It's the genius black girl!!

It's the genius black girl!!

Oh look!

It is white blonde kid with the powers of a god!

I sincerely don't remember this trope, Billy Batson is brunette, and so is Superman. Sentry?

Thor, other captain marvel


Neither one is a blond kid. is retarded

But Jane Foster is brunette, well, bald now

No, The original thor.

What is this? The 90s?


But he was a God. Not merely had the powers of one

>Moon-boy is the smartest in his era.
>Moon-girl is the smartest in her era.

A white guy with super strength would've been better.

Franklin Richards, I think

>Moon-girl is the smartest in her era.

Nonsense, Doom loves smart children.


Human Children user, not apes...

Now, You are making things up. Doom loves animals.

you already fucked it up retard

Pet Animals. He wouldn't let a monkey masquerade as human...

Doom treats everything equal underneath his feet. He know what it is like to be different.

Well, I don't like him but... Alpha, that shit created by Slott

And Star Brand, thank god Alpha has been almost forgotten.

If shes so smart why is she crippled?

If she fixed her legs, people would expect her to get out of the chair, and it's a really comfy chair.

You know I don't care about that but I care about using shitty 90's tropes like HAHA TREX LMAO fuck get with the time

Also dont go hobbiz wuz black dont change established canon

Die Götter sind weiß.

Sez you.



Doom is above all, and everyone below him is equally inferior.

If you think you are above anyone, you are affronting him too

Doom's also a crazy Dictator who keeps Latveria looking like a Medieval village. If you think his "Islam is a Race" caricature is the canon character, then you're mistaken. The moment he takes over the world everybody's going to become a """honorary""" Latverian. He most definitely perceives some people/cultures superior to others. It's just that he himselfis superior to everything, period.