Why does Trump appeal so much to subhuman low-IQ trailer trash?

Why does Trump appeal so much to subhuman low-IQ trailer trash?

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Because they haven't been taught how to think

>An Aussie and a Leaf walk into a thread


By that logic, niggers will hardcore nationalists and Asians super liberal.

Put let me see you figure out why, i will give you time to think about the logic here. Shill.

Hey guys what's going on in this thre-

What is this supposed to show?

this, they are not uneducated, they are non-miseducated

you're poor

>Dems claim to be party of the poor and low class


Read Art of the Deal

But some guy just posted a graph showing that Drumpf supporters aren't that poor...

The problem here is that having a BA in African American women's studies or Muslim art history technically counts as having a degree, while all the trump voters who went to trade school and make $80k a year count as non college educated

only dumb poorfags love hillary

oh shit CTRs are back , ahahaha good because it's phase 2 already you faggots are late AF.

How do I become rich without going to college?

>a leaf

Also academia is completely liberal. Grad school makes you liberal or makes you have to hide your conservatism. Even moreso now than 10 years ago.
t. university professor

If you look at the analytics, Trump is behind with college graduates but ahead with high-income wage earners

Which indicates that these are not the same people in each group
really makes you think

asians don't understand that they are regarded as subhuman by white supremacists

niggers are co-opted by their lack of work ethic / dependence on dem programs

any other questions?

Why does Clinton appeal so much to subhuman low-IQ niggers?

Modern Democrat party is the Urban Elites, "whole food shoppers", "kale eaters", with pandering to the urban rabble(brown people and special snowflakes), trying to convince the suburban and rural people that their expensive ideas work. That it will make everything better, and they'll take their own elite selves to pay for it.

The left are fucking mental. I've long since given up trying to follow their mental gymnastics.

The left in this country openly mock working class people who complain about immigrants taking their jobs.


I think the working classes are starting to realise that the left aren't on their side any more

We are buy lowly goy performers in the all powerful Jewish architecht's master plan

I doubt you're actually a professor but on the off chance that you actually are can you explain the massive cancer that is Marxism in the system? Why is it so prolific and are you at risk of losing your job purely for going against whatever the rhetoric of the week is?

>not falling for a blatant Jewish scam makes you subhuman low-iq trailer trash.

Thanks for the input faggot leaf

North Koreans with High IQs believe North Korea is best Korea. Therefore being for North Korea makes you smart.

Why are Hillary supporters to stupid or ignorant to see her blatant corruption?

but blacks and latinos vote overwhelmingly democrat?

>open an business
>do capitalism until you're making millions
>buy competitors

Because the high-IQ trash live in shithole cities and wear stupid clothes. They are the reason for the destruction of the family in the United States.

Next question, CTR.


They actually want to vote republican, but they're not cucks who would vote for a party who thinks they're subhuman.

Trump wants to preserve the aryan masterrace.

Hillary wants to help illegal spics.

If your white and Voting Hillary you are wasting your whiteness.

>99% of them are either niggers/spics or took gender studies
''White men'' already implicates intellectual capacity far beyond those of libfags and niggers


t. EE summa nigger

>Using a computer and the internet (devices developed by universities) to shit on universities.


Do you honestly think that flipping hamburgers (or whatever mindnumbingly dull shit you do for work) has been better critical thinking training than an institution that purposfully trains people to think?

lmao when you're that poor you'll believe anything

the trains people to think meme LMFAO
Yea trains u to think like a fucking Marxist retard

>Trump wants to preserve the aryan masterrace.

That's why all of his kids married kikes right?

>anonymous never attended college, much less graduated
>echo chamber has essentially convinced him that gender studies comprises 70% minimum of all college graduates
Trump is for morons and so he is your candidate.

Do you regret your gender studies degree yet?

>IQ directly correlates to college

No, this is what we call privilege ;)


Oh, its this again. Arent all the low iq nigs and spics voting for hillary?

