Weimar Republic

We can had an interesting discussion while also helping me with ideas for my history essay.
Question: To what extent do you agree with the statement "full democracy undermined the state" with reference to the Germany in 1918-1933 (Weimar Republic)

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Holy fuck do not come in here to discuss history,
Nobody has any fucking idea what they're talking about.

Go to /his/ or r/history or r/askhistorians. People in here trying to discuss history are aspies and teenagers, no educated

I don't quite understand the full context of your question. Could be the wording, but anyway my 2cents. Weimar Germany was essentially a proxy democracy for the world powers to plunder Germany's finances and resources. They were forced into this shitty debt enslavement like the US currently faces, borrowing money simply to pay back reparations. The state couldn't afford sufficient welfare programs to take care of it's citizens, and it was especially bad once the stock market tanked as Germany was tied at the waste to these countries

the fall of the Weimar republic was the fault of the elits who failed terrible in public relations

go to /his/, not here.
real history in /his/

very much this

Don't you think that during the 24-28 period general society also played a part in the eventual fall?


yes because noone liked the republic
because the republic plundered their own people to pay france and they did a shit job at public relations
"Die Republik geht baden" predates the fucking streisand effect

This question is fucking retarded as it is stated

Currently my main thesis is that everything was to blame on the overly democratic constitution (along with it's inclusion of Article 48) as well as the idea of "democracy without democrats".

Not my words, that's the assigned question.

>full democracy undermined the state
it was the brutal german culture that undermined the state, not some shitty democracy. Muslim countries are undemocratic but not nearly as murderous as Germany

In regards to democracy you can only write that democracy was seen by Plato as the sister of tyranny and democracies tended to degenerate into tyrannies. Germany seems to confirm Plato's and Aristotle's findings

Was it true Germans had to fight for young German woman to be prohibited from house work because of all the sexual assaults that went unpunished often because the judge, lawyer and prosecutor were all Jewish too?

but this is true. bulgaria is a shithole

It was controlled by Jewish elites and Jewish bankers. I hate to sound like your typical polster but check out The Eternal Jew, it's an old Nazi propaganda flick and it goes into some detail about who was running thr goveremt during Weimar. When I make parallels of that era, ro what the West faces now, it almost seems like it was an experimental stage in globalism, only it backfired like crazy. Obviously don't write about Jews in your paper, but it was the truth about Weimar Republic

well it wasn't democratic at all they had the choose to starve and pay the frence or tho starve and pay the frence
and of cause the fact that the moste people hated the republic (out od mysterious reasons) "democracy without democrats" didn't made it better


Use this for your homework, my kraut friend.

The Social Democrats were just pawns for the globalists, and the foreign influenced Communist party had control over many places including Berlin.


yes thälmann was stalins pet dog and the SPD srewed the german workers

Do they teach this stuff in Germany nowadays or do you have to come into it on your own accord?


i think even most fachist and monarcist would have tollerated a sovereign democratic republic but they could never tollerate a puppet government

they wount tell you this in that words but most teachers woun't deny it

Democracy always undermines the state, but the closer it gets to universal suffrage, the more it does so.

Most people simply aren't made to lead, or even think for themselves. They can do it, in a pinch, but they'll always be unhappy with it, and they won't do it particularly well.
The people are meant to be lead, by a leader that personifies the solar (godly) ideal, assisted by men that personify the martial (warrior) ideal to keep the state strong and disciplined, and men that personify the lunar (mental, mystical) ideal to ensure a continuity of culture and of knowledge and to provide a link between the common man and the solar pillar that is the leader, as a connection with God.

Also, the Jews owned Weimar, and they hate everyone that isn't one. But you probably don't want to write that in your essay unless you enjoy getting your house raided at 3am.

Ok that's what I figured. To me this era of Germany is historically one of the most important in relation to what similar Western democracies are now facing. The similarities are unnerving

well it fits pretty good
"wer hat uns verraten? sozialdemokraten!"
"who has betrayed us? (social)democrats!"

It says a lot that 14 million Germans were cleansed after the WWII (by you know whom) and yet Germans still passionately support any ZOG-war out there.

Idiot race.

