Hey Sup Forums, wanna hear a joke?

Hey Sup Forums, wanna hear a joke?

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I remember the first time i heard that Nick and Judy were going to be making regular appearances at the MOVE IT SHAKE IT parade party.

I was so excited, i stepped out early from my job and went under the tunnels to pay a visit to costuming. Managed to find the nick suit and hide it away while the fireworks were going off.

Do you want to know how many times i was able to come inside of his warm creamy head before they found me?

I'll give you a hint. At least three humps.

women's rights


What's the joke?

Is..is that the joke?

Nah. The joke is what i did to the Judy costume.

Let's just say we have a ABUNDANCE of Easter bunny costumes. And plenty of PRODUCE to stack around in interesting and curious places for a delightful picnic scene. Those college program kids from China got a real eye full.

Knock Knock

Come in

What do you call a yelling farmer's job?

I don't know. What /do/ you call a yelling farmer's job?

>progressive garbage


Ahahahaha, I get it! AAAAAHGriculture! That is funny.

>What kind of joke?

What the fuck are you talking about?

That is disgusting
He found out there would be a fursuit availabe and then came in it before anyone could find out



I wanna cum on your smug face


You know what weirds me out though, like, when I pay attention to it?
Their eyes have NO blood vessels in them. NONE.

-That's a terrible joke

Judy's humongous eyes are disturbing up close, just check mr Big scene where she threatens him.

I legit laughed at this. I feel ashamed


You see, user, sorry to be the one telling yo this, but they're not real animals. Their eyes got made with a 3D software. And in cartoons, you don't usually see the veins of the characters. So deal with it.

The fact they're 3d object makes them look uncanny , remember that spot with nick holding a cellphone? They had no shade to his eyeballs.

I'm looking at one.


>that face


Ah... I remember the 1st time I ever saw that teaser.

desu I hardly see any on mine when I look at them in the mirror.

While I was there last week there was one autistic kid that went absolutely wild when Judy and Nick. To Judy's credit she waved at him and took his hand to bring him out into the street to dance. He had the happiest look on his face when it was all over.

>that teaser

Did they know what they were doing when they had Nick show off his cute footpaws and wiggle his cute toes?

"...the aristocrats!"


wonder how the teaser would look like if they went with original pitch

"The animals in Zootopia are just like you, only it hurts more to be alive!"

"The final solution!"



things were so simple back then.

Jude's got her eyes on the prize

As you should have

We are they so cute?

Because aminals cuter than human


As a racially mixed person this movie hit me really hard, and considering the material it was handled really well without being overly preachy. It had a lit of powerful moments. I remember tearing up three times in the theatre and I hardly ever get sapy at fiction. To me it didn't come off as progressive but raw.

My favorite scene.

You need to steal one of each for me. What's your price?

Do you think she's fucked a customer with that suit on?

Cub scout Nick scene was heartfelt, the bridge scene with Judy made me mist up a bit too everytime I saw it in the theatre. The last few times I looked at the audience around me, saw MANY people dabbing their eyes during her scene.

When I saw it in IMAX last august an old lady sitting next to me said she hasn't cried at a 'cartoon' since she saw Bambi as a kid.

>As a racially mixed person

Sorry your dad raped your mom