Why europeans have a strongly sentiment of anti-refugee?

Why europeans have a strongly sentiment of anti-refugee?

Pic related: These poeple just want have a comfy life in a western country, like YOU!

Well maybe they should fight for it.

Their comfort subtracts from mine. Fuck em.

I don't, but they have to go back eventually.

Because they'd freeze out here in the north, and as an animal-rights activist I cannot allow that to happen to them.

did you see what happened to europe this summer? would you like to see us get terrorized every summer like this? it's just common sense. i would love to help everyone in the world but not at the expense of even one european citizen. because i care, and so should you.

Fuck off, they are just leeches that want something they can't create themselves.

they can't live like that, they're fucking sandpeople

What gives them the right to simply take what they don't have and why do I lack the right to defend what's mine?

Why dont they just go into the Syrian wilderness and hide out till the war is over?

where are the 1 thousand men that come with these ~50 women and children?

Then they can go to Brazil. You are a big country, you could use the diversity

BREAKING: Brazil accepting Syrian refugees!!!
>BREAKING: Brazil accepting Syrian refugees!!!
BREAKING: Brazil accepting Syrian refugees!!!
>BREAKING: Brazil accepting Syrian refugees!!!
BREAKING: Brazil accepting Syrian refugees!!!
>BREAKING: Brazil accepting Syrian refugees!!!

Or at least not destroy the comfiness of their hosts.


the two things are not compatible.

If they want to live in a western style nation then they should build one like we and the moongooks did.

Hey rare

if they are coming for a comfy life, they are not refugees, they are immigrants.

And every immigrant is worth less than even the most worthless local. As long as we have even a single one of our own who needs help, the immigrants can go right on back to their own shitholes and stew there.

not everything is about materialistic wants hence these foreigners should be rejected completely.

I would give up the quality of life I have to enter a struggle to secure the nation and races well being into the future.

Because most of them are lying cunts half of whom already
have or will in the future, pledge their allegiance to some terrorist group namely ISIS
and go blow themselves up along with a dozen other people.
Also most of these refugees are just military-aged men whom hail from countries
which aren't even at war. So no, we shouldn't just give up our cultures and way of life
for some headchoppers and illiterate goatherders. Fuck these saracens and fuck you

Fool. You're giving them free housing, gibs and more free shit on top and you expect them to ever go back to their shit hole where they'd have to hustle for a living ? It's moderate cucks like you that are ruining it for everyone.

they aren't refugees if they're just coming for a comfy life. are you retarded? learn to differentiate between refugee and migrant.

Because at least for now our comfiness is based on worldwide differences in GDP and intelligence.
All the cultural marxism aside, im selfish enough to not want to drop my living standards to let more sand and regular googles in. Their average iq is too low for majority of them to be able to contribute anything worthwhile for building a better civilization if the starting point is as high as it currently is.
I enjoy being able to save two thirds of my income more than improving the living quality of subhumans who are incapable of living with any decency without a dictatorship.

I'm not one of the cucks. I expect them to go back because that's the law. If they don't go back the get the nightstick.

>Why europeans have a strongly sentiment of anti-refugee?

They can be safe enough in a refugee camp over there, they have no business showing up here and burden in societies that have no use for them.

We already have too many Muslim cunts as it is. They can fuck off, we're full.