Would you use the psychological detox machine?

Would you use the psychological detox machine?

Also, would you consider it moral to split your consciousness and doom another version of yourself to what is essentially a life in hell?

>I picture my insecurities and laziness as toxic
I would probably be better off

Fuck yeah, I would. I want to be the confident alpha male.

There wouldn't be anything left. All of me would go into the machine.

That's not really what always happens, Rick and Morty's goop versions were sentient and alive because they had /that much/ toxicity in them, or at least that's how much they consider toxic about themselves, which in an of itself implies that they dislike themselves a lot.
The machine would only be useful if you're aware of your worst parts, but then again they're probably not as bad as you think they are and you would be better off learning to handle them yourself instead of choosing the easier solution, because you never have a clear picture of what exactly is wrong with you and you WILL screw yourself up if you use that machine. I don't even know why it exists in the first place, its chances of working properly with no repercussions are ridiculously slim.

Would I get skinny, stop caring about being fat, or be motivated enough to get skinny?

>Would you use the psychological detox machine?
I don't think there'd be much left of me if I did.

What happened to morty is basically what happened to me when I took this really strong Molly, I became super talkative and confident, no inhibitions, didn't worry what others thought, really happy and excited. I wanted to be like that forever. I could say things I needed to say for months with no problem. But it was only afterwards that I realized that I wouldn't wanna live like that. Yea it has its perks, mainly easy pussy, but as the episode displayed, that is how a sociopath operates. It's just as good to have apprehension and self doubt and insecurity as it is good to have confidence and belief in one's self, etc. It's a Ying yang, a balance, it would be nice to go a night living deep in the Ying but life is about swimming in the pool of yang and Ying, not just getting the best parts, otherwise you would be a huge tool with no reason to be humble or improve yourself.

skinnyfag here. trust me, you don't wanna be skinny.

Agreed, you would think they would be getting complaints all the time, but I guess aliens are just cool with it. It works as a plot catalyst tho and this was just as good as last week's episode

yeah, I'd either be amazing afterward or just content with being mediocre

>with no reason to be humble or improve yourself
You wouldn't need to.

Since the machines just cut off the part of yourself that you personally deem toxic, I think it'd probably be a great thing to do.

I'd say I wouldn't care what happens to the shitty portion of myself, because it would be a concentrated horrible waste of life, but then if I was dextoxed, I'd probably care about what happens to them. So maybe not morally good, but fuck it, I'd do it.

Yea because you would be content being an obnoxious douchebag, I personally don't wanna be that person, watching morty on that date made me really uncomfortable because of how familiar it was

>and doom another version of yourself to what is essentially a life in hell?
I wouldnt. Like toxic rick said, their toxic versions were so bad they mistakenly took on an entire entity, most people just let out regular gunk.

So no one cared about Rick and Morty getting vored in this episode?

Fatfag who use to be skinny here. Skinny is better, trust me.

Wouldn't work on me. I value my personality and mental state too highly. Fact is I am an arrogant, conceited bastard and I say that with all the pride you'd use to describe your best quality. I am not perfect but I fucking love being me. The only things I am remotely dissatisfied with in regards to myself are purely external, because the world refuses to conform to me alone.

Grossly skinny is just as bad, if not worse, than grossly fat. At least really fat people can be comfy and cuddly and would easily put on muscle, skinny Fags gotta start from square 0 in terms of physicality and look ill

I wish I was fat. Fat can be built into muscle, but when you're skinny, everything tires you, you work out and nothing happens, you're never hungry, you're always hunched, you have no presence.

yeah, what this user said. Especially the square 0 in terms of physicality.

I wonder what would happen if someone like you went through it. the parts of yourself you think of as toxic are probably the only good parts, you'd be a complete monster afterward

I guess that is the point though

Getting rid of my insecurities, depressive bouts and violent fantasies? Well fuck that other guy, I hate him.

The fact that you're willing to admit that you're an "arrogant, conceited bastard" makes me think that there's something in you that considers your arrogance a bad quality. Am i wrong?

that'd be some dr Jekyll and mr Hyde type of shit

>You shouldn't use modern technology because I don't think it will work
You sound like a religious fundamentalist. You're wrong.

Would you though? Or would you be the the toxin? Remember that Toxic Rick thought that he was the regular one. So at the moment of detoxification you get a 50/50 chance of being on the good side

I legit don't think any part of me is toxic though, user. That said, I do have some less than healthy predilections, but I like having those. They have only ever provided me with private enjoyment. If that machine took anything you can bet I'd want it back. I can't even think of any particularly embarrassing memories I'd want to straight up lose because that's shit I know not to do again.

