Planet Sheen

What went wrong? Spin off syndrome?

(Also jimmy neutron meme thread because I gotta blast)


You could have given any other side character a spin-off and it would have been better than giving it to Sheen.

wron, sheen was the only one on that show with spinoff potential

I haven't check the dates, but it felt too late to introduce a spin off.

You can tell what was wrong with it from that image alone
This too

They made Sheen even more of an annoying dumbass.

What was the point in having a fucking alien version of Carl? Why not just make the show "Planet Carl & Sheen?"

Laziness. That was probably why they did that.

Many have already said it-because a funny side character may not make a funny main character. Different character dynamics can change things drastically, and Sheen cannot carry a show.

Blue chick was cool

Also didn't help that everyone on the planet were obsessed with sucking Sheen off at every given moment.

fu i liked it


You beat me to it.

Remember that episode where Jimmy went all fast and suddenly became goo? How the fuck did Jimmy ever recover from that shit?

Figured out how to change himself back and had Goddard do the physical work.

Because Sheen isn't good enough to carry his own show.

Sheen deserved a gas chamber and a shallow grave.

Except for the monkey, but he's usually seen in thee wrong because of it.

Wacky characters are only funny when there are less wacky characters around them.

It was goofy in a bad way and Hugh should have had his own show