They've got a 2nd Access Hollywood tape lads - McMullin/Romney/Kristol clan have it

Rick Wilson (McMullin campaign manager) keeps posting hints about it. Frank Luntz from Fox seems to be confirming it'll drop next week.

Remember the threads here confirming that an NBC journo (married to a Romney associate) had obtained the Access Hollywood tapes.......but we don't know how MANY tapes/incidents.

They've got a second fucking tape lads. Mark my fucking words.

Wat do?

Other urls found in this thread:


and we got 33K emails about drop like a NUCLEAR FUCKING BOMB, FUCK YOURSELF.

Lmao ueah ok

Waking up inside (can't wake up)

speculate how it could be worse than pussy grab? did they hot mic him confessing to raping a child? calling niggers niggers? it would have to be that big to really matter

we need the KGB to haxor and find dirt on them fo blackmail STAT

They absolutely do - there were plans to drop Friday, I don't know what happened.

I'm sure it will be out next week, although I don't know what the contents are.

>it would have to be that big to really matter

Yeah but if you were in their shoes, you'd drop the worst tape on election eve right?

Would you not? Thinking about it tactically.

Wilson can't stop fucking jinting at it on Twitter.

>jinting at it on Twitter.


They thought the last one was some nuclear bomb and Trump stuffed that off.

Rick Wilson is an idiot and Mormons think every small thing is a scandal

>Mormons think their penises are scandals

>the tape ends up being Trump saying nigger
>He's just broing it up with some black dude, both of them calling each other niggers
It's what non-street trash black people do with their friends, regardless of race. I totally wouldn't be surprised if that was the tape.

No way, Clinton is getting mauled this news cycle. If she has more ammo to fire , she should do it on Sunday or Monday, and try and disrupt this FBI thing's momentum.
Waiting till the day of the election or the night before wouldn't be as effective, you need things to marinate in the minds of the proles.Also with early voting, every day this continues is votes lost.

It's nothing. Wilson realizes that McMuffin isn't having the effect they thought in Utah and Trump's going to carry the state, so he's desperately trying to spread rumors that there's more shit on Trump. If there is a tape, it's probably about as bad as the tape of Trump "sexually humiliating" a woman in front of a large crowd that released yesterday.

Actually, it could be the very tape if is to be believed

if Romney/Kristol are truly behind this tape coming out, fuck them straight to hell

how dare they give away the supreme court of this country and call themselves conservatives

nah, a few days before, at minimum

It's nothing to do with Clinton you idiot. It's Wilson/McMullin/Romney.

They'll prob drop it mid week then.

Where is the Hillary "N" tape. Oh, right. More BS.Twitter is such shit.

Nothing will top human trafficking for pedophiles. Nice try. Common Sense ~ Weiner, Underage girls, Epstein, Bill Clinton. Game Over

The tape is someone asking him if he can pay trump for sex with one of his models. Trump jokes and says, sure she's worth millions but for you 50 bucks. They both laugh. Tape cuts out after that, no idea what's after, but it sounds like a joke. They'll try to drum it up, and threaten him with prison. But most people will probably see through.

Too many people have already voted. Because of "Muh Russian haxx0rs" my county issued paper mail in ballots.
About 1/4 locally have.
The longer anyone waits, the less it matters.

If they had it they would release it ASAP. The election is so close.

No one actually cared about the first one and no one's going to care about the next one.

Are you kidding me?

That's it? THAT'S what they got?


They're done. And she's going to prison.

>If they had it they would release it ASAP. The election is so close.

My guess is that they planned to drop it yesterday, but then the FBI thing happened and took over the entire new cycle.

Watch it drop between this Wed and Friday.

People aren't stupid. Most women loved the Pussy comment. Me being one of them. REAL MEN LOVE PUSSY 2016.

Watch it not drop or be literally nothing. They're blowing hot air at this point.

>pretending to be a woman on the internet
You know the drill.

It's gonna be some cuck pearl clutching shit to try to flip Utah. Nobody else cares.

Hillary just told the FBI to release the emails. She doesn't have anything to hide, why won't Trump release his Tax returns?

If I was in her shoes, and I knew I had that tape coming in a few days, I wouldn't hold a press conference that lasted 4 minutes where I spoke softly and seemed terrified, as if I knew it was over.


