Go to Garfield.com and post the strip from your birthday

Mine seems fitting


It's okay I guess


This isn't funny.

it's a little funny

. . .

This is practically a Bkub comic.

very fitting

Does anybody actually laugh at loud at newspaper comics? If they do they should be fucking institutionalized.

Apparently, I was born on a Garfield comic about Arlene wanting to get laid and Garfield not giving a fuck.

what the heck

lol youre 11?

Garfield was never haha funny but it used to be worth reading.
Calvin & Hobbes doesn't make me laugh out loud either.

I actually like Garfield. On a related note, Garfield and His 9 Lives traumatized me as a kid.



Did i play DayZ with you buddy like years ago from a same birthday thread on Sup Forums?


I'm old and worthless.


Its a thinker


It's like he's a prophet.

>I share a birthday with Garfield

I don't know anything at all about Garfield. I only just now noticed Garfield communicates exclusively in thought bubbles. Can Jim understand him?

Pearls Before Swine and Foxtrot, sometimes.

Doonesbury if they're hard left.

I can't imagine anything else though.


color me disappointed

The ones out now? No.

When things like The Far Side was out? Absolutely.

What's it like dictating Sup Forums posts to your grandchildren?

I understand that with only 3 panels you have to start kind of in media res, but there is such a thing as too deep.

It's Jon.

And...maybe sort of? Sometimes? Garfield, being a cat, can't speak, so all we ever get is his thought bubbles, but he's able to use them to communicate with other animals (on the occasion that he meets another animal of similar intelligence, which is not too common).

But since Jim Davis, the writer/artist, doesn't actually give a shit and is just doing it because it pays the bills, he gradually got less consistent over the years, and while Garfield never gained the ability to speak, there have been strips where his thought bubbles have been treated essentially as speech balloons, with Jon apparently able to understand him.

I actually like this one.

Hey,hey lemmie tell you something:
What if Garfield's speech bubbles isn't Garfield's but Jon's?


Hands-down one of the few actually funny Garfields I've seen

Do the comics still use Irma, she's a pretty great character.

My grandaughter is only 3 though.



I don't get it.

Garfield lit something on fire. Or, alternately, something caught on fire for reasons not explained.

Rather than do anything about it, Garfield is just watching it burn.


Awww, you share a birthday.

Also the day Calvin and Hobbes ended. Thanks, Bill.


doesn't quite make sense. I remember a similar calvin & hobbes strip that was way funnier.

How does it not make sense? I'm actually really curious as to how that strip can have any meaning other than the single obvious one.


I mean, the idea is funny, but the execution is all wrong. jon's reaction just doesn't work. and why is he walking away from the fire? and why doesn't he know he doesn't have a fireplace? none of it adds up.

me too!

Jon is a doofus. He's walking by, sees Garfield enjoying a fire, and has a delayed reaction to realizing there is no fireplace there because it's a silly cartoon. I mean, have you really never seen a delayed double take in a cartoon before?

Jon you piece of lazy piece of shit

Jon is a foot fag, no wonder he's single.




Jon drinks dog cum


I had the book this one was in. Who knew

I forgot to say, that it fits me completely and I'm glad it isn't about Christmas.

I even checked a bunch of other years on my birthday: all of them Christmas. Dear God.