Jean Grey and Generation X. Slow double storytime

Jean Grey didnt get storytimed this week
Generation X didnt last week.
Doing this for completionism, and Jean Grey was kinda good. Generation X is an Eye Boy focused issue.

slow because I have no pass

The Flashbacks of Jean Grey in this book cant be find in any book, as in, that dialogue with Emma, Frenzy trashing her, or the birthday party cake scene, they are new scenes never shown before, inspired in recognizable events





















last page

here starts Gen X





















last page, if anybody reads, give it a bump

These books continue to be terrible, but I'll still give you a courtesy bump anyway.

That's nice cover.

op here
to be honest, just made me think of how superior Morrison is in comparison to Hopeless. I am afraid the Jean Grey story arc about Emma will be some badly written catfight.

The art for the issue was completely garbage though

>this Strange