Is it so hard to believe there are real people like that out there?

You faggot were in the other threads about it as well, I remember you. You're still wrong, let me quote myself
>you never have a clear picture of what exactly is wrong with you
do you have the reading comprehension to understand what this means? I bet not, so let me explain. No human is capable of analyzing themselves in a way that clearly distinguishes between their good and bad parts without some sort of bias. There is basically no possibility that the machine will work as intended, you WILL end up losing parts of yourself that were actually not bad at all, like Rick lost his emotional attachment to Morty.
This is why psychologists and the like exist, because we can't psychoanalyze ourselves in a way that would let the machine do its intended job.

Yeah I have lots of qualities that in general, according to social norms would be considered bad. Doesn't mean they can't be useful or even enjoyable. You just have to be a little selfish and shameless. I consider that freeing, not constantly second guessing me for being me.

>Is it so hard to believe there are real people like that out there?
Assholes made of pure toxin, you mean? Of course.

You don't get to be on any side, you are literally slit apart

You sound like an actual sociopath

Well if I were a supervillain Toxin might be a cool name. Wasn't there a Spiderman symbiote called Toxin? Also, not sure if I buy this notion that good people can't be self satisfied. Not saying I'm a paragon of virtue myself, but does one really need to hate themselves to some degree in order to be a nice, well adjusted individual? That's a pitiful thought.

I couldn't tell you, never been diagnosed, never needed to be. So high functioning if anything. I'm certainly very far from sappy.

>Would you use the psychological detox machine?
With two stipulations:
-A fresh containment unit so toxic me is kept safe and not surrounded by monsters.
-The option to undo the process.

Sociopath don't usually get diagnosed because they look like normal people except the fact that they lack empathy and have narcissistic traits, "high functioning" wouldn't really apply here since they're not retarded, they're actually usually smarter than average.

I thought it was a spectrum or whatever, like having the auts. People on the high end are Crocubot tier unfeeling unflinching predators. Or so I've heard. Maybe I'm getting them mixed up with psychopaths.

And doesn't a narcissist crave validation and attention? I thought sociopaths were dulled to that social craving, while a narcissist is acutely affected.

This is interesting. So what would happen if a stone cold psychopath went through? What would their definition of personal character flaw be?

I'd have zero guilt for basically anything I do, but my spitefulness, jealousy, and seething rage for my peers would be gone so I guess it kinda evens out.


The better part of me would end up in the toxic world. Anything I have ever done right came from a place of insecurity and dislike of people around me.

sociopaths and psychopaths have had the same definition for years

I think I wouldn't be.myself anymore without my salt

They do crave that, kind of, but mainly they're self-absorbed and self-centered, which, when paired with a lack of empathy, results in the person frequently abusing the people around them for their own gain and feeling no remorse.
Sociopaths are able liars and schemers, they can pretend to feel x emotion if that'll give them something they want.
They also have a high self-image so if one of them entered the machine it probably wouldn't do much to them, probably wouldn't even alter them whatsoever.

I want to say yes, but I can't help but question the moral implications of doing so. If I create two versions of me, one possesing all of my positive qualities and one whom posses all of my deplorabe attributes, I would be creating a person who would be completely unlikeable. The toxic people are self aware and would, ostensibly, have to live out their own lives once separated from their other half and his life would prbably be shit. I don't think it would be right for me to subject it to that kind of suffering just because I want to be chad.

I imagine I would but I want to have the toxic me around. He'd be very self indulgent, dishonest, and probably murderous.

I just want to see how my politics change. Would he become a fascist? Would I be an centrist? How would my opinion on the death penalty change?

They are normal in intelligence. Prison is full of them. They get the reputation for being high in intelligence because no one fetishes criminals enough to sort them into sane and insane but they will with CEOs and world leaders.

Having no empathy can really help in positions where you have to make hard decisions involving other people so they can be very successful. They still would have been CEOs with our without an opathy.

Impulse control is the biggest issue with socio/psychopaths, and is what leads to violent outbursts, gambling/sex/drug addictions, etc. If anything were removed, it'd be that, instantly promoting them to high functioning super psychos

Okay, good to know. I've used the terms interchangeably in the past, so its nice to have confirmation I didn't sound like a dumbass. About that, at least.

