A lot of people wonder how Grievous went from being a badass to just being plain garbage...

A lot of people wonder how Grievous went from being a badass to just being plain garbage. Originally it was Mace who did this, but thanks to the CGI Clone wars, not anymore....

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What, Disney retconned this shit?
Why do Disney, and why did Lucas, have such a hateboner for Grievous? I assume with Lucas it was jealousy; someone made a character for the universe that normies started to think was cooler than Darth Vader and Lucas was going to have none of it because he's a bitch baby.
But why does Disney hate Grievous? They

It was never really solid canon to begin with. In the novels, Grievous had a pretty cool fight with Windu on top of a train before ultimately being injured. I ended up liking that better than Windu pulling off some ridiculously powerful force crush on a whim. Though I don't know what the cgi clone wars changed it to.

But yeah, the treatment of Grievous is such shit. He's really cool, but because he's in the prequels and his name isn't Darth Maul Disney seems to assume that nobody cares about him.

Thats not the only reason though. I think it also had something to do with grievous character being too similar to another's. Being that cold, light saber wielding, murder machine

In the EU canon, the train fight happens before Mace rematches Grievous and crushes his chest.

Ah, I must have been remembering wrong then.

Who? Darth Vader? Darth Maul? Darth Maul and General Grievous were nowhere near being the same character.

Labyrinth of evil and Genndy wars contradicted eachother, but wookieepedia autistically managed to tie them together. With one of the explanations being that Mace fought Grievous twice.


>You fought in the Clone Wars?

>Yes. I was once a Jedi Knight, the same as your father.
>That reminds me. Luke, did I ever tell you that in our prime (which happened to be a mere 20 years ago), the Jedi had Dragon Ball Z powers and could karate-chop armies single-handedly at a machine-gun's pace, run at lightning fast speed, deflect blaster bolts with stunning precision, jump tens of thousands of feet in the air, and hover around for prolonged periods of time? "Crouching Jedi, Hidden Sith" sums up that era well.
>Now that I'm an old man, I can't do any of that anymore. Time is not a good friend.

Get out Genddyfag.

It's still my headcanon that the genndy clone wars are just depictions of exaggerated war stories told long after the clone wars.

Not a bad headcanon to have.

>What, Disney retconned this shit?
Last time I checked, the reason they gave for Grievous' coughing was that the procedure to turn him into a cyborg was faulty.

Don't forget completely disassembling a droid with just a gesture.

Petition for Stand-alone Grevious movie showing his life before cyborg and how he conquest planets as a Separatist general.

They had two movies that featured him before he was a cyborg.

It's just that his name was Shmi Skywalker.

fuck you


Fucking this


Grievous just had the unfortunet luck to run in to the only fucking Jedi Master with Dark side powers like Force Crush and Dark side light saber training like Vaapar Technic. Windu saw an opportunity to stop the war or slow it's progress down and he took it with a killing move.

>it's an anons get made at something that happened years ago thread

How is it any different from the shit they pull in the cgi shows now?
Also Lucas himself had showed Jedi doing super jumps and super speeding way before Clone Wars.

Welcome to Star Wars.

>You fought in the Clone Wars?
>Yes. I was once a Jedi Knight, the same as your father.
>That reminds me. Luke, did I ever tell you that in his prime, your father travelled to some Force obelisk planet thingy where we found Force Gods or some shit and he was able to control both the incarnations of the light side and dark side which one was like a Gargoyle or some shit but then the dark side incarnation showed him his future of becoming a Sith Lord so he became a Sith Lord out of fear of becoming a Sith Lord but then the Grey Father or whatever wiped his memory and then everyone died and then we left the planet and we all laughed and thought it was a good time?
>Time is not a good friend.

CGI Clone Wars was cancelled before they got to the end of the war so the only closure is the original Clone Wars cartoon.

It matches up well enough. You just start with the 2D Clone Wars and watch up to the scene where Padme and Anakin about to have sex in the second volume, then switch over to the CGI Clone Wars (I recommend watching in chronological order instead of production order) and once you've finished all of that, you'll be at the rainy planet in the 2D Clone Wars.

Then re-watch RotS and it feels like a much better movie.

>not liking that mace windu part of genddy wars
I thought it was just what that kid who was watching it thought happened
And if it was supposed to be real, wasn't that windu's whole thing? Being really good at using the force offensively?
until anakin chopped off his hand and sheev threw him through a window

Does this happen in Clone Wars? Are you fucking kidding me.

I thought Rebels having a Darksaber was hokey.

The Darksaber originated in Clone Wars. The leader of the Death Watch had it as a trophy until Darth Maul killed him and took it.

See, this is why I tend to hate the expanded universe. Eventually, writers choose not to write solid character stories within the established limitations of the universe as presented by the films, and instead come up with a thing that "changes everything" and transcends all that has been knows. The Yuuzhan Voss are the same deal.

I tried explaining this to my family and they said they didn't have the time.
I wish someone could compile a "Key episodes of CGI star wars" to watch to avoid all of the fucking filler.

It's funny how Grevious if forced to job time after time again and people still love him meanwhile Dooku might be the most unpopular character despite how much they tried to push him.

They should've let him stay being called Darth Tyrannus.

A lot of the episode that seem like filler become more bearable when seen in the chronological order since the background stuff in them is more immediately relevant to the surrounding episodes.

Do you mean Darth Maul surviving due to the power of hate and his mom being a force witch?

Because it sure seems like every single Star Wars canon has weird shit like that in it already.

You mean this?

And season 6 you just watch all of it.