What the fuck is libertarian socialism? Why is it that intellectuals and college graduates support it?

What the fuck is libertarian socialism? Why is it that intellectuals and college graduates support it?

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their retarted

>What the fuck is libertarian socialism?

>Why is it that intellectuals and college graduates support it?
They're autistic

Because it makes them feel better that other people.
There end game is attention, no matter the cost.

>libertarian socialism

The Cult of Noam Chomsky

What's funny is that none of them have ever been apart of the working class they claim to champion and are apart of the bourgeoise they claim to hate. The working class also despises them for being spoiled elitists.

It is literally kids who listened to RATM who have no idea what they are talking about. I know I've been there...

Probably a Democrat who believes in free speech

Literally every single communist revolutionary comes from the upper class.
It's actually hilarious how this shitty movement became a thing.

It's basically socialism for people that like weed.

>a socialist SJW-neet being libertarian
This gunna be gud, somebody ancap ball this

It's a reaction to the abuse of power, that anyone with a mind of their own sees, when they look at history and current events.

>What the fuck is libertarian socialism?
Listening to Noam Chomsky, pretending to read his books, and only vaguely understanding the bullshit anyway, while screaming about social justice.
They're just one of the many ranging parties of the left, preparing for them to outright subvert and steal libertarianism later down the line as they did with liberalism.
>Why is it that intellectuals and college graduates support it?
makes them feel good


Oxy moron

a meme

There should be no government and it should pay for everything.

>libertarian socialism

>I don't know the origins of the world "libertarian"

nice meme

It's socialism for those of us who do not want a state capitalist regime lording it over us and telling people what to do in the name of the people.

srs lads, look up the Paris Commune, revolutionary Catalonia, Rojava, the Zapatistas etc.

This guy makes me fucking puke every time I see his greasy pizzface.

Libertarian socialist here.

Basically its just being economically left with social libertarian beliefs.
No big government except for market regulation and higher taxes on the super wealthy.

we will win one day.


Pick one

>Communist Democrats.

You just know thousands of kids have wasted thousands of dollars and their prime time studying this meme subject.

Libertarian socialism is not a thing, but they do like libertarianism for the moral relativism.

damn right


what did he mean by this?

but who builds the roads?

The workers. You know, the people that do now. Except they'll work less and be paid better.

>What the fuck is libertarian socialism?

a self-contradicting meme ideology
"libertarian socialism" is lie "anti-semitic zionism"

Fuck off you dirty Petite bourgeoisie faggots

Go suck bordigas dick.

fuck are you on about cunt?

Libertarian socialism is like consensual rape.


What exactly does "socially" means and how can you explain it while simultaneously being detached from the free market? Give me some examples, please.

I will spam this image in every shit thread like this

We would like to have a few words with you

it is actually impossible to be a libertarian socialist.

it's like libertarianism but without a ruling class

ITT: Faggots who think they understand libertarian socialism without even reading the first several paragraphs of the Wikipedia page.

Seriously Wikipedia will tell you everything you need to know.


Wew really convinced me that libertarian socialism is superior to traditionalism

>>I don't know the origins of the world "libertarian"

Someone who believes in a metaphysical free will or someone associated with the French revolutionary liberals?

>It's socialism for those of us who do not want a state capitalist regime lording it over us and telling people what to do in the name of the people.
>state capitalist

Your ideal system tanked so fucking hard you literally had to mental gymnastics your way into somehow blaming it on capitalism. Nice.

>srs lads, look up the Paris Commune, revolutionary Catalonia, Rojava, the Zapatistas etc.

All of these were absolute shit. No wonder your idea is so unsuccessful.


>be paid better.

Don't you fucker not want money to even exist?

a combination of autism and stupidity


you're clearly not interested in changing your mind though, nazi

>Someone who believes in a metaphysical free will or someone associated with the French revolutionary liberals?
no, anarchists and socailists

>Your ideal system tanked so fucking hard you literally had to mental gymnastics your way into somehow blaming it on capitalism. Nice.
Nope. People on the left were criticising the USSR from October 1917. Even before the revolution the Bolsheviks were attacked

>All of these were absolute shit. No wonder your idea is so unsuccessful.

I think you mean to say all of them were attacked by outside forces before they even had a chance


I've found my fair share of "libertarian socialist" manifestos inside seasons of pirated TV shows or old Windows 95 games. No idea why they hide them in these such awkward places and expect anyone to read them.

>Why is it that intellectuals and college graduates support it?
Because intelligent people are attracted to intellectually rigorous ideologies, while unintelligent people are attracted to YouTube commentators and reality television show hosts

its dumb

>hey would you like to eat this dogshit instead of your delicious icecream? No? Fucking closed minded bigot nazi


It's a pipe dream. You can have a bit of populism but socialism contradicts the purpose of libertarianism.

>I've found my fair share of "libertarian socialist" manifestos inside seasons of pirated TV shows or old Windows 95 games.

Dude, have you ever taken a sociology class? I did, there's NOTHING intellectually rigorous about it. It's pure ideology. College faggots that turn left are often indoctrinated as fuck.

>delicious icecream
that's a funny way of putting a shitty ideology that left your nation in complete ruins and millions of Germans dead.

