Apperantly im a nazi because i said that there are too many refugees in gemany

apperantly im a nazi because i said that there are too many refugees in gemany

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Nazis morden, der Staat schiebt ab - das ist das gleiche Faschistenpack

Embrace it

2016 being a germankek

I was called a nazi when i was drunk and started rambling about how the official version of the holocoast is bullshit.

Kein Mensch ist illegal - Bleiberecht überall

Well don't forget that basically the whole world called us nazis when we built our fence, except slovaks weirdly.

You're not a nazi, you just have common sense. Catholicism is the only way.

Du bist ein nazi

>tfw you're not the biggest "nazi" in the family

How DARE you



Für die Freiheit, für das Leben - Nazis von der Strasse fegen


Geh such dir nen Job oder ein anderes Land.

even the ones portugal accept run to germany shortly after

soon I will stop envying you

Wenn ich das seh werd ich ganz sauer....


Start slipping in subtle goebbels quotes in your everyday conversations.

endlich nochjemand der für jüdische siedlungen im westjordanland und gaza ist

Whats the sex life like for a straight white german christian twenty something male?

It's probably not that you said there are too many refugees. You probably said "kill all niggers, race war now" and are coming to this board because you got called out.

Lieber frei und Punker sein, als ein dummes Nazischwein.

>admits Nazi thoughts
>in honeypot Mongolian rice trading board

Run before Merkel's Stasi gets you

Adolf Hitler, dem sein Bart, der ist von ganz besondrer Art, Kinder da ist etwas faul, so ein kleiner Bart, und so ein großes MAUL!

Weg mit dir du Zeckenschwein

Not an argument, degenerate

Der Fuchs ist schlau und stellt sich dumm. Beim Fascho ist das andersrum.

Also I was sitting on the train the other and a girl was complaining how the government spends too much money on the anti migrant propaganda.
"It's a waste of money, it would be cheaper to just put a bullet in their(the migrants) head."
Was pretty kek


*the other day

die sprüche waren schon alt als ich noch links war
alter habt ihr nix neues?

Hello Dalai Lama

Have you forgotten the german values my friend?

Topkek, greatest ally.

Rassismus ist keine Meinung, Rassismus ist ein Verbrechen!

>Linker erzählt über Intelligenz
Finde den Widerspruch

I took a 8/10 qt out the other day while my conservative 9/10 gf cleaned my apartment and she told me these migrants are even more disgusting than gipsy.

And some people on pol actually think we're the ones that have it bad, because we buy new cars once every 4 years instead of 2 like germans maximus keksimus

did you go on to suggest concentration camps?

Tell them Hitler did nothing wrong.

nein. Rassismus ist eine ideologie du nulpe (keine besonders logische aber du bis auch nich besser und die sprüche sind wirklich alle ca. so alt wie ich (wenn nich älter))

Gas yourself ahmed

>anti migrant propaganda

Is this the current year?

Once you get redpilled you can't drink anymore

in vino veritas doesn't work well with the law of power think as you like but behave like others

Ein Baum, ein Strick, ein Fascho dran, so fängt das neue Deutschland an !

Germans are welcome to work on my farm. 3000 € a month cash + food and shelter! Room for 43 more!

Solution: mandatory testosterone injections for all German men.

Soweit ich weiß gehen die bei uns sogar zum Anwalt um hier zu bleiben.

Ain´t even mad

Kikes know best

>implying you cant heil hitler in middle of city at broad daylight and anyone can do anything

>Implying people wont agree with you

Why do you live in such shitty countries?

>out play their game of victimization and shaming
Tell them they're rape apologists who excuse the cis normative patriarchal oppression against women and lbgtq+ communities that these militantly theocratic and ill-liberal patriarchal cultures bring to you progressive and equal society.

Was is eigentlich aus USA SA SS geworden
hab gehört die ammis sind jetzt die besten freunde von vielen "linken" und die russen sind jetzt die bösen

Let me guess, OP; you make sensible arguments among your friends while they get frustrated and parrot statements by the MSM while getting hysterical about it?
How desperately people want to fit in...

