High corporate profits, wages very low

So Trump's plan for massive corporate welfare is definitely gonna help.


Of course, the media talks about "new jobs" but never ever says how much they pay.

funny how no one is interested in this


"Where were you when you heard the corporations cry?"

Nothing Trump says or does or doesn't do matters to me. He's fucking hilarious, he pisses off the people who piss me off, and most importantly he's NOT HER.

If you don't have some manipulate-me-from-here handle bolted onto you labelled "gay marriage" or "abortion rights are the most important thing to me ever" and you're still here trying to cast doubt on Trump, you gotta be the dumbest piece of shit ever.

I'm happy for you that you can indulge yourself but some of us are less than thrilled about being slaves for the rich so you can have your jollies.

>trying to cast doubt

There is no doubt that his massive tax cuts for the rich, both for their corporations and for themselves will be Reaganomics on steroids.

Trump said "our companies are hurting" in a debate, right?

I guess they aren't getting enough things like the exemption from the paltry minimum wage increase in Haiti.

>massive corporate welfare
What? It was Obama who performed massive bailouts and handed out trillions of dollars to corporations. Trump's platform doesn't include any of that. Quite to the contrary, he intends to limit what corporations are allowed to do, forcing them to move their factories back to America rather or else face enormous punitive tariffs.

Or, do you mean taxes? Because lowering taxes is good for everybody, period. Nobody benefits from higher taxes except for the clique of bankers in the Federal Reserve who actually collect all of your tax revenue every year.

No, "Reaganomics" is when you GIVE enormous amounts of money to corporations and banks. Lowering taxes isn't "giving" anyone anything, it's not stealing from people.

Liberals have this retarded idea that if you just take money away from rich people this somehow magically equals the scales of wealth. It doesn't. The money 90% of the time is simply given to other rich people or else handed momentarily back to the poor (with 80% administration fees of course) who then spend it on malt liquor, handing it back to corporations.

If you want to fix the wealth divide you have to do something to bring jobs that can actually sustain people back into the economy. Hillary Clinton doesn't WANT to do that, neither do the Democrats. They BENEFIT from having more of the country on welfare.

>CEO wage baiting
CEOs are employees who are paid the minimum amount that the shareholders can get away with paying them. Look at any major corporation. Take the CEO's wage and divide it by the number of employees in the corp.

The number is generally in the cents. CEO wages have NOTHING to do with the poor wages of workers, period. I am prepared to crunch the numbers to illustrate just how retarded you are to even bring this up.

he's making america greedy again

If he has stipulations for the tax break. it could work.

So the tax break, in theory is suppose to provide jobs and higher wages right? Well why not make those mandatory to qualify for this tax break. It's what I would do. It also gives you wiggle room when dealing with those shitheads on capitol hill.

Yep, they will then be able to employ MANY more Yanks on minimum wage - or less

It is not possible to cast doubt on Trump - he's never said anything that remotely resembles anything you can trust, hence no room for doubt

Shallow understanding of economics, plus wild side-stepping: woot!

Well here's the problem you right OP but for the wrong reasons. Corporate profits are up and wages are low because self-employment and small business ownership is down.

If you start a company and work for yourself you have to not only pay the SS for yourself, but the payroll tax, provide your own healthcare option, pay for the stuff you need and come up with all the ideas!

If they got rid of the healthcare requirement and the SS requirement and reduced the taxes we could have more small businesses. Really all they have to do is temporarily suspend these requirements and this will fix its self because corporations will have to compete for labor again.

Doesn't matter either way
Recession is gonna hit hard next spring and likely slide into a depression

I only care about 3 things. Lower taxes, limited immigration and not going to war. Only reason I'm voting for trump and I need no other reasons.

I have kids. I don't want another fucking war. I wanna make more money. I don't want my daughter to be allah akbar'd.

Imagine that, as automation increases, productivity increases without the need for more people.

It's called the laffer curve. There is a sweet spot where you actually get more taxes from less taxation. The way things are currently we have legislated loopholes where companies pay little or keep most of their money out of reach.

You lefties use the term corporate welfare anytime the taxes on the corporations are lowered, as if the government isn't the ones receiving the welfare from the corporations. That is what taxes are essentially. Funds provided for the WELFARE of the nation.

You have it all backwards. IMHO I think we should all stop paying taxes until they spend the money on the shit that matters, not drug addled failures at life popping out welfare brats anytime the eldest comes of age.

Anyhoo it's always about self interest. Is it easier for me to pay my taxes 10% than say 50%? There's a point where it's more profitable for me to dump millions into lobbying for loopholes that will end up me essentially paying 10-20% taxes instead of 50%.

You should also care about land management, we need to end subsides for land and home purchases. Land lords, jews and hedge funds can afford to sit on homes and business store rentals but we can't. Just like with the farmers relying on government handouts to subsides their farms we've done the same thing with homes and rental properties!

Likewise, if you make enough money, its better to hire a (((lawyer))) to help you out. With his fees you'll still come out on top if you make over 250,000 a year.

I actually have a family lawyer/accountant that I keep on retainer it's not that expensive. I don't make near 250k a year either. I'm middle class and likely more lower middle due to inflation and how bad the market is currently.

If only that orange retard had kept his mouth shut.

>1percent growth
> not just kill your self off by you own accord in. A controlled way to fix it