>>Someone who believes in a metaphysical free will or someone associated with the French revolutionary liberals?
>no, anarchists and socailists

So you don't know the original usage of "libertarian" then.

>>Your ideal system tanked so fucking hard you literally had to mental gymnastics your way into somehow blaming it on capitalism. Nice.
Nope. People on the left were criticising the USSR from October 1917. Even before the revolution the Bolsheviks were attacked

Yes, and if a more extreme marxist group got in power the whole thing would have tanked faster. The early USSR literally abolished money and when they realized that was absolutely retarded and had to go back if they wanted a functional society they did.

>>All of these were absolute shit. No wonder your idea is so unsuccessful.

>I think you mean to say all of them were attacked by outside forces before they even had a chance

So your system is so great even the smallest fucking interference can cause it to fail? Maybe its not the Catalonian anarchists killing hundreds of priests and letting convicts run free from the prisons, bu whatever BS your saying it is?

>another it wasn't real socialism(tm) post

According to your logic half of your ideology, the socialism part, left 27 million Russians dead, 60 million chinese dead, millions cambodians and others dead.

Checkmate, faggot.

>So you don't know the original usage of "libertarian" then.

>The early USSR literally abolished money and when they realized that was absolutely retarded and had to go back if they wanted a functional society they did.
that's because it hadn't reached a significantly developed stage yet. it was a shitty feudalist wasteland that hadn't gone through capitalism yet.

>smallest fucking interference

An army surrounding and slaughtering an area's inhabitants isn't small interference. It was deliberate extermination.

That was not socialism. It was state capitalism.







>make a list of a bunch of murderous regimes which failed to work before being defeat due to their own incompetence
This will clearly persuade me to follow this ideology.

>muh state capitalism
topkek, that's my favourite socialist post

Hitler was not a real national socialist. Lets try again. You are not opposed to that, are you? Because you don't apply double standards, do you?

I have always hated this meme, but this too fucking accurate not to laugh.

they were working fine though. productivity boomed in Catalonia but they didn't have the support of foreign powers like italy and germany

I'm aware reading isn't your strong suit

Whatever he was, he was a genocidal cunt and a loser that shot himself. He wasn't on your side.

So we shall try national socialism again, right?

holy fuck leftypol memes are some of the most cringeworthy pieces of garbage i've ever seen, i'm embarrassed for whoever made that knowing they will look back after their bolshevik rodent phase and wonder how they could have ever been so retarded

>can't he read I literally said it was state capitalism and not real socialism (tm)! mum tell him to stop it

>Why is it that intellectuals and college graduates support it?

Because they want to pretend they're Noam Chomsky.

So this is what hell looks like? Is this a satyr in the background?

Isn't Zionism all about Jews living in Israel? You can easily be anti-Semitic and a Zionist.

>I don't want those dirty Jews in my country, let's just create a Jewish state and send them all to Israel

if you want, assuming mutti merkel doesn't punish you

ebin :DDD

Libertarianism referred to libertarian socialism BEFORE it started being used to refer to libertarian capitalism.
Besides, it's an ideology, not a party. Your ignorance made me cringe.


Preferably Madagaskar because they will need big allies in their constant struggle against palestinians if they stay in the middle east

uraa ?

It's a Libertarian society that pays taxes for people that don't want to go to work.


>ancoms are now bolsheviks


I think this faggot is CammehYaBams or something. He sucked just like every other "YouTube ranter" with a webcam and still living at home...

>libertarian socialism
The two are contradictory and they know it.

They are pushing this senseless buzzword on purpose.

They'll just be little text files in stuff like, a season of a show I've downloaded or hidden away in part of a menu of some shareware game I have the demo of.

I think it was a season of Tim and Eric I found the readme in and I think it was Steve Moraff's Escpade as the game, though I may be wrong on which game it is, I do remember finding it on a game that was on a disk full of shareware games.

Just like right wing libertarianism, it encompassing a lot of different ideologies. Some of them are fucking stupid like anarcho communism, others actually aren't that bad like market socialism and mutualism.

And no market socialism is not a oxymoron, it means that there is a free market but all companies are worker owned cooperatives.

they still operate within the confines of capitalism. Rosa Luxemburg refuted them a century ago.

so basically your just a moderate democrat?

I have come to loathe the words "libertarian" and "authoritarian". They seem to have no descriptive value anymore.



But the worker isn't being exploited as they get to acquire the full value of their labor though. Also what do you think of mutualism?

>What the fuck is libertarian socialism?

An alternative to parliamentary 4 year dictatorship like we have now, there was this kind of system in Spain, Catalonia during the civil war. Seemed to be way better than being under Franco.



>tfw when user can't separate state and capitalism but think they can divide resources equally without state authority.

>Any rebrand of "socialism"

Into the garbage it goes

>libertarian socialism

Mutualism is quite good. And yeah you're right that they wouldn't be exploited, but even in co-ops like Mondragon it still operates on capitalist principles.

>"libertarian" --> "you can't tell me what to do"
>"socialism" --> "but you need to give me lots of stuff"

But what's wrong with operating on capitalist principles if the workers aren't being exploited?

There is a good article about Libertarian Socialism which explains it.
Basically its complete bullshit just like conventional socialism.
