More posters put up at Michigan. SJWs are STILL assblasted. These ones were put up by BAMN...

More posters put up at Michigan. SJWs are STILL assblasted. These ones were put up by BAMN, people who fight for affirmative action By Any Means Necessary.

Any anons feel like putting up a response?

kids and their feelings

Draft Our Daughters especially the one with the graduating women.

Tear them down and replace it with a big one that says "turn about is fair play, faggots"

This desu

Also, Ann Arbor Sup Forumsacks check in.

This isn't satire?

What the fuck does "Full Citizenship Rights for all immigrants" mean?

You become a citizen simply by having a US residence?? A push for Canada/USA/Mexico to become a mini EU??


Fail to the Hitlers

I swear the USA is the only planet in this country where shit like this happens.

If they only knew the actual trash they're often picking up.

No nice guys. No hard workers. You're picking up our literal human refuse. The kind of people whose neighbors you avoid so as not to get murdered.

>knowing that trump and alt right are fascist
>whining about people for Calling you what you actually are.


Responding in kind is a loosing game. Get a buddy, have him recording when the SJWs come by and start to take them down, slowly, while staring at the SJWs, when they chimp out you'll have an actual Harassment case. Never mind, I forgot all pol can do is put up fliers.

I was born a racist, it's 2016. I can't change who I am.

Fundamental to Michigan State University’s philosophy on campus dissent is a belief that the rights guaranteed in the First and Fourteenth amendments of the Constitution must be protected. The University has worked for decades to establish a community consensus on the scope of intellectually productive and constitutionally protected dissent, and to distinguish it from impermissible disruption. That consensus is now embodied in several documents, which have received student, faculty, and administrative review and approval. Although some of the passages set forth below were developed to delineate student rights and responsibilities, the principles enunciated are generally applicable to members of the University community.


The robust exchange of ideas and perspectives can be indicative of a healthy intellectual environment. However, actions that directly or indirectly inhibit the freedoms and rights enjoyed by others are anathema to maintenance of a collegial environment. Under the civil and criminal law, as well as the University’s ordinances and policies, it is impermissible for an individual or group to deny free expression to others who are engaged in peaceable discourse or dissent, to deny any person’s freedom of movement on the University’s property, to obstruct ingress and egress with respect to buildings or public areas, to endanger or threaten to endanger any person on University property, or to otherwise disrupt the ability of other persons to participate and enjoy the benefits of campus life.

>scUM btfo yet again


Print out a bunch of POOPOOPEEPEE pictures and plaster them over the fliers.

>The stars of Indoctrinate U talking shit

Ann arbor user checking in. Lets organize a counter troll. How much money can you get the University to spend in response? High score is $80M

I want to have a meet up at some point.

Thanks chief

wasn't BAMN radical leftist the organization from the battle of sacramento?


Ypsilanti here, when where and should I bring my flag?

This, I was born an alpha male in a low test cuck body

need to do another meme campaign like #draftourdaughters

but make it like how immigrants could be drafted

Does anyone have any updates on Mizzou? This thread reminded me of how BLM basically ruined that school for any white freshmen.

>make campus a sanctuary for immigrants

Please do this. Especially "Syrian" refugees. They cry of rape culture, but they haven't seen shit yet.

Yeah, they're militant, but AA has been their big thing for a while. They have some long name for all of the things they support.