>go to these commie circlejerks instead

Yeah, no. Stay butthurt, fag.

well thank you for starting this shit

It's true. Most germans I know are into this "defend Judeo-Christian Europe" shit.

I disagree with that statement.

> full democracy
What´s fully democracy anyway ? Is it the current democratic system we have in germany ? Or is it only fully a democracy, when we have a plebiscite about everything ?

> democracy undermined the state
I dont think it was democracy that undermined the state, but a leftover from monarchism, that led to the fall of the Weimar Republic. See, the president had far more power than he has today, e.g. he could rule the land with "emergency executive Orders", like Erdogan currently does. Also he could decide, who would become the next chancellor and he had control over the parliament, you could name it a presidential dictate. And this is more like a lack of democracy, especially since the president after Ebert was Paul von Hindenburg, former chief of the Supreme Army Command. You had a man who had little to no regard for democracy in the highest ranking democratic position, which i think is a kinda bad idea.

>the Weimar republic itself
wasn´t bad, it was the first democracy in Germany, and everyone above 20 could vote. Also they overcame the inflation, they made peace, brought Germany into the league of nations, Germany quickly came into the golden 20´s, where life was kinda nice, till the stock market crash at the Wallstreet. And after that the lack of a 5% hurdle for political parties, caused that countless small parties got a seat in the parliament. And with a negative majority of NSDAP and KPD, it was only a matter of time, till the system fell apart. Which was the case in January 1933.

Weimar was a puppet regime like South Vietnam and postwar Japan. It was a corrupt, weak and unpopular borderline failed state which couldn't handle its domestic issues.

merkel cant even defend the fucking uckermark

"This video is not available in your country"
fml proxy time

Don't bother, its USA propaganda about how germans are bad people and should forever be occupied and never trusted.
I posted it as a joke.

I go to a private American school, and we study general Europe 1871-1980

i agree the system of the Weimar republic was pretty good (maybe better than the modern system) but the first republic was hamstrung.
several supernational treadys fucked it up
france even invaded the ruhrgebiet and the goverment could do nothing.

You simply should fucking stop making ZOG-wars. It's your country currently having the most prominent involvement in Syria, Libya, Mali and Ukraine.

And yet Wienermar is responsible for restoring democracy to a different republic

t. 17-jähriger Gymnasiast, der seine Hausaufgaben von Sup Forums gemacht haben will

18, nice try
fuck off mods

wenigstens einer mit Sup Forums fakten

>muh Dolchstoßlegende

der dolchstoß is was anderes du horst

What a load of shit, your government is just trying to make you write a paper justifying undemocratic actions to keep the leftcucks in power because "muh ebil nazis".

You act like the average Kraut has a choice, like he really has a say. The German's have been a puppet of Washington and international banking interests since the end of WWII. The day the modern German government stops is the day that it finally gets violently dismantled.

Weak bait

>was anderes
No it wasn't? It played a big part in growing support for right extremists, as well as Hitler's rise to power which eventually ended the Republic. Very relevant

der dolchstoß ist die legende das die wehrmacht am gewinnen war als sie von kommunisten in der deutschen revolution verraten wurden.
das hat nix damit zu tun das die kpd während der späten REPUBLIK anweisungen aus moskau bekam und die SPD ein scheißverein war

See Your government is teaching me, not mine.

yes it was important but not that what i was saying

Sup Forums is your teacher now Deutschebro

Oh, in that case you probably should watch It was made by the american government specifically for their subjects in Germany.

Hindenburg und Ludendorff waren beide antisemitisch und antisozialistisch. Daher haben die die Legende von den jüdischen Sozialisten, die die tapferen Deutschen verraten hätten, auf die Welt gesetzt. Außerdem wollte Ludendorff von seinem eigenen Versagen an der Westfront ablenken.

Ich hab nicht die KPD gemeint. Dass die Kommunisten mit Moskau vernetzt waren, ist offensichtlich.

Jews tried to start a civl war in Germany en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Revolution_of_1918–19

They also destroyed the whole economic system and profited from it greatly.

