Bunn pitches Mania stories constantly to Marvel

>Bunn pitches Mania stories constantly to Marvel
>Marvel editorial keeps shooting them down

It's not fair...

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Maybe they should go with pic related? Marvel would eat up another /u/ pairing, plus it's been awhile since we've seen a hero/antihero pairing.

She needs a Collosus to bounce off of like Deadpool. A super goody goody who's always doing the right thing. She needs to be the violent counterpart. Maybe Kamala or Riri. She works best as a anti role model

>goody goody
Excuse me while I laugh myself into an aneurysm. As much as I'd like to see her team up with someone like Kamala I doubt either one would put up with each other for more than a few hours, might work and barring that maybe Anya.

Marvel editorial is doing something right for once, who would've guessed.

Who invited the party pooper?

Bunn's Venom was pretty crappy, imo. I don't mind Mania but I'd actually be more interested in seeing someone else write her. It would be cool to have Remender try his hand at it, but mostly I just want him writing Flash again. Venom really dropped in quality when he left.

Is Riri usually characterized as being a anti-social fangirl? Who is also a bit bitchy?

Flash was already that character.

You'd think Marvel would be all about pushing a female version of a popular character. I he should have made her a minority as well.

There are like...3 spider-girls running around.

Yeah, but none of them are Venoms.

Make it an orgy, then. There's seriously no reason not to do /u/; the characters aren't that popular, tumblr will love it for diversity, Sup Forums will love it for fap material, everybody wins.

Why the fuck not go for it? Marvel is a fucking wasteland of interesting books right now! No book coming out has any genuinely interesting ideas right now!

Because editorial is a shitshow.


Andi definitely seems like a character who would be bi at the very least

>tfw symbiotes always give me a huge boner
it's not fair

Ill take 50

I remember when people were speculating that she would somehow be the new Venom. Looking at how the current series has turned out, I think we dodged a bullet there.

>Somebody saved and still has my little sketch comic from 3 goddamn years ago
I'm pleasantly surprised. Thank you.

Not OP, but are you kidding? I absolutely love it!

Venomfags have a podcast?
In current Marvel?



And I'm one of the people on it

Stop shilling, Cullen Bunn!
Seriously though, it's nice.

I mean, I'm not in that specific podcast. The host does the interviews completely alone.

I think it was so cool that he lined up an interview with Bunn though, and feel like we've got more new info from here than almost any other outlet or interview from Venomverse.

>Heroes in limbo
>Jack O Lantern
Still got a chuckle though

Nah, fuck off.
I'm sick and tired of yuri, where's my Flash x Mania

You know, this could be the perfect way to screw with Miles. I mean, she is in a symbiote, symbiotes always mess with spider people, he has yet to get fucked over by a symbiote. He wants to be Spiderman? He gets to have the problems that come with it. Including potentially endless pools of pettiness condensed into the form of foes and rivals.

Her Shadow has eyes

Also seems to have a tongue that is not currently out on her suit. Symbiotes are weird.

That's her hair.

Honestly, the only symbiotes that writers are particularly eager to use are Venom and Carnage. Toxin got a fair bit of use in recent years, but it's dead now, if I'm not mistaken.

>Bendis writing Mania
No thank you
Well, "dead" as far as comics go. He just sorta disintegrated off panel. They can easily bring it back.

If Marvel is so eager for female-led stories why do they keep saying no to this? I feel like most of the newer Marvel females are forced by the editorial onto the writers rather than letting the writers do their own job. At least for this it would have been a writer doing what he wanted to do.

Because it's not a female-led story unless it's also written by a female.

Riri? Gwenpool? Spidegwen? Whor? She-Hulk?

A woman is writing She-Hulk's book.

Directly tying her to Venom was a mistake. Editorial is never gonna ease up on that shit.

I have it too.
I wouldn't mind a sequel.

>Editorial is never gonna ease up on that shit.


No shit?

Because it's fucking Venom.

Like, I really don't get it. Marvel right now is a wasteland of ideas.

Hey, I come here for 3 things: Storytimes, interesting discussions about comic books, and OC. So you bet I'd prefer more heroes' purgatory instead of the pointless shitwars we regularly have.
That, and I like Mania a lot.

knowing bendis he'd probably end up romancing mania

Silk is super tied to Spider-Man yet editorial doesn't seem to have a problem with her. So why would it be different with Mania and her being tied to Venom?

Gwen just went to the Venom side.

Since this is basically the Venom thread, here's a lettered preview of Venomverse

And a preview for War stories

I actually do like the idea of Mania and Miles being rivals and have for some time. On the other hand Bendis.

Venomverse will be bigger wasted potential than Spider-Verse