We all know damn well they can't legally do that shill, and she does too

Nice try

No because they wanted him out of the race entirely. So they went full bore sooner.

Regardless whether I'm a woman or not. It's still the truth. Just know what I feel and how many others do.




Human trafficking and pedophiles are the biggest taboo. That will do her in. It's over.

man, those guys will kill the GOP, their own party, they'll kill it, just because they can't handle being called cucks... Romney is the worst faggot I ever seen, my god, he loses and them makes his party lose again.

While I don't doubt that someone like Rick Wilson is stupid enough to use their ultimate weapon after a hundred million people have already voted, you really have to ask yourself what's the point at this juncture. No one's going to vote for a McDonalds breakfast menu item, no matter how many tapes they release.

You dumb fucks do realize that this rumor was spread by one of us, right?

Seriously, the guy came out last week and gave us specifics of how he managed to coax retards into believing a bombshell tape would drop on Friday. He runs a pro-Clinton twitter used to spread disinformation and get close to potential threats.

It's a false story and some baboon picked it up on RCP and wrote an article. It's an organic movement of disinformation now and the constant shitposting/CTR pushing of it proves it.

if they had that it would have been on repeat from the first debate

Cause Putin owns Trump, that's why.

You have no idea how the Clintons and politicians like them work. Clinton isn't telling the FBI to release the because she has nothing to hide; she's making a public statement telling the FBI to release them, because she wants to make it look like she has nothing to hide. It's damage control, and is only supposed to work on the OFF CHANCE that they don't have anything.

They also probably don't have the 33k deleted emails yet, but if what that Kim guy says is true, then a congressional committee will have those soon enough, in which case Clinton is like done. The only reason Clinton would risk charges and prosecution over destroying evidence while under subpoena is if whatever she wanted to hide was even worse than that. If whatever she's hiding gets out, she's fucked, and she knew it.


The brilliance is the egg on their face when nothing happens

If there's ever another civil war, remember to genocide mormons. They're about on par with kikes in terms of their tribal asswipe nature subverting white america.

literally nothing. Clinton minions were saying that they had at least 2 or 3 more damaging tapes. well guess what? BIG FUCKING NOTHING.

hmm i dont think so sweetie. you're obvi a man if you're ok with the p*ssy comment. real ladies take a stand against sexist vocabulary mk sweetie

The FBI can't just release all the emails and case information... that would basically be trial by media and it's not something the FBI does. Hillary KNOWS the FBI would never just release all the info at this stage of the investigation and so she's just saying "release everything" to make it SEEM like she has nothing to hide.

In other words... you're a complete moron and should immediately cause yourself extreme physical harm.

Irregardless who wins, America loses

>Trump scandal
>tape of him saying mean words

>FBI has for all intents reopened the case

Sorry, I missed that. The only thing like that I remember is that guy about three weeks ago who posted that they clowned some DNC fuckers by pretending to have tapes of Trump but then recording the DNC guys threatening / trying to bribe for the tapes.

That kind of thinking is why your country never has been, and never will be, great.

Egg McMuffin and the cuck crew are ejaculating over this information, they think it's real.

I'm still amazed how slow Sup Forums is when it comes to the actual juicy shit users here have managed to do this election cycle.

Single autistic fucks have done more damage at key points.


Nice b8.

they are most comfortable when they're losing





He's is telling you to post your tits, on behalf of the rest of us.

Post your tits please.

Thats an O'keffe you'll be seeing soon. Thats the nigger tape the DNC wanted.

please be the carry a woman like a six pack joke


Stewie Griffin wants you dead.

This was on Wednesday. He was specific enough.

He said that he kept fucking with Rick Wilson by saying it'd either drop on Friday or Monday.

its obviously a video of trump quoting someone saying "nigger"

Oh come on. It doesn't get much more amazing than Hillary Clinton announcing that priority #1 is combating hate frogs.

It's literally nothing

what said

It's just the right thing to do.

I saw this yesterday and thanks to the user who posted.

>When they go low, you go lower, and pretend your high.

ill keep it in mind.

Trump can just say its a russian forgery created with advanced CGI

>you really have to ask yourself what's the point at this juncture.

No, you really don't

Romney wants Trump gone from the GOP for good (via humiliating defeat).

Romney/Kristol and buttbuddy Paul Ryan think it's their party and then own it. They won't let the "imposter"take it away, even if it means letting Clinton win this one.