As long as they don't get off to stabbing puppies sounds like a sociopath could be in an okay place mentally then. I would hate to hate myself and want part of me to disappear, sounds like a horrible feeling I'd try to get away from asap.

Don't think so, most of me are negative emotions and i'm not even joking. I feel empty most of the time so i have to fake emotions in most of my social life experiences

It might be that I'd end up like Healthy Morty, motivated entirely by simple career decisions rather than depressive misanthropy.

And yet here you are on a chinese cartoon forum.

If removing a person's core existence is considered killing them, then yes.
I would love to commit suicide.

Of course, its fun user. I claim only to be happy not super cool impressive amazing. Shit, that sounds like way too much effort.

someone gets it

Toxic him would still be trapped in an empty wasteland. The best solution would be to keep the pod like a fish tank and drop in toys and food to keep toxic you content and fed. Like a screwy pet/prisoner situation.

Just kill it.

toxic you can't be content, that's why it's toxic.


I mean the best solution would be to actually better yourself trough normal means, but if were talking about getting detoxified by a fantasy machine I'd gladly try, but keep the option to come back to my old self. Besides all that goop.and monsters in the tanks are probably toxic traits, so who is to say my bad parts would manifest as a sentient person?

toxic me would immediately commit suicide, regardless of whether or not he's in goo hell.
i wouldn't need to feel guilty.

If I did a detox I'd probably wind up sending my entire being to that other dimension because I'm shit and I hate myself

>Also, would you consider it moral to split your consciousness and doom another version of yourself to what is essentially a life in hell?
I took it as that just applying to Rick and Morty because they have so many traits they consider toxic that they achieved sentience.

Yikes. Think of rainbows or ice cream or whatever white knights say in these situations sorry I'm real bad at this.



But if I lose everything I hate about myself, what if there's nothing left?

yeah, but would the "you" that is you right now end up as the toxin or the pure? Or would the "you" as you know it disappear?

Thats basicly what the concept of hell dictats anyway. However I believe in a metaphysical "toxicity", only in actual toxins, such as lead. However if we just expanded this to negative qualities, sure I'll remove my laziness, and like. And the other version can just end himself.

If I use the detox machine, are there any chances of it coming back since I wouldn't exactly be fixing whatever caused my toxic behavior?

The latter. The original you is effectively dead, split into two different exaggerated caricatures.

Maybe. They didn't go into that much detail about it. Its just silly science magic after all. But it would seem that whatever you were doing that you consider bad you wouldn't be doing anymore.

>I picture my insecurities and laziness as toxic
>that's how much they consider toxic about themselves
Why does everyone keep repeating this lie that the machine worked based on the subject's own personal opinion about what was toxic? That doesn't even make sense considering the toxic people were green and looked like melting candles, showing you clearly that they were objectively toxic, not just subjectively compiled traits.
I'm downloading and re-watching the whole episode now to make extra-sure they never mention anything about this head canon subjectivity bullshit, and when I'm done I'll come back and complain more because this idea is retarded.

... The whole fucking episode was resolved through the revelation that their toxicity was what they considered toxic about themselves.
Jesus christ.

Rick says so, right after Morty slaps him, toxicity is relative

Why doesn't Wiley E. Coyote just kill the Roadrunner with a gun?

I would...

But the ability to stand up for myself and be assertive around assholes is something that I see negatively, unlike most people.

I always got into trouble when I reacted to bullies in any way besides ignoring them and telling the teacher. My mom would freak out at me for using swear words when I got harassed at school, much less pushing someone for being mean like when I was a kid, and my dad is a "pacifist" (quotations because he had no problem hitting me, my sister or my mom when he had a tantrum, even after they divorced). As a result, I feel like a jerk if I even forget to say "thank you" to the cashier at the supermarket. It's taken me a long time to unlearn this kind of thinking and get tough when others are tough with me.

However, it only makes it worse when I have to be assertive or stand up for myself at home, in public or at work (security guard with truck driver co-workers), there's a part of me deep down that feels guilty or tells me that I'm the asshole, even when I'm completely justified or just doing my job.

Basically, I see my toughness as a toxic trait, when it really isn't. Without it, I'd go back to being that spineless quiet guy who can't stand up for himself.

Yeah, you're right. It was the writers who were retarded. Why were they green and melting if they weren't objectively toxic?

Good bye bad things keeping me down. Getting rid of my anxiety and the psychosis linked with it would be grand.

