What's taking so long for her return?

What's taking so long for her return?

Probably tangentially related to what's taking the show so long to return.

What's the point of her character?


Tumblr pandering.
Pearl learning to not love someone for how it looks, but for the weight of its actions.

I would really like to see the character portrayed as an awful person just to make pearl understand that.

that pearl can move on...
by latching onto someone that reminds her of her old one.

basically, nothing unless they add something to it. odds are she'll get CW'ed and everything is resolved offscreen.

Is she even a lesbian?

Plot twist, it's a rose quartz that escaped and has been living on earth since then.

Is it wrong if I would her just to spite Pearl?

Everyone says this, but I would piss straight up in the air if this happened. It's too... whatever it is for me to like it.

The Crewniverse fear enraging the fandom

How would they do that? They just need to make her a good character and that's that.

Because shes a fucking shit character that should be left forgotten as to not wedge into the OTP that is greg/pearl

Lacking in consequences for the actions taken by the characters?

It's very difficult to please a fandom by trying to appeal to them directly, if you mess up one tiny detail they go crazy.

Bro did you see her outfit

Bruh I'm too busy looking at that midriff.

More along the lines of "stopping any Pearl development and her getting over Rose".
Then don't.
>crop top
>lip ring
>white guy stereotype shirt tied around waist
>black pants
>skinhead boots
She's all over the fucking place

No matter how they characterize her/what happens between her and Pearl, a part of the fandom will rage

Appearing in the first place was a mistake. The only reason she exists is for even more "muh Rose"

She exists as a stepping stone for Pearl to start interacting with ordinary humans in a meaningful way and a plot device to show off/bring back her rebellious side.

Plus tits


>being /fa/ is is to be a gay stereotype now
Is it? I've never been to /fa/.


I don't know, but they need to hurry the fuck up. I need more fap fuel.

she's pretty great

Died in a motorcycle accident.

Give me one reason to believe she isn't a Rose Quartz

That would involve plot.

she didn't immediately have a panic attack when she saw the gems
she has done something other than laze about or smash things

Maybe she was a late bloomer like Amethyst and didn't pop out until the Gems were long gone. Could also explain why she is noticably shorter than Rose

>What's taking so long for the show's return?
ftfy OP.

that would mean she's a scumbag to her son, her baby daddy (not married) and her friends.

dammit. didn't notice the 'a'

misread that as

>she isn't Rose Quartz

my bad

that still doesn't explain her behavior
she very clearly doing things that aren't very Rose Quartz
we know where Rose Quartz is, she's right there, on Steven's stomach

>I don't like this character because she is a threat to my OTP
kill you're self

When is the show returning? Tomorrow?

like i said, i misread the line.

i've encountered people who believe she really is rose (somehow) before (usually some sort of amnesia excuse).

Nothing. She was just a throw away character and that's all. Good riddance.

Anonymous I think you mean deweyxpearl:^)

has there even been that many episodes since she showed up? this show barely exists

She's probably a human that had died and Rose Quartz revived with her tears, we already know that when that happens your hair and general palette turns pink and this fits this chracter.

It's been 22 episodes since LOOoBC.

She isn't since there are only two trees (Lars and Lion) in the portalscape and Mystery Girl's skin ain't pink.

Rose Quartz/human hybrid?

Dyed hair.

to show us that pearl is a thirsty dyke


Steven was thinking of dying his hair pink

Steven universe lips look like trash man, it ruins every character that has them.

She was a one off meme

She will comeback as Greg's new girlfriend.

>it keeps happening