Not gonna lie

this one actually did make me think

>Acquited on one charge
>Still has many others to go through

Are all Americans fucking retarded?

the white guys were arrested by force too - i'm sure the native americans will be acquitted. They just needed a few days to put their pipe in the ground

What is Waco, KYS faggot

No American gives a shit about Indians. OP is a faggot.

Acquitted because for every member of the group 2 people were involved with tha FBI on some level, either being an informant, field officer or special agent. The jury decided it was not beyond a reasonable doubt they acted on their own accord and considered it a honeypot.

You take the land, you have to defend it. No thinking required, Newton.

>all acquitted

Except the guy who was shot and killed by the FBI.

Man I'm beginning to think races should just stay separate. No good comes from mixing.

Not peaceful, not their land, the 1868 treaty is what established the reservation. As for the top, blame the retarded prosecution.


not a tank, they're APCs

>one has nothing to gain from
>the other is standing in the way of money

Now can you imaging if image 1 was involved in image 2 , they'd be slaughtered

The stronger group won fag, get over it.

I fucking hate these feather heads. Literally spending all day whining about how Europeans completely kicked their ass and took an entire continent away from them while getting free college and government benefits, along with a segregated reservation and casino money. Seriously never met one of these faggots who wasn't better off than me, and they still have the nerve to fucking whine about sucking at defending their home. Put them all in Cali, and let Mexico absorb it. Build the wall and get rid of all the commies spics and injuns in one.

I actually live near the noDAPL protest site in Bismarck, ND. The people protesting are mostly out of state agitators. It wouldn't surprise me at all if we found out Soros money was involved.

They are blocking public roads, killing livestock, burning cars and construction equipment, driving people off the road, and shooting at police.

Fuck noDAPL. Pipelines rock.

>take over a small empty federal building in the middle of nowhere for accidentally raising the value of federal land and getting shit on for it
>no rioting, no victims, no violence


>disrupt massive construction project and generally just behave like niggers
>conduct massive riots, waste everyone's time and money because fuck bringing jobs and infrastructure, muh nature

>peacful tribes
Kek it's just violent environmentalists now

>land they own
They don't own that land. It's private land. In fact it's not even on the reservation

which one is actually a threat? the natives ARE a hostile foreign entity that must not be given any sign that they can win anything through force, you cant embolden them

Wow, it's almost like those are two entirely different situations with completely different circumstances and involving violations of completely different laws.

The natives didn't own the land they were protesting on