Wer Deutschland nicht liebt, hat Deutschland verstanden!

Verschwinden soll die braune Brut, die unser Land zerstören tut !


What did they think of this?

Mostly regarding these, saying that migrants sexually harass woman and migrants committed the terrorist attack on paris. But there's ads on tv and on facebook all the time basically just repeating how migrants are terrorists and want to destroy christian europe.

das war schon in den 80ern nich besonders gut gereimt
tut auf brut also wirklich wie alt bist du 42?

I was called a nazi because I said I dislike hyperpromiscuity and I'd rather want to have marriage and a family.

Not supporting hookup culture apparently means I'm a racist...



>telling slluts you hate sluts

youre just a robot. tell them you support freeliving then get them to suck your cock.


(Anti german) leftists love it.

But I don't want them to suck my cock. I only want a loving wife and one or two children.

Bomben bauen, Waffen klauen, den Faschos auf die Fresse hauen.

6 million refugees.. if someone called me a naxi over that I'd break a bottle into their eyes and then rape them severely.

mfw Holocaust denial is legal in UK. But gets jail in other countries.
Wearing a swastika will get a severe kicking, though.

But if I wanted to, I could wear full on Gestapo SS uniform and goose step to the shops for a pint of milk and shout "Sieg Heil" at the top of my voice. But I would be beaten and the cops wouldn't help.

Also the 'refugees' can fuck off.

just do a 180 and start arguing that there are too many germans in germany and advocate for mass suicide to absolve yourself of germanic guilt.

Sieg Heil!

echt mal lies mal heine oder brecht is ja nich zu ertragen diese 70er/80er jahre parolen

Marry her

Ein Baum, ein Strick, ein Fascho dran,
so fängt das neue Deutschland an !

I did the same thing while I was sleeping with some ho. When asked I told her it wouldn't work between us cuz she had too much history.

den hattest du schon
lies mal heines wahlesel oder was anderes als diese schlecht geschriebenen parolen

Wear the title proudly!

How about I marry you instead?

Gemeinsam gegen Fremdenhass - Solidarisch macht das Leben Spass!

Er, what? Help me out with Kraut talk.

Make trees,take weapons hit the face?

My German is shit. But everyone speaks English so I don't give a fuck.

Hast du in deinem Garten, 'ne große Eiche steh'n
möchte ich daran einen Türken hängen sehn.

das reimt sich nichmals richtig du spacko
gib dir mal ein bisschen mühe

Probiers einmal, du Hampelmann.
Ich hab euch schon damals in der BRD zur Minna gemacht und seitdem hat eure Truppe von Klemmschwestern nichts dazu gelernt.

Antifanten sind die erbärmlichste Kategorie der Sozialschmarotzer: Sind auf einen Staat angewiesen, den sie tot sehen wollen.

Freu dich, Kevin, bald ist's soweit und mit Deutschland findest auch du dein jämmerliches Ende.

ok du bist sogar noch ne größere nulpe als der andere user


>racist, misogynist, transphobe....
These words no longer have meaning. It's 2016 FFS.

build bombs, steal guns, punch facists in the face.

German antifa is fkn cringy.

Nazis jagen, Nazis schlagen - das ganze Scheißsystem zerschlagen.

well they are fucking unkreative all the slogans he posted are from the 70's and 80's

>their(the migrants) head
She probably meant """racists'""" head desu

There are never enough refugees in Germany. Just like there are never enough Germans in Switzerland, according to Germans.

das metrum is fürn arsch

Posting in german cuckoldry thread



and who said that to you? I sense bullshit.

>Lebe vom System
>Zerschlage das System
Wähle 1 und wähle mit Bedacht, du Hahnrei.

Hammer, Sichel und Gewehr! Nazis jagen ist nicht schwer!


békazabáló buzeráns

I tried to red pill SJW about Islam as a Turk. They became irritated and tried defending Islam.
>you can't say that
>you can't generalize
Poor souls wouldn't call me Nazi.

its actually pretty funny