Tropes you love

>main character isn't the chosen one (pic related)
>character becomes a Christ-like figure
>kids fucking die

Other urls found in this thread:

>the villain is easily taken out by someone/something that is so much stronger than the said villain in the finale
>or, the main villain is severely wounded by things that are inherently weaker than he/she/it during the finale

>a thot is given a brutal death

>it's a protagonists get drunk and shenanigans happen episode

That was literally the best part of the game

>The villain was an average guy the entire time.
>The antagonist was doing everything for his oath of allegiance to a monarch or his sworn duties.

The protagonist doesn't fall for the villains bullshit

>the villainess seduces the hero with words instead of skimpy outfits and bare flesh

>Mysterious character is hidden in the shadows/off-screen/something along those lines
>Says a familiar phrase that reveals they're a character who hasn't been seen in a long time.

>character a saves character b
>shortly after, character b saves character a

>Character has the option to make a choice that will help them and hurt others.
>Nobody will ever know if they do it
>They're tempted, but ultimately decide to do the right thing

>'Big guy/girl' character is actually the fastest and most agile of the group
>Grotesque monsters that you can be really good friends with
>The cute character being genuinely cute instead of secretly evil

>>The cute character being genuinely cute instead of secretly evil

How many times has them being secretly evil happened?

that comic ruins me every time I read it :(

>Final battle
>Reprisal of main theme

>villains are genuinely buddies with each other and care for each other
>villains don't have any sadness/angst/desire for revenge/righteous fascism, they just enjoy what they do

>Villain is a hot slut after the protagonist's dick

>the jocks are actually really nice guys instead of being assholes / bullies

>Hero and Villain team up to stop a bigger threat only because the villain can't rule the world if it gets destroyed.

>Hero and Villain are nice and polite to each other when they aren't fighting.

>Villain is the Hero's best friend.
>They both want to save each other from the other side's faction and be bros again.
>Both are straight.

>Family tree is super weird and fucked up (star wars,KND,venture bros,jojo)
>over the top dumb villain becomes badass(lord hater,mojo jojo)
>2 very different friends accidentally become related (camp camp,brooklyn nine nine)
>the resolution of a story ends happily for some and sadly for others. Those others are not all bad guys(witcher 3,fallout new vegas)

>morning sam, morning ralph

When has this happened?

>Character gets out of a sticky situation by lying.
>Must continue to lie more and more frequently to keep up the charade.
I don't care how clichd and boring those "Liar is revealed" scenes are, the build-up always puts me extremely on edge.
Bonus: One or more of the people who were being lied to already knew before the reveal/understood the character's good intentions behind the lies, and forgive them.

Oddly specific magazines.

>villains are genuinely buddies with each other and care for each other

That's why I've grown to love Twice and Toga.

>>'Big guy/girl' character is actually the fastest and most agile of the group

not me but
>literal post above the one youre responding to
charles and erik

> when the moral of the story is politically incorrect
There are some people you just can't reason with

Does Toga care for Twice? I didn't notice. I particularly dislike Toga.
Twice is a bro though.fuck that faggot

Definitely one of the best visual gags


>i lost my entire arm!

funny, vikings joked about losing limbs all the time.

>the villain is a Jesus Christ-like figure for their followers

Indominus truly was the greatest of thots

>Character close to the protagonist dies
>Sad piano version of the opening plays


>The main theme song is the protagonists ringtone

>skill learned early in the movie/episode is reused later during finale.

"Diana! Shield!" is the only recent one i remember.

wha's the official name for this?

>"Aren't we the same?"
>"I'm nothing like you!"

hashiridashita omoi ga ima demo
kono mune wo tashikani tataiteru kara
kyou no boku ga sono saki ni tsuzuku
bokura nari no asu wo kizuiteiku

One particular instance comes to mind:

>Main antagonist is about to be killed
>Taunts the protagonist and insists it's just business
>Protagonist tells them otherwise


>Villain goes on a lengthy monologe about how much similar they are
>They're actually super valid and the hero begins to realize this

I know the "we're no so different" shit is overused, but the way it was done in Manhunter sends chills down my spine.
>"You want the scent? Smell yourself"


>hero and villain are teaming up in the end to defeat even bigger threat

>comedic villain is the most powerful being in the universe

> nihilistic anti-hero
> story plot is morally is grey
> self sacrifice
> no forced romance between male and female characters

I want more of this. Lots of Chad's I've met irl are actually really nice dudes and friendly.

>the protagonist is a former villain trying to atone for their past
I just miss Incognito.

>the antagonist admits that they're evil and while they have a set goal that they're trying to get to, they never try to bullshit their reasons and selfishly follow that goal

Slade was the best villain in Arrow hands down

Male and Female twins

bonus points if the boy acts like a girl and the girl acts like a boy

the horrible monster has a high-class British accent and refined tastes, and possibly a strict sense of hospitality and (somewhat twisted) morals

>Characters almost all have weird out there or complex powers.
>One character is just really strong and is just as capable of kicking ass as anyone else.

