HuffPo going full retard

Are their staffers having mental breakdowns over the FBI restarting its Clinton investigation? Their articles and headlines are off the charts insane. Is HuffPo finally kill?

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They get paid Saudi bucks to proselytise Islam. It's a standard thing.

>fucking kids is pro feminism

we've come full circle

Remember that old muslim story about Muhammad fighting against the wage gap?

It's a tabloid similar to breitbart but with the polar opposite content.

wtf i love lolis now

Link or it didn't happen

They're doubling down hard on their shattered bullshit worldview.

so how many death threats did they get for slandering the prophet?

Muhammad literally fucked a 9 year old.



Well, it is true that Muhammad's view on gender was more progressive than Arab society at the time. I suspect they're spinning that.

>Jesus had royal lineage
>Pedo Warlord was just poor oppressed dude in touch with his feminine side

What am i reading lmao

>Huffington banner
>See ridiculous, borderline nonsequitur of a headline

Seems about right. Not even phased anymore. Im sure the author believed everything (((she))) wrote too.



Honestly? I know Breitbart is hella biased, but even they're not as shitty as huffpo


It's true Muhammad made Jesus look like Pol Pot

nice try

Really made me think.


>he set rules for hitting your wife
>said women shouldn't make financial decisions
>stated that men should act like men and women should act like women
>once called these two women stupid whores pretty much

>Direct linking.

>The prophet Muhammad would be appalled by how current Islamic Fundamentalists are treating women under their control. This suppression is done in the name of Islamic Law, known as Sharia. But the current suppression of women is shaped by cultural and history. It has little basis in the Quran and it is certainly not consistent with anything we know about what Muhammad taught or how he treated women. Of all the founders of the great religions - Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Islam and Judaism — Muhammad was easily the most radical and empowering in his treatment of women. Arguably he was history’s first feminist.

>Among the founders of the great religions, Confucius barely mentioned women at all and assumed in all his teachings that they we subordinate to men within a patriarchal order. Buddha taught that women could become enlightened but had to be pressured three times before allowing women to become nuns, and then only on the condition, as he put it, that the highest nun would be lower than the lowest monk. In the Gospel accounts, Jesus did not explicitly comment on the status of women, although he did associate with women of ill repute and with non Jewish women. Moses was thoroughly patriarchal and there is virtually nothing in the Torah that indicates specific concern about women’s rights.

>Muhammad was fundamentally different. He both explicitly taught the radical equality of women and men as a fundamental tenet of true spirituality, and he took numerous concrete measures to profoundly improve the status and role of women in Arabia during his own lifetime. Muhammad was sensitized to the plight of women because he was born poor and orphaned at a very early age. He was also illiterate. He knew as few did what poverty and social exclusion meant.

When pedophilia is talked of in a positive light is when I start marching the streets I swear to god. Did you hear about Tim Farron saying kids should be advised to be sex workers by careers advisers? It starts with sexualizing the kids and ends with decriminalizing the predators. It's obviously being talked about by fringe nut jobs atm but muh Overton window.

This shit makes me scared of having a daughter.

They are. You're just a biased partisan yourself.

Has breitbart written anything as stupid as "Muhammad is a feminist?" Serious question.

Muslims getting culturally enriched lol

Top kek go on huffpost. They're losing their fucking minds.

When this dude was around women were essentially goats on two feet. By today's standards he'd be ass backwards, in the 7th century he was progressive. The article is still bonkers though.





So is this guy a muslim now or what? Clearly muhammad is just so fucking enlightened, better start praying to a rock 5 times a day.

god, how can by anyone so full of shit? fucking lefties
sometimes i wish we had warhammer 40k inquisition

Children baked like dough, a story entirely based on bullshit and used by other tabloids

One could also call out the bullshit and half-trusts breitbart spouts about Trump but it would only trigger the userbase here.

It's all clickbait anyway so it's really not worth any discussion.

>Did you hear about Tim Farron saying kids should be advised to be sex workers by careers advisers?
why haven't you stalked him and beaten him to death in an alley yet?

holy shit, how the fuck is huffpost taken seriously?

You literally have to know nothing of the subject or willfully ignorant.

That wasn't Farron, but Lib Dem Councillor Dennis Parsons

Can't seem to find an article with the recording of him saying the stuff though anymore. shame.

If I were to run some libtard site even though I'm not a leftist I would have some fucking limits and fire this retard asap

But he married her when she was 6. He waited until she was 9. He's not a monster.


You know you fucked up when even the radical liberals in the comments section are calling out this bullshit with actual quotes from the Koran.

Yeah he was all for a woman's right to be fucked as early as possible.

I just laughed so hard, I think the boner I had from watching porn just grew another 2in

Thanks, Wiener.

i wanna be a feminist just like him and marry a 9 year old

>literally bashes the Torah and Moses

Pretty sure it was the Sauds.

I had a guy on facebook tell me that Hillary has a 99% chance of a landslide and that Trump has no real policy, then when I tell him specific policies of his he tells me he's nonpartisan and that I'm wrong. LOL the denial is strong with this one


i don't think any other year will be this hilarious

>Children baked like dough
But we've actually seen the ISIS videos, so baking people doesn't seem too ridiculous.

how do you know what their headlines are? fucking kill yourself faggot. im being serious.

This headline should be our new Sup Forums banner 2bh

Muhammed was a strong independent jewish woman of color

Lolis are not kids.

yeah it is true

he loved women so much he only waited till they were 9 before he started raping them

Then what are they?


Tell me the family, genus, and age demographic you think they belong to or I will clench so hard that the earth is split in two.

Hetero sapiens
2D perfection
Age 9001

The huffingpaint post strikes again

The Vagina monologues are literally about a feminist raping a young girl. So, yeah, pretty much.

you mad?

By these standards Sup Forums is a femi-nazi.

>One could also call out the bullshit and half-trusts breitbart spouts about Trump
Go on then

>The Huffington Post
Is it real. Thought it is a online satire blog.

rip huffpo staff