OH No, Sup Forums!

>It's shit


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is it shit because it wasnt created in your childhood, when it COULD have been not shit?

I didn't know this would be a field trip into the trash!

At my old school, animation and character design meant something.

that artstyle is revolting

Great. So now EVERYTHING looks like a decent newgrounds cartoon without the swears and charm.

Why did they replace Ms. Frizzle with her sister? Did Lily Tomlin not want to voice a whole series and they didn't want to recast original Frizzle's voice?

I mean it's not like the original had super great animation or anything, but this just looks kind of... weird. Wasn't it supposed to be 3D? I feel like I remember reading that somewhere

Backlash and common sense probably made them renege on that. It was also probably a decision made to cheapen production, as the current animation style looks cheap as fuck too.

At least with the original animation, it didn't look super cheap.

Also I think it was supposed to be CG. Not sure why they felt the need to change it over to lazy-looking Flash animation however.

Meh, i'm just sitting here. Waiting for all the lesbian incest porn that this could unleash.

Anyone else find it surreal we live in an age where adults have more sway over a cartoon than actual kids?

Who cares about the Magic School Bus anymore?

This animation makes me think of those weird youtube videos the viewspammers make

Flash was a fucking MISTAKE.

>no octopus in the neighborhood

this post is best post

Kids don't give a fuck and they'll watch anything.
However, adults give too much of a fuck about these shows and should be ignored to a point.

How fucking hard is it to do some fucking art design with Toon Boom cut out animation. Why do all these Toon Boom cut out shows look so fucking terrible.

I know it's cheap, I get that, but you can really do a lot of simple shit to push the quality of a show like this.

>first season features a 31 flavors of genders episode

Mark my fucking words.

Yeah, right now is not a good time for reboots of beloved properties.


>That monster hunter combination sound effect at 00:20
I swear I've heard it in Rick and Morty too

>Lily Tomlin's voice

yes, there's clearly no difference in animation quality or anything

Please tell me I'm not the only one to hear it as "Take your sad ass back to Mars."

I hope the kids like it, at least

Nostalgia-blinded "90s kids". Look at any of the reboots of 80s/90s properties that have happened in the last few years. They aren't aimed at kids, they're made for people who were kids back then.

I wouldn't blame her

In the orginal, I mean.

I don't know; I kinda like it.

>implying SJWism will ever fade
I weep for future media.

Then you're just kinda a faggot.