Rich people are mostly Republican.
People with lower educations are mostly Republican.

See the trend?

Democrats are mostly overeducated people who can't land jobs. They spent 8 years in college and came out with zero real world skills. They are unemployable and angry about it.

Republicans took 2 years of college or less, realized they don't need any of that to be successful and started either a well paying job in a tradeskill or started their own business or became self-taught software developers making $100k plus (like me), etc.

Democrats are over-educated failures.
Republicans are proportionally educated successes.

I thought the left was all about getting people into college??????


Because our economy heavily favors those who are more intelligent and more educated. We are no longer living in a society where you can be middle class with a physical labor career or job. You have to use your brain to make money these days.

>you tell me

PhD candidate in Applied Linguistics.
Full scholarship at Australia's best university.
Free international travel to attend conferences.
$80 ph for the few hours I lecture per week.
In 2 years I'll be a postdoc (~80k) a few years after that I'll be a professor (~100k).

Exactly this. College forces leftist bullshit on young and impressionable people. I went to college at an older age so I was able to see right through all that bullshit.

wow, you have a degree in chicano studies. you're so much better than non-college educated whites! :^)
leftards are the reason why western universities are a joke after their (((long march through the institutions))) thanks to boomer faggots/soixante-huit'ers.

>People with lower educations are mostly Republican.

blacks overwhelmingly vote Democrat.

Highschool dropout detected.

>We are no longer living in a society where you can be middle class with a physical labor career or job.
what shit hole do you live in?
I make a 100k a year with just a highschool degree working a physical labor job
I'll be retied at the age for 56 btw, with a pension about 6k a month.

Yeah that's the other half of the Democratic party.

The first half are useless, over-educated ivory tower types.

The second half are useless black people and Latinos with no education who vote Democrat purely because of their total reliance on government welfare.

Trump is promising to bring jobs to black communities and I honestly don't think that plan is going to work. Too many of them would literally rather accept whatever the government will give them (child welfare for the women and "disability" for the men).

I'm a fucking socialist and I support trump over Clinton every day ever.

They don't vote though.

I'm a grad student who's spent time at some top schools. Most people at top universities aren't even Americans. The ones who are generally don't know a thing about actual politics and are whiny liberals. Try talking to any of them about why they won't vote for Trump and see if they can actually talk about policy or if they just recite facebook and occupy democrat memes.

Stop equating proficiency in one field with broad spanning knowledge of politics and economics.

I made my little sister lick my taint! LOL faggot kike hail hitler

that's because education has nothing to do with intelligence

(((Education))) =\= IQ

Funny how nobody whines about the dumb fucking niggers supporting Hillary.

>white men without college degrees

the "votards" who took vocational trade skills training in high school and now have skills that actually have value in the real world and don't have 30k worth of student debt for a generic business or marketing degree.

my friend it is more that he appeals to people who are not cucked in the brain

brain cucking is when your opinion of your self worth gets progressively more inflated than your actual worth

you begin to convince yourself that because you have x or because you've done x it makes you more qualified and more intelligent than other people

and then you start to think your opinion matters more and their opinion matters less

and once you find a group of other cuck-minded individuals, you begin to feed off each other in a perpetual chain-cuck reaction and we eventually end up with the liberal left

>i'm university educated
>i have a degree
>anyone who doesnt agree with me probably only has high school education
>you'd have to be a moron to agree with

and so on.

really it's all about intelligence. the problem with the liberal left is that they think they are a whole lot smarter than they actually are, and the confirmation bias attributed by the massive cuck circle jerking that ensues whenever they gather in large numbers just exacerbates the issue.

the liberal left needs to remember that knowledge has no correlation with intelligence.

having a "higher" education doesnt make you any smarter than anyone else

and being "informed" is just another cuck term for "agreeing with what i agree with"

please learn to check yourself before you cuck yourself.