You would actually be both. There is no 50/50 chance of being on the good side, you will always end up on the good side and you'll always end up on the bad side, if you split.

Because the machine treats them as toxic and manifests them as weird booger people because of it? Do you think there's some weird green slime in Rick's head making him irrational?

There is no "objectively" toxic personality you nitwit
>But they was greeeen
You're a fucking moron. You should complain about that then neck yourself.

You're reading too deep into this, that's just the cartoony way they chose to represent the alternate version, how else were they supposed to convey it?

It'd make more sense that there was negative behavior causing green pus-like toxicity inside them that got pulled out vs. the machine pulling out completely non-physical behavioral tendencies and turning them into green pus-like bodies after the fact. There's a shit ton of off color pus-like crap in your body in real life and it's plausible some of it could be causing mild inflammation to the brain that causes you engage in maladaptive behaviors.

They were supposed to convey it the way they did but not make it subjectively based on each person's own definition of toxicity.

Yes, because I don't fucking partition half my psyche off as "toxic." A psychological detox machine is just supposed to remove the grimy little knots of hesitation, flotsam, and clutter that dirty up the mind (see the chakra guru from ATLA). Rick and Morty are just self-pitying narcissists who think that there is a "perfect self" that's being held back by some self-destructing self and so generate it, dragging half of themselves along with it.

Well you're wrong.

>pulling out completely non-physical behavioral tendencies and turning them into green pus-like bodies after the fact.
That's how the made up machine works, if you don't like it too bad.

Absolutely, I could get a fulfilling life going. I'd also kill Toxic me because that's all he'd want, just a never ending begging of "killmekillmekillmekillme" That and bouts of pure paranoid anxiety. It would be best for both of us.

Well that's bullshit, the twist was what made their take on the trope unique

I want to be confident,assertive and studious. So yeah.

> a life in hell

Judging by the decomposing piles of goo everywhere, they probably dont live that long.

Yes and no but I wouldnt care after the detox anyway so fuck him

My problem with the whole thing is that Rick is like "there's no possible way for the machine to know what's objectively toxic"

It's a wacky sci-fi alien macguffin. I'm pretty sure it can do whatever the hell it wants, Rick.

>Rick and Morty are just self-pitying narcissists who think that there is a "perfect self" that's being held back by some self-destructing self and so generate it, dragging half of themselves along with it.

Considering we only saw non-sentient slime monsters you might be on to something.

We saw slime monsters, didn't we?

What the fuck are you people doing? Are you seriously analyzing the psychology behind Rick and fucking Morty?

Yeah, but nothing that was a coherent, intelligent being like the Rick and Morty toxins. Just a bunch of decaying, animistic monsters of people who didn't like their baser instincts.

That's still something alive, it probably equals to how much toxicity was removed, the more the machine removes, the more what appears on the other side is sentient and resembling of the real counterpart. The new mortys they added in the game afterwards kind of gave me that idea.

>tfw you are the other version

>stealing ideas from anime.

>watching anime

>My problem with the whole thing is that Rick is like "there's no possible way for the machine to know what's objectively toxic"
Yeah, when I watched it the first time it cut out at that part so I didn't even believe when others were posting about it later that they actually said something like that in the episode. There are definitely ways a machine could know what's objectively toxic. It would be infinitely easier to objectively identify and extract toxicity than it would be to come up with a way to read the person's mind, extract out their own "personal definition of toxicity," and then somehow act on it.
Psychiatric conditions are correlated with autoimmune diseases and there are a number of autoimmune diseases that respond well to broad spectrum antibiotic treatment in a way that no one knows the specific explanation for yet, so it's not much of a stretch to suppose there's bacterial gunk in the body that an alien machine could extra out to relieve mild brain inflammation and make you feel and act less "toxic."
That part wasn't a very good twist. The real twist they kind of started going with and should've just went all the way with was having the Morty and Rick personality traits most recognizable by the viewers as most characteristic of them end up in the objectively toxic extracted bodies and spending the rest of the episode following how they're dying in the real life Hell of that toxic waste vat with occasional cuts over to the healthy Rick and Morty showing them acting completely out of character and being oblivious to what was happening to their toxic selves. You'd have to come up with a way to randomly restore the status quo at the end, but that wouldn't be any more difficult than how they had to explain away their entire universe turning into a mutant wasteland in that other episode with the Morty rape virus. Like maybe they start to argue again and Rick mentions it only takes a week before you build up new toxins.