If you could erase one currently running book what would it be?

If you could erase one currently running book what would it be?


Squirrel Girl.

America Chavez

Any of the many Harley Quinn books
America Chavez

Anyone of the JL books.

Squirrel Girl because the art is awful and Squirrel Girl doesn't deserve that

At least America is fun to laugh at

Harry Potter

My little pony: friendship is magic.
Then somebody competent could pick it up.

Do I retroactively erase it from all existence or just end its current run? Squirrel Girl.

What's your favorite book?


Whichever one is your favorite.

Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur or Thor featuring that whore Jane.

Is the Bible of the Liberals.

Civil War II

Invincible Iron Man.

Riri needs to never having existed.

All of Marvel. All of it.

None because I'm not triggered by people liking something I don't like.

Anything that panders or relates to SJW bullshit propaganda.


Savage Dragon.
Larsen has made money by poorly sketching strawmen and riding on being an Image founder for long enough, this abortion needs to end.