Die Spd hat tapfer zugeguckt als die franzosen ins ruhrgebiet einmarschiert sind und die kohle konfisziert haben während die kumpel die in den zechen die kohle gebrochen haben zuhause erbärmlich gefrohren und gehungert haben.
es trifft meine definition von scheißverein und ist trozdem was anderes als der dolchstoß

But the majority of Germans do support this shit! They all believe "muh Islam and Russia is a threat" and support Shlomo.

I know what you're saying, but most people here don't. Speak English

From what I learned, the stab in the back myth was more about jews than the communists.

Well Kurt Eisner, the Communist leader of Bavaria, was a Jew.

that's how romania should look


Got back to your shithole, we might as well take you with Poland.

und ja der dolchstoß war wichtig in den antidemokratischen nationalistischen kreisen.
hätten sich die sozialdemokraten und anderen demokraten aber in ihrer regierungszeit nicht wie "verräter" verhalten hätte das den dolchstoßanhängern ziemlich den wind aus den segeln genommen.
der dochstoß hatte ein gewissen "sie haben uns damals schon verraten um von den allierten als regierung eingesetzt zu werden" charakter

it was about jews democrats socialists and communists (it differd like any conspiracy theorie)

Das ist halt das Problem, wenn man gemäßigt ist. Man versucht es beiden Seiten recht zu machen, macht es aber beiden falsch. Das ist das Schicksal der SPD seit ihrer Gründung. Deshalb entstanden ja auch Parteien wie USPD, WASG, Linke etc.

und die grünen

es allen rechtmachen zu wollen ist nicht schlimm aber wenn man eine seite konstant verarscht braucht man sich nicht wundern wenn sie sich verarscht fühlt

''full democracy undermined the state''. essentially, the weimar was democracy with no breaks, so if a person like hitler could amass enough support, he could dismantle it without any constitutional breaks. in most democracies there exist constitutions which restrict what popular leaders can do policy wise

well the kanzler was way to powerful but that tas a case of bad balance and not of to much democracy

this. The french did this so much it was an atrocity

This is the statement that I agree with the most so far.

well the weimar republic didn't fail because it was a puppet goverment which let his own people starve to death it had just to much democracy
good goy

weimer republic was a jewish attempt to steal german clay.
Its what happens when you let in (((refugees)))

I have to second this.

People here are just dumb as rocks.

This. Ask on /his/, not here. This place is all wehraboos and WE WUZ

Richtig. Seit der Öko-Bewegung ist die SPD sowieso nur noch für'n Arsch.

Weimar Republic was a failed attempf of implementing a liberal country in a nation where people dont like democracy.

The jews are behind of course. They profited from poor germans through usury

seit schmidt raus is is die spd fürn arsch

Cunt, I've got an exam on the fucking failure of a degenerate state in 2 weeks. You're helping me now, Hans.

You all don't realize this was intended. Read the work of Carl Schmitt and other jurists. They wanted to have a president as a strong leader. Hitler legally used this circumstance to legitimate his dictatorship after Hindenburg's death in 1934.

mine is on Monday

I've got an assessment on Monday at 8:00 am monday too. However it's on NatSoc foreign policy prior to the beginning of WW2. Sudetenland crisis, anschluss etc

I could argue that the "full democracy" started with the constitution, before Hitler was politically relevant.

We're doing Hitler's rise to power next, and only after that things like his foreign policy

His rise is very interesting. There were many factors to it happening and then consolidating his power too. You'll enjoy it.

Sadly the German schools don't teach about Carl Schmitt any longer, you have to read the primary sources then.

One of his main points was that you can get the control over a democracy of you apply the state of emergency. That was exactly that what Hitler did. By the way, Brüning, von Papen and von Schleicher did the same with their Präsidialkabinetten.

The only difference was they didn't intend to build a dictatorship and destroy democracy.

But of couse the Weimar Republic did not have full democracy because the people did not accept the system and preferred a monarchy. Only after WW2 the allies "teached" us democracy.

Fukken saved

>wasn´t bad

I agree. The Weimar Republic is often shown in a negative way because it allowed Hitler to gain power but that is more thanks to the world economy going to shit then the Republic.

Without the Great Depression Germany and the Allies would probably have come to a peaceful solution about the former German territories.

Was hätte die SPD denn machen sollen? Krieg führen? Lächerlich.