. So Joker, a very popular character has plot-armor.

Why doesn't anyone ask how come Batman doesn't get killed by random mooks, or police officers, or galactic overlords he frequently fights?

Popular characters don't get killed and in the rare cases they do, they get rezzed soon after.

As it should be. End of story.