Thanks for buying me food, user

>thanks for buying me food, user.
How do you respond?

I would just say "you're welcome"

me? I'd serve crab legs

Taxation is theft

>eat it all so you grow tall one day son

>Y-you too

C-can we share?

he's really fucking hungry for a manlet

>spit on the steak taco

"That one's mine, Rando."



that's not just for you cunt

fucking greedy bitch

No pröblems sir :DDD

My pleasure, Mr. Randal, thank you.

You're welcome, but stop basking in your father's popularity you cuck.




No problem sir, enjoy your meal.

No problem sir, its my pleasure to help the homeless.

there's no such thing as free lunch cunt


"Don't thank me, its an investment. Win next time dammit.'


no worries cunt. now eat up u fucking manlet



why did I buy his lunch

was he a little short?

Anyone got/ know the gay porn source for this? Just asking.

Not at all sir, I'd just like to take this moment to say that it would be a far better approach to continue n your fathers footsteps - the path of no compromise.

True, your father did not win great power for himself, but by his efforts he brought the people closer to the cause. They are begining to realize how corrupt the whole affair is and will rally around a man of stern conviction

The time is coming where an uncompromising man of such conviction could not only accomplish the culture shift of your fahter, but accomplish as well the ability to enact policy from the highest office in the land

Enjoy your meal

"That burger's poisoned, Senator. And it serves you right for accepting charity you parasite. Do you think I would waste my GBP on another man's lunch. Ha! Enjoy your MUTAIDS."


This fuckin guy... Look we all have two ways we eat, in public and in private. In private I eat as quickly as I can and probably look like this sloppy piece of shit, but it's IN FUCKING PRIVATE. In the presence of company, especially the national kike media, there is just a small, unspoken expectation to not eat like a feral nigger who just caught his first watermelon in months.

Fucking disgusting representation of a human, period.

fuck off moocher, no free rides on this LOLbertarian train. you'll have to do something for me

"That's sweet user, and thanks for the meal, but my father is just a meme. Nobody outside of that 4chinz board you and your NEET buddies larp on all day takes my father seriously. I appreciate your input, but I'm a seasoned and accomplished politician, I don't need tips from someone who still lives with his mother. Have a good day user."

Is this how politicians pander to trailer trash?


That's some shitty cheap ass food too.

I would hand him an Ale-8-One and say go make KY great again. Then slowly walk away while continually yelling Rand Paul, build the Wall.

My pleasure, Mr. President.

>How do you respond?
meh. probably give the guy a sub, and 20 bucks to get drunk, I don't give a fuck, I was there once, it takes a bit to pull yourself out, you either do or do not

How come Amerifags dress so fucking badly? This guys is a major politician and he looks like someone with Downes Syndrome turning up for a court date.

kek, all those empty calories

> Americano food

>disgusting beaner food
>US flag tray


>give him solid durable turd fuel
>take glorious taco fruits of the 1%


>empty calories

No such thing.


there's the obvious joke that people seem to think took a brain to come up with


>Gimmie your fucking lunch money and chocolate milk you manlet piece of shit.

Just kidding I like Rand he is alright guy. He just plays the political game a little to much and the cuck has rubbed off on him a little to much unlike his dad.

Ground beef should not be pink in the middle unless you like being sick or dying.

It is not a fucking steak where you can cook it rare.

It's bison, and in that video he said how you have to be careful not to overcook it over and over.

He did his best not to overcook it, and was technically successful.