Muh new emails

>muh new emails

Other urls found in this thread:

>polls reflect the last few hours

I smell desperation

>polls over a day old taking into account what happened today

which was exactly nothing, and they are already making the rounds on MSM along with fox

Yeah, I was totally gonna vote for Hillary until I saw how pathetically desperate Comey and his failure GOP congress friends are, now I have no choice but to vote for the orange marshmallow man. MAGA MAR A LAGO!



If it was nothing why did hillay have a 3 minute press conference

>marshmallow man

what did he mean by this

>Comey lets Clinton go
>Democrats cheer and love him and say it's case closed
>Comey reopens upon finding new stuff

>I-it was n-nothing g-guys I swear
Are you going to kill yourselves after killary loses, or are you going to hang for treason with her?

>>Democrats cheer and love him
Citation needed there, buddy.

Comey was dying to find dirt on Hillary. He just couldn't. Because there is none.

CTR is so devastated that they stopped using proxies.

I could literally write a 600 page book about all the dirt on the Clintons.

You should ask Hilldawg how the Mena, AR airport is doing this time of year.

I like marshmallows. I was Hillary but the imagery of an orange marshmallow just does something for me. Totally voting for Trump now.

Why are Hillary supporters so quick to cover up and hide her crimes?

>anyone else would have been prosecuted

>Hillary Losing

Thats almost as funny as the #draftourdaughters troll

they literally only poll Hillary voters. fucking check their methodology. and if they say they vote for Hillary, they get weighted +3 lol. btfo

>“Of course, we don’t ordinarily tell Congress about ongoing investigations, but here I feel I also think it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the record,” Comey wrote to his employees.
Hahaha, thank you for supplementing the record, GOP shill.

>I could literally write a 600 page book about all the dirt on the Clintons.
Hitchens already did lmao

He was under supoena he had no fucking choice you dumb nigger.

God i love my job.


Because she's their gal. They really do not know about, or care about, the major issues of the election... If they do, then they somehow gain from the current state of affairs.

>I could literally write a 600 page book about all the dirt on the Clintons.
Our, you're a fantasy writer? Does he have any magic powers in your book?

It's called a slide remark made out of bitterness over the fact that he had literally nothing.

Thank you for supplementing the record.

>CTR full damage control

>posting the michigan meme

So do you think all those bernie voters wont vote hillary? are you that dumb?

Oh my god you're so fucked its unbelievable

>basement dwellers

>thinking Bernie voters will vote for Mrs. Wall Street after their candidate was cheated in the primary

damn are we fucked??

>even Obama is jumping ship
Before you kill yourselves, say it with me:

>posting from Rigging Clinton's Politics, by Nate Shillver

what did kek mean by this?

This is hillarious

>Thats almost as funny as the #draftourdaughters
considering woman can now be drafted and hillary has the most pro-war stance in the election and has constantly voted in a war hawk manner many times in the past. It's actually close to the truth

How can someone with any shred of dignity say they cant find anything that warrants arrest when this shit would get any regular person 10 life sentences?

Shit Obama is going to high tail it to Ecuador or something.