They have to ensure a Clinton win (to retain their GOP throne) and they're gonna drop something on Trump next week. Mark my words.

All the same signs are there from when they dropped the previous tape.

They cam't stop themselves from bragging.

>second fucking tape lads
phew i thought it was actually going to be significant

>trump blames the russians

sounds like a terrible clancy novel

Okay, that was funny as fuck. I guess that can be pin pointed as the moment Hillary shot herself in the foot.

This guy is just trolling the shit out of Clinton and McMuffin faggots.



>FBI currently going through emails
>Investigating offenses including improper treatment of classified material
>"release the emails"

Maybe this Carlos Danger guy can tweet the emails so we get a main course of classified information with a tasteful side dish of dick pic.

Hillary doesn't know what the FBI have because she thought she'd deleted them all

aesthetic integers friend

More BS from Twitter, he has nothing.


If they actually had a silver bullet then they wouldn't fucking talk about it since it's assured to get infinite coverage on the MSM. O'Keefe and Wikileaks on the other hand have to hype shit because of media blackouts.

I call bullshit.

Fucking Mormons, seriously they've done more against Trump than Hillary has at this point.

The NeverTrump people are going to destroy their careers and credibility(lol) if they keep trying to throw the election to Hillary. you can't claim to be a conservative out of one side of your mouth while supporting supporting someone conservatives hate more than anything with the other.

How can't these GOP fucktards not realize trying to fuck Trump over is just going to hurt them?
If Trump loses, they will be easily thrown under the bus for not only not helping him but also deliberately trying to hurt him and if he wins, he will not help them with anything they want as President

nah, they probably do have something. but if OP is right I'm not sure.. I'm not too worried. There is a $5 million fee for leaking right? So why wouldn't they just leak the more significant tape first? Could just be something less significant or more of the same. Even if it's as significant, the main reason the previous one was is because all the women that came out after

Yes there are more reveals to come on both sides. This thing is not over.

it's really this? There is no tape but some autistic Sup Forumstard on Twitter convinced the cucks that there is a tape wich will destroy Trump and now the cucks are taking this bait as their last hope to stop Trump?

my god, if it's true it will be glorious

They're deluded morons who still think they can 'win the hispanic vote' by being cucks. Out of touch people who spend too much time forming their views at cocktail parties with other political buffoons instead of spending time in reality.

>you'd drop the worst tape on election eve right?
lol no. Anything that's going to be dropped from here on will be next to meaningless. People are already too ingrained in their beliefs to change up their vote. Many people have already cast their early ballot, so they literally cannot change their vote at all.

Any wine that any side has had is now vinegar.

One of you, preferably both of you, need to make with some tits. Timestamps, too.

They don't give a shit about "conservatism" they care about expanding the power of the Mormon mafia. Look up the shit they did after Howard Hughes died, they're as bad as Sup Forums claims Jews are, actually having worked with a lot of Mormons and Jews in my life I would take the Jews 9 times out of 10, fuck Mormons.


Didn't hurt last time in the least. Won't hurt this time either. Hillary 2 prison mate.

>1 post by this ID

Stop letting them divert your attention from the topics at hand. The more they stall, the longer they can delay things. They do this shit on purpose and naive Sup Forumslacks eat that shit up.

Missourifag here. We know how to deal with Mormons, ask Joseph "Tophat Prophet" Smith.

I don't want retribution against most political enemies. I don't want to see Hillary in jail (wouldn't mind seeing her spooked enough of the prospect to leave the country though, I'll admit).

But I want to see this Wilson guy fucking dead. Guy actively gloats pro-Hillary and trolls us like wtf...old man has no shame whatsoever and should STFU

And if he actually is behind a leaked tape that steals the election for Hillary....oh man...oh man....

Disagree. They have lots of conservative white children. I agree they're insufferable this election cycle, but they're still better than most of this country (and most in Germany or the other cucked as fuck Euro nations, too)

Wilson should be fucking killed.

Throw his niglet in a trash compactor first, though.

Worst traitor in recent memory

I nominate Rick Wilson for first to hang

Traitors die before enemies

>tape drops
>30 years old
>Trump is not visible on it
>voice doesn't sound like Trump
>says something extremely trivial
>"what he actually meant by this was (...)"
>"also have another rape victim from 20 years ago"