When will Trump release his taxes?

When will Trump release his taxes?

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After he wins

I doubt that.

Don't worry, he'll email them to Hillary.

When you grow the fuck up and move out of your parents basement. Nigger.

He already did. To the New York Times.

Who cares

Why only then? Would his taxes make him lose?

He already did.

If you're this angry over nothing, then, I can't wait for November 8th when Trump loses

Never. At this stage it doesn't matter, there's no way in hell Hillary is beating him.

I wonder OP

When the federal audit is complete, period.

Fingol please stop being retarded for one second and think, what could POSSIBLY be in his tax returns more damaging than the Pussy leak? Seriously.

His taxes are a non-issue. Nobody cares. Nobody has ever cared. Wikileaks has like 500x the search volume as Trump's taxes literally NOBODY cares about them.

>When the federal audit is complete, period.

So never? Because Richard Nixon released his taxes under federal audit. But oh course a kike like yourself would know that?

Never, it has only been a thing for 40 years or something no one did before that
See he is all ready MAGA and not in office

Guy, he is in the parameters of the current tax code.
If not, the IRS will fuck him.
Do you doubt that for a second?

>what could POSSIBLY be in his tax returns more damaging than the Pussy leak?

Mafia connections
Russian connections
Foreign connections
No federal taxes paid

>make your taxes public when you're a billionaire that got criticized by your hand size and media accepted as a valid argument

it would be literally the dumbest move in history. He won't win anything with it and people will find something to poke at.

Who knows but maybe it would clear the air and stop all the rumours, put him in more positive light.

He shouldn't have to. I dont care if he cheated taxes. Everyone cuts corners on their taxes, it just depends on what pay scale you are working with. Trump over Clinton infinite times no matter what.

Nobody knew about the hand size feud before he started sperging about it.

What's the dumb part if he has done everything by the book?

>Everyone cuts corners on their taxes
But what if he should be locked up for something?

>I dont care if he cheated taxes.

This should be made into an ad.


And you right wing faggots like Michael Savage spend all day complaining about Google paying no federal taxes.

One side question:
Did Trump come so far because of Sup Forums?

He has zero political experience. His only stick is being "a good business man" and "being rich". And "not currupt".
But it's pretty clear he is a shit business man and most likely not nearly as rich as he claims. Also anyone who pays the least attention to his foreign businesses can guess as to what kind of shady shit he has done in the past.

If he ever actually released his taxes, all of that would fall apart. If they were anything but impeccable and proved him to be a billionaire, he will be torn to shreds.

Then all he is, is a loud mouthed reality TV has-been who spouts any conspiracy theory which comes to mind.

>Nobody knew about the hand size feud before he started sperging about it.
Yes because he arbitrary sperged on his hand, not after a obvious ad hominem that big outlets on media took seriously.

>What's the dumb part if he has done everything by the book?
Even if he did everything by the book there only things to lose.
Bad year in profits? Trump is now a failed businessman, who got bankrupt LITERALLY 4 times.
Avoid taxes where he could legally do so? Trump is now a egotistical maniac who want the poor to starve.
Did business with China? HOW CAN HE CRITIZE THEM???

In the counterpart, what would he win if he released it and it was impeccable? (which it obviously isn't)

media wouldn't talk about it anymore.

Is obviously a ruse.

>And "not currupt".

Didn't Trump run on bragging about buying politicians?

Yes meme magic is real. Kek and geb on trump side

No, I mean really.
All these videos with Sup Forums humor and all the videos with Sup Forums like approach on migration, the establishment and social politics.

I think Sup Forums created all this hype.

any non-autistic answers? Were we actually influential?

when the audit is over
hasn't he said this many times?

When will Hillary show her skeleton-filled closet to the world?

The question When will you release your taxes is music to my ears. It means that these libcucks have nothing else. They are trying to distract us from the mountain of corruption of the Clinton Regime.


I'm not talking about lobbying. (Which probably rarely happened. At least not higher up than mayors.)
I'm talking about fraud, making deals with governments he deemed evil (i.e. Saudis), details on thousands of out-of-court-settlements when he fucked over working-class people (even the public ones would be brought up again), tax evasion/fraud, connections to "the media", etc

He rides on a hype train of being some kind of superhero. If anything throws a rock into that momentum, he loses.
Which has already happened. What got him wasn't all the shit he spouted.
What did him in was age old shit of him being a creep (rather than women flocking to him) and the vague suspicion, that he may have not payed his taxes for almost two decades because of a huge business failure.
If it had been affairs and off-shore accounts, he would have been fine. But this disrupted his image. And he has nothing else.

Idk, man. It sounds like the voters would have the right know if Trump lied on those things.

>Is obviously a ruse.
Imo it isn't since it's a long tradition in USA.

IRS could just expedite the audit. How the fuck long does it take to review one person's taxes? They've probably dedicated $60k in salary plus incidentals to figure this shit out by now.

Only strengthens the Don's argument that the tax code needs to be culled.

After he wins he'll admit he's broke and then say "I spent it all on the campaign"

Can we be sure there even was an audit?

If I recall correctly IRS said they wouldn't comment anything about individual taxpayers.

>this old meme

Next you'll be saying you're a #cruzmissile now

Trump claims he gets audited pretty much every year. Seems like a strange thing to make up.

Is it just his word?

Zionest kikes are better than globalist kikes

Thats the system you guys set up. Deal with it or GTFO.

CTR going full ham today

as soon as he pays some

he already did.


he can't release what will cause him to be imprisoned

WOW this thread is literally CTR tears. man they have abandoned any pretense of being able to win and are completely just breaking down right now

He will, he's just waiting for the perfect time to strike.

and frankly, I think now is a good opportunity thanks to the FBI reopening the email case

Your tears taste amazing.