Yes, yes leaf HOWEVER

The pecking order at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder

>sub human white niggers

Can you guess why trailer trash is for Trump? Everyone but the white niggers get diversity benefits.


because Democrats need 90% of the black vote to win, it's strategy

When your major is Womens studies, yeah, yeah it does.

satan confirm. time to drop out, boys

White people should be gassed.

Until you get Enron'd

But how many of the people with college degrees that support Hillary have degrees in Gender studies, liberal studies, art , etc etc and how many are actual educated people?

I dont know.So Leaf, now that youre all gooks do you eat the same dogs you fuck or try not to become sexually attracted to gour dinner?

>Why does Trump appeal so much to subhuman low-IQ trailer trash?

To become slave to the banks for the rest of your life because you bought worthless
lady degree from academic feminism is a sign of high-IQ then?
You know this CTR job is soon over and is not paying that many shekels to begin with.

Really? more like
>Feminist kike studies with a focus of intersectional tv roles
>been to the other side of the island
>Barista two room mates, Jonas and Chen
>in two year Jonas and Chen will be married
>A few years after that I will suicide by Roo.

you misunderstand. the vast majority of all college graduates have meme degrees, like psychology or some other social science. these never pay well. The minority of college grads who vote Trump are those who earn well, and thus have a degree which requires some semblance of intelligence, like STEM. big fucking deal that women studies graduates vote Clinton right?

You only got a part of it.

>all other Brown people
>Union workers
> Uneducated white males in the northeast

The most useless party looking down on Republicans because they don't look forward to the white genocide.

>le womens studies maymay
OK, you're smarter than the tiny portion of college students who study liberal arts

What about the rest of them?

Being smarter than a nigger doesn't make you smart, niggers.

>we need to support poor blacks and immigrants
>lol fuck poor uneducated white people
t. liberals

I think your post may be proof that OP knows what he's talking about.

Donald Trump is a mix of what you wish your father was like and what your stepdad is actually like.

Two things

First, OP is always and will never not be, a faggot.

Second, only brainwashed useful idiots that have been shuffled through the propaganda mills you cucks call schools are voting for her.

I dropped out of college because is was a fucking show. I'm married, two children, own a Corporation and am making more money than you could ever dream of.

Eat more dick you CTR cunt licking gut-whore.


First post is best post.






But at least you have the emotional, shrieking feminazi college girls and the affirmative action college Mexicans and blacks on your side :^)

Where do I play that game?


I wonder what would happen if we tested the demographics of uneducated women, uneducated blacks, etc.

Fuck outta here.


Haha, I mean Trump. So hard to confuse these things. But like I said, at least you have all the ghetto dwellers.

your reality is a lie post pepes to save the future

time travel


rarer the butter

>Train people to think....

I think you misspelled it:
Higher Education unless in a highly technical field, is just Marxist indoctrination... having a BA in liberal arts or some bullshit like that doesn't make you smarter

>in June

stay fucked

>dems clame to be the party for the poor, non white, and for sharing
>they steal, beat up, call people names, and ruin the lifes of anyone who dissagrees with them

Are you a black, or a woman upset by Trump's words?

thats the stupidest thing ive ever read

You are subhuman low IQ trash

you're stupid subhuman low IQ trailer trash who cant thing


you're very stupid uneducated enjoy being subhuman

>Getting 30k student debt for a Business degree so that you can finally get that MCdonalds management position where you will slowly die inside each day as you are supposed to make the least motivated, dumbest and subhuman people work as your corporate overlords intended

>Why does Trump appeal so much to subhuman low-IQ trailer trash?

Because he is subhuman low-IQ trailer trash himself.

At the other extreme: Bill Gates.

Because the intelligentsia has been brain washed and indoctrinated into cuckery by the media driven by some very dark forces.

Brain washing the intelligentsia first makes perfect sense, they are the ones who ultimately shape culture. This is why it is essential that change happens soon, if it doesn't the depravity and immorality will trickle down to the proles and at that stage we will be blind to what's going on around us.