> villain does horrific, terrifying things, heroes never directly confront him
> heroes finally meet the villain
> he's actually a reasonable guy, friendly, down to earth, even
> Actually has good reasons for doing what he did, even seems to regret the suffering he caused
> The lesson is that he's a particularly dangerous evil, because of how reasonable and appealing he makes evil seem

>all the friends and allies the protagonists helped on their journey come together to help during the fight against the final boss

>Final Boss is amalgamation of everyone who tried to save the world
>About to finish him off.
>He powers up one last time.
>his theme changes to the first final boss from original series.

>protagonist goes full animeshit and "muh friends"
>it doesn't wwork

> the final DLC boss of the entire series
> an undead who died, over and over, never giving up, powering through just out of sheer will, in order to complete their quest
> just like you
> just like you

>a character (possibly female) tries to appeal to a villain's better side, thinking there's a good person hidden somewhere
>the villain's only response is giving that character a blank and emotionless look
>in the very next scene it's implied that the villain killed the character that tried to reason with them

>most recurring villain considers himself arch-enemy of the hero
>hero doesn't consider him his arch-enemy in turn
>instead he's much more serious about a less recurring but more powerful villain who's only used sparingly
>more recurring villain may even team up with hero to fight this greater threat

Hand it over

>The villains motives are arguably better than the protagonists'
I love this shit and really all conflicts where there are simply different points of view instead of clear cut heroes and villains. The witcher did this as well but watchman did it the best

>the main villain explains his justifiable motivation, and then he and the hero share a drink and go their separate ways

watchmen* embarrassing

>one of the villains ( doesn't have to be the big bad, maybe one of the underlings) falls for one of the heroes
that's my shit, I like hero & villain romance
but like reluctant, he likes her but he won't admit it and same goes for her, lotsa shouting and bickering between the two
not shitty one sided obsession, meh that sucks

> that thing...your dark soul


>not shitty one sided obsession, meh that sucks
Thank you. I hate that motivation and a villain archetype so much. No idea why people find it compelling.

It happens all the fucking time in kirby

isn't kirby supposed to be some kind of eldritch abomination?

Yeah, but at least he's friendly. The final bosses of most kirby games tend to boil down to either fighting a horrifying eldritch abomination, or king DeDeDe

>main character is a literal chosen from God
>becomes a Christ-like figure
>kids fucking saved

>Everyone dies
>Chosen one is not retarded and actually reads up on his 'prophecy' instead of blindly following his caretaker with no resistance (pic related)
>Siblings duel to the death

Geralt is sort of the chosen one, the prophecy states that his actions affect whether or not Ciri will be successful. It's sort of cheating the trope I guess.

>the prophecy is a lie

>Chosen one is not retarded and actually reads up on his 'prophecy' instead of blindly following his caretaker with no resistance

>reading shit
who needs that?

That's why Hiccup, the scrawny little low-test Beta was still more of a Viking than Drago.

>Hiccup loses a fucking leg
>Cracks jokes about, laughs, even exploits it as an anchoring point for new tools and gizmos
>Drago is just a whiny bitch and angsts about it and attatches a sissy little hook

>Reading about prophecy that determines your future
Yeah, why read?

Nah, things turn out okay anyway.

Now imagine that with both the protagonist and the antagonist literally the same person.

>goofy comic relief character gets serious
>cartoonish proportions become realistic
>secretly the most powerful member of the team

>character is severely physically maimed during the climax
Always feel like it's a good balance in that they don't have to die, but still have to deal with a major sacrifice. It should happen in kid's movies more often.

>villain tries to pull the "we're not so different" card and immediately gets shut down

>character has secretly two personas
>each of them has a different appearance
>then the secret gets found out, the character's true appearance is a mix between those two

>weak joke character gets more serious and becomes one of the arguably strongest characters in the series

>Two strong characters facing off, situation tense
>Things about to spark off
>Suddenly Even more powerful figure appears on scene
>Everyone shits themselves
>The two strong characters back down

I'd like it even more if the Hero fell for the Villain.

>clothing damage

Full stop, clothing damage. I love it when a fight gets so brutal that the combatant's clothes, costumes or armor get cuts and torns, maybe even fall off completely. Two of my favorite examples of this are Samurai Jack and Raimi's Spider-Man movies.

I've been planning on reading Wheel of Time for so damn long. Finally should get some time after next month.


It's a variation of chekhov's gun

Not truuuue.

Wait, wrong game.

>a mentor, party member, or some one helping the protagonist has been using the protagonist and betrays them

>When a hero has to choose between bringing back someone who died or saving the life of someone still alive

>Villain is in ropes against heroes and seems that he's been rendered completly harmless
>Still finds a way to completly fuck with heroes

Who is this guy ? I haven't seen the movies, but having read books long time ago I don't remember anyone like that in them Or they simply didn't translate all of them in my weird-ass east-european language

>realizing they're about to die, character calmly accepts their fate with surprising dignity.
>they notice a way out of it
>immediately do a 180 and start frantically scrambling for it

I can only think of Rick and Spike. Any more examples?

It's Always Sunny, season 11 finale