"millenial" supporter of Hillary since the 90's...

"millenial" supporter of Hillary since the 90's, and witnessed the repeated attempts to subjugate the legitamacy of her personhood, I'm not at all surpised by the timing of these new "allegations". I just hope by now that other "millenials" can recognize and acknowledge this kind of baseless witchhunt she has been continually subjected to throughout her public life.
On both a political and a personal note, this is one of the exact reasons why I have not only supported her for decades but also admired her as a role model.

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desperation smells gud

>Might have done something illegal
>Witch hunt

Fuck off!

You admire a killer? Interesting.

12 women with no evidence accuse Trump - it be legit

FBI says new evidence emerged - it's persecution

Seriously, what's wrong with you?

I know many long time supporters of her know what I'm talking about but I hope a lot of her new supporters have become woke to this ridiculous treatment she has received.
In my view she has been THE symbol for social progress which has threatened the conservative right since Bill first ran for president. Not him. Her.

I also admire her I think she'll lead the U.S. to a new golden age hopefully she invades China.



I know you are only writing this to troll, nice of you to find out actual liberal baby talking points.

Poor woman, getting a hard time in the media for her corruption. Terrible.


>"millenial" supporter of Hillary since the 90's

So in other words, you've been a "supporter" of bill and hillary clinton ever since you were in grade school and your teacher told you to.

>baseless witchhunt

Calling everything a conspiracy theory doesn't work when the evidence is in the face of the entire american public. Nice dissonance though, you must drink quite a bit of kool-aid.

The hate for her stems from her defending having a career outside her husband's politics back in the very beginning, when he was first nominated. She defended her not being a "proper" political wife, and having her own career (an awesome career, btw) by saying something like "well I could've stayed home and baked cookies."
And they've been on her ass ever since. I remember. I was there as a twenty something woman coming up in the world in college when that happened. They just haven't been able to let go. And they won't. But I'm still glad to vote for her. Hell, maybe I'm glad to vote for her BECAUSE of that statement. Hah!


>Hillary supporters think the media isn't 100% sucking Hillary's cock 24/7

Oh man the delusion

>subjugate the legitimacy of her personhood

A woman living her life on her own terms was an enormous threat to them, and obviously still is.
I will be SO HAPPY to vote for her! And Bill? You better have those stupid fucking cookie recipes ready for the home-maker magazines. That shit started because of your wife. Now you get to end it.
Stupid "traditions" that came of that one comment. It irks me to this day. It will always irk me. Woman said she used her mind, and followed it to her calling. But that wasn't the slop they wanted. They wanted brownies and dress sense. They wanted what perfume she wore.
As if that's a fucking contribution.
How much of an ornament are you? And how will you be a better ornament than your predecessor? WTF?

Everything that's happening is a direct result to her own actions and is a natural response to it. She's to blame.

>She defended her not being a "proper" political wife, and having her own career (an awesome career, btw) by saying something like "well I could've stayed home and baked cookies."

Yeah, she went to elementary schools and read story books to little kids to promote reading. What a truly rebellious and independent womyn

I once happened across a conservative talk radio show with a woman who for the full show basically talked like a woman having a career was somehow a Christian sin against the family and talked the whole show about traditional roles being from God and that basically for a man to have his wife work is as bad as a man having affairs. Also, most of the hate was directed at liberal women that they believe are basically sinners and traitors for somehow making their lives more difficult or making it more difficult for them to stay home. It was really bizarre, but I think it was nationally syndicated and this sounded like a regular, everyday topic for that show.
The TL;DR is that for extreme conservative women that their chosen lifestyle is what they want to force everyone into against their will.

I havent liked her since she blamed columbine on video games even though i continued being a liberal throughout the Bush administration. She will say whatever it takes to exploit the ignorant soccer mom vote. She doesnt stand for anything but herself and she doesnt believe in anything but power.

Have a (You) and a sage

That sounds like Phyllis Schafly
She's based as fuck.


Watching the way Trump (really Putin) is manipulating the media, simultaneously blaming Hillary / CNN / CTR for the very same thing he is doing, is beyond sad. Can't really believe so many people are falling for it, but I guess the stereotypes about Republicans being these inbred single digit IQ country bumpkins is mostly true. Educated white males are still overwhelmingly voting Clinton because we can see through these smoke and mirrors.

Continually bringing up the email thing is so desperate of Trump. No surprise he was a birther as well, these people are pedantic and really play to the obsessive conspiracy theorist crowd. Like dude the email thing was thrown out by the FBI a long time ago. But Putin keeps planting this bogus "evidence" and "leaking" it, then getting his mouthpiece Trump to immediately sound off about it, as if anyone believes this bullshit is legit

wow that's real fucking admirable
because in the 90s, women didn't work because the 90s was just like the 60s. grow the fuck up, you're demeaning women

Take your Mccarthyism and stuff it in your anus.

Thank you for Correcting The Record

has it occurred to you that some women actually have to work you selfish delusional cunt? you act like it's a fucking choice. privileged baby.

wow CTR has literally gone insane


yet not a shred of evidence from the sexual ally assaulted women (paid attention whores with no dignity) and you're willing to go to absolute lengths to defend obvious and proven scandals. haha you're such an educated white male.

People get tricked into thinking Trump is bad because of liberal media propaganda.

They think the worst things about him, but when you ask them directly it's always "says mean things sometimes" or the talking points parroted into them by MSM.

All the things they think Trump is guilty of because he gets accused, is usually applicable to the Democrats.

The democratic establishment has actually become a subversive mafia with ties to Bolshevikism and foreign nations who want to split up America sell it off, turn it into the third world with scattered mega cities and create a 1984 era dystopia.

The democrats need to be exposed and lose power.