That face

Why did she yet again make that fucking noumu face in todays press release?

Because like most sociopaths, she cannot feel emotions, but only responds to stimuli based on what her impression of others tells her she should act like.

snaggle tooth

look at this fucking psycho

she always shows the snaggle tooth when shes in trouble

I am legitimately frightened of Hillary
I have never seen any person as completely devoid of humanity as her

in the animal world smiling is a sign of aggression. she hopes every one will back away and leave her alone

>she always shows the snaggle tooth when shes in trouble
You would think they would tell her to stop doing it. It's so painfully obvious and horrifying.

>the more i smile the less likely i am to come off as a criminal psychopath!!1!

it's sociopath know the difference

Shut up, faggot.

i went to high school with a weird little creep who would ask for a beating. he would flick your ears and then just curl up and take his lumps. we'd beat him down often but he'd always seek the punishment

every time you punched his stomach he would make this exact same pained smile

he got off on it
you were literally giving another male perverted sexual pleasure, you faggot

to even relate to this makes you a gigantic faggot

hes right, you fatshit muritard

>weird little creep
>asking to get beaten
>curls up into a ball and smiles
to not be able to formulate this conclusion yourself makes you retard as well as a faggot

only a faggot would, decades after-the-fact, wonder if he was giving a sexual thrill to a kid who would invite a beating

to even ponder this is to embody the essence of a retard and a faggot

Its always an uncomfortable affair to watch her. She makes one think of itches one had earlier in the day, neck aches, back aches, she's a mess.

you're the one that has this kid's sadism smile memorised m8
i just call it like i see it

Excitment for lying in public, she cannot control the pleasure of the trilll, much like cleptomaniacs

as i reflect on this i think maybe he got a sexual thrill because why else would he act this way

but this does not make me a faggot or even an enabler. at worst he was using me like a parasite but, and i'm not proud of this, we did beat this kid into a seizure at least twice

Hillary has practiced deception her whole life and has mastered suppression of certain body language (remember how odd her reactions are to Trump's savage bantz?), but it looks like we may have a giveaway cue called TONGUE JUTTING:

> TONGUE JUTTING is seen when people get caught doing something they shouldn't, they screw up, or they are getting away with something. It is very brief. [What Every Body is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent's Guide to Speed Reading People, p.195]

What is she "laughing" about here? This could be classic TONGUE JUTTING.

It's the face of being prepared for your very own nixon-esque landslide. She's literally given up on attacking trump because she knows she's gonna win

Soulless witch.


Some more info on TONGUE JUTTING:

> Tongue-jutting behavior is a gesture used by people who think they have gotten away with something or are caught doing something. I have seen this behavior in flea markets both here and in Russia, among street vendors in Lower Manhattan, at poker tables in Las Vegas, during interviews at the FBI, and in business meetings. In each case, the person made the gesture-tongue between the teeth without touching the lips-at the conclusion of some sort of a deal or as a final nonverbal statement. This, in its own way, is a transactional behavior. It seems to present subconsciously at the end of social interactions and has a variety of meanings that must be taken in context. Its several meanings include: I got caught, gleeful excitement, I got away with something, I did something foolish, or I am naughty.

> In social or business discussions, this tongue-jut behavior is usually seen toward the end of the dialogue, when one person feels he has gotten away with something and the other party has failed to detect or pursue the matter. If you see tongue-jutting behavior, ask yourself what just transpired. Consider whether you may have been fooled or cheated, or that you or someone else just made a mistake. This is the time to assess whether someone is putting one over on you.

More tongue jutting here: CAN READ MY
(She got to lie to Comey)

I'm having trouble picturing what htis looks like

See http ://

They give an example of John McCain doing this and identify it as his "poker tell".

Wew laddies. All politicians lie, but it is always fun to be able to really pin down a lie right as it comes off the assembly line. Plus there is tons of video footage that can be retroactively scrutinized*.

Ewok dance dot gif.

This tell could be a false one, but something to keep an eye on.

* "this is...the central scrutinizer..."

>clicking on Nate Hemorrhoidpuss' website