Politcal Theory

ITT: We talk about the evolution of our own political outlook. I'll start:

Lefty liberal -> anarchist -> an-cap/libertarian -> mildly conservative -> strongly conservative/traditionalist

As you can see I've been all around the specturm. It's strange how your conception of political theory can turn on its head quite rapidly.

Other urls found in this thread:


>anarchist -> an-cap/libertarian
Kill yourself. You're just chasing the latest hype. If Sup Forums endorsed cuckoldry tomorrow, you'd get a black girl asap.

Wew lad, that was way before my Sup Forums days.

Social Democrat -> Hardcore Socialist -> fullblown Marxist/Stalinist

I grew up in a "workers" household with my entire family being Socialists. When I got more interested into politics, my worldview became more extreme but then I found places like Reddit,

fullblown Marxist/Stalinist (even Feminist) -> Anarchist -> Anarcho-Capitalist

I really started believing that more freedom = better but then I started going to Pol and my hatred towards fellow Socialists/Marxists grew since I have always hated SJW's

Anarcho-Capitalist -> Centrist -> National-Socialist -> Fascist -> Strasserism

I really prefer Nazism but since I'm racially mixed, I can't really support people who'd consider me lower than them because of things I can't choose. I became Strasserist because Strasser mixed the Socialist ideas I grew up with while also promoting Nationalism and anti-Degeneracy.

Strasserism -> Traditionalism

Sadly Socialist ideas just don't work, not even in the context of Nationalism. People should work for themselves and all Socialist policies should be implemented within a small group, a family or tribe for example. Not throughout the entire nation.

Personally, I believe meritocracies are the best form of government.

A society based in the idea that the best leader should lead, a là Roman empire, would be best

Sure, what constitutes to "best" leader is hard to pin down but then again, All ideologies have the problem that the definition does't perfectly match the practice.

But mix meritocracy with Realpolitik, where you don't adhere to any ideology but rather built your policies and ideas upon what you, your nation and her people need and determination, to ensure that everyone works their hardest and Machiavellianism, where you do what you must in order to reach your goals and you've just built an utopia

Such ideas would need to be incorperated into a nations culture in order to be sure that everyone follows this structure and learns this structure from birth.

I started as generic left liberal because I was a student who knew nothing about politics. The only issue I had any real feelings on was gun control because our current laws are dog shit and I want more freedom to own them.
One day I was getting a lift home in my indian housemates car, and started talking about gun control. Her arguments were so fucking uninformed and stupid, I had to ask her to stop the car and let me out because I was so angry. Walked 30 minutes home to avoid 5 minutes sitting in a car with her. That kickstarted a real desire to learn more about politics, because I realised that if that was how she argued about gun control then it must be the same way she argues about everything else too.
That total lack of knowledge from the left really put me off identifying as a liberal eventhough I largely agreed with their politics at the time. As I started reading more, I found myself agreeing more and more with libertarian ideals and my politics shifted to the right, but never quite making it to ancap levels. Then the Brexit referendum happened and I started coming to Sup Forums because I knew it would be a shitstorm and one of the only places people who talk positively about it online. I've browsed Sup Forums for about 10 years, even browsed the old Sup Forums for the lulz before moot shoah'd it, but only been back here for 18 months. Since being back, I've moved to become more authoritarian on a lot of policies. I've started to take into account not just how actions can impact on individual liberty, but also on the psychology of society at large. For example, my libertarian side wants to be totally fine with gay marriage and trans people because it doesn't effect me personally whether they fuck dudes or cut their dicks off, but at the same time my conservative side recognises that having all these faggots and traps and gender-queer idiots all over the place is turning western society into a melting pot of mental illness and regressive leftism and I can't accept that.

>racially mixed
Geert, is that you?

Center/left family, don't really pay attention to politics, same by default. Study economics in high school, move to center/right. Now libertarian.

I'm 1/4 Jewish, 1/4 Dutch and 2/4 Arabian.

And no, I don't support Geert Wilders.

I took the usual path for someone on Sup Forums.

No shits given or understanding of politics -> ancap/libertarian (after seeing pay checks) -> fascist (after understanding the reason for being libertarian)

Son of two upper middle class people
>social democrat
I read Atlas Shrugged
>vanilla libertarian
study economics at uni and get sick of liberal shilling everywhere
>right leaning centrist


Anarchist -> libertarian -> republican -> right of center -> republican -> strongly conservative republican

I didn't care about politics in high school, although I've been a Christian in a conservative state my whole life so a little on the right by default. Then I went more and more right as I experienced more of my modern liberal campus - and modern liberalism/SJWs in general a little earlier - that despises not just far-right (as I would have expected), but anyone who doesn't completely agree with them. Now here I am.

Long story short, I realized that tumblr mentality wasn't just an obscure meme.

Did Stalin do anything wrong?

Communist -> ancap -> natsoc -> sharia

Apolitical leftie -> Neoliberal (Pinochet, Thatcher, Reagan) -> Libertarian -> politically center right, socially center left


Small Government Conservative > Right Libertarian > Centrist Libertarian > Centrist Libertarian who is so disgusted by liberals that he's willing to vote Trump to stop them.

Lefty liberals / cynic => Minarchist => Minarchist-Nationalist

I was basically a lefty when I used to believe that the government should provide a certain basis of "fair" services and was firmly convinced that the only thing that stood in the way were evil corporation and their greed. For some reason, the 2008 crisis shattered this belief and I started being convinced that there were no noble actors in society for whom fair service ought to be provided, but rather that everyone was out for themselves and tried to use government power to redirect resources their way. My cynicism expanded to all classes and I stopped believing that one of them should be protected or pandered to at the expense of the other.

Then Islam happened and now I'm a nationalist to boot.

Conservative republican -> libertarian -> national socialist -> fascist -> nationalist reactionary

If you're a white male and you're not a reactionary or nationalist at this point, what the fuck are you even doing?


>that entire post

>If you're a white male and you're not a reactionary or nationalist at this point, what the fuck are you even doing?

Not trusting the government.

Disgust with leftist hedonism doesn't change the fact that the state isn't to be trusted.

If you have ever been an anarchist, you are retarded.

>mfw a non country tries to talk shit


Just like the development of your country.